• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Glory in war


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2019
@TheWise @Harlems369th
I think it's time to change way of giving glory from war.
Absolutely is unfair to be just on leaderboard position of team.
It should be by power of team what u use for matchmaking.
Also you need some improvements on matchmaking.

We just got a team with 20 drone/info ranked below 500(before in top 20) against our 8 drone/info, 5 space and 7mix global,atomic,industrial. And by now glory sistem we are favourite in that match with possibility to won 30 glory and loosing almost 300 glory just becouse glory sistem is not good.
Normally it should be reverse, we loose 30 and to won almost 300.

Recently you "punish" some inactive alliances and now they are back and punishing other alliances with stealing big amount of glory. Same like they did before but now you make them even easier with cutting glory.

So definitely you need to change how glory is calculated for war to make it fair.

If you make it by strength of team you will not have like those teams going in small alliance to steal glory from alliance on top of leaderbord.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
It’s always the same bunch of people doing this, they are the scum of Domination players. Might be a solution to change glory calculation.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2019
If it's by power of team than those teams will never change to low-ranked team becouse they will get 30 glory anyway.

This type of glory based on leaderboard position must be changed