Good bye.

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
I've played this game for 11 months, and actually enjoyed it most of that time. I've tried to post on topics that I thought would in some small way improve this game...but today is the day I say good bye to this game.

Overnight it appears that Nexon has increased the cost of crowns, at least for Australian players. 500 crowns are $7.99, were $6.49... 1200 crowns are $14.99, were $12.99.... the increase continues across all crown packages. Why has this increase been put in place? Has the game been dramatically improved? Have they eliminated hackers? It's insulting when there are so many bases present in this game, which have been built with hacked they want to make fair players pay more.

After 11 months of playing I see no improvement, no attempt to seriously address hacking, weird and inconsistent censorship applied on these forums, and a reluctance for the game developers to listen or engage with paying customers. Instead they add features no one wants, remove features that everyone likes and nerf troops left right and centre.

The game is now too expensive, takes too long to upgrade at the Industrial Age (anything longer than 4 days is too long...but upgrades that take 2 weeks are excessive), and the battles are repetitive. It's boring being attacked by a mighty army of 6 wall miners and a spawn of raiders...those sorts of raids are symptomatic of a weak game design.

I did a raid today, my 3 tanks blasted away at a maxed up empty wall, couldn't be moved by two rallies and got destroyed by 3 horse defenders. I didn't like the way my raid was going so I hard-closed this game to keep my 39 medals. Do Nexon game developers even play this game?

Anyway, the game is simply not fun to play anymore....Enough is enough, I'm out.

Good luck to all the other forum posters, you guys are by and large a likeable bunch.

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
'Another one bites the dust'

Adios amigo.

It's only a matter of time before we all run headlong into the same brickwall repeatly.. and decide to stop doing it.

GBP crown prices are still the same, but then again £3.99 = AUD$8.44 anyway.


Approved user
Jun 1, 2015
Sorry to see you go, Aussi Guy. Perhaps you'll be tempted to come back later on.

I have two accounts with slightly different prices. Perhaps it's due to the value of a single crown depending on age.

Main account (Apple):


2nd account (Android and lower age):


Not sure why the mound of crowns is more expensive on the 2nd account.

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
Could be the AppStore is UK VAT @ 20% and GoogleStore is in Luxembourg/Dublin/Moon where VAT is less - about 17.5%.


Approved user
Mar 31, 2015
euro prices are the same, maybe a different rate ? they are calculated from us dollars

Anyway, sad to see you go Aussie guy, I think many will follow the coming weeks, especially after the 2.5 nerf....


Approved user
Jun 9, 2015
Hi, stay longer lah, see how first, no need to rush what. Anyway, you guys suffer such high vat!! Mine only 7% and we already complain government


Hi folks! The price of Crowns in the store is set by Apple/Google - we tell them what the US value is, and they do the conversion automatically. As there have been no changes on our end, this is a change in the conversion rate of Apple/Google. Unfortunately, we have no control over conversion rates.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Could we request that Nexon add control of conversion rates to the next release? I have some underperforming investment accounts I'd be interested to convert into crowns ;)


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
This is the straw that broke the camels(aussies) back. He was already burned out because of the other issues and lack of progress

Ive seen some improvements in cheaters getting banned. But close app, broken peace treaty, lack of returning army, lack of alliance wars is burning people out

Nathan Win

Approved user
Apr 13, 2015
I can see your frustration Aussie, especially you have committed your time and effort over 10 months without seeing major improvements and consistency. You made many contributions, and most of us will miss your posts on the forum. Good luck to you.


Approved user
Jun 18, 2015
Sad sad day. You were a rare voice of reason on these forums.

But hey, you can always lurk these forums for LOLZ like I do. 😄


Approved user
Jun 1, 2015
I'm located in England, Ironangel, so the accounts are connected to the UK app stores.


Approved user
Oct 2, 2015
As far as I'm concerned, the main issue with the game is that over 2600 medals you find no opponents to attack most of the time... What fun is a game if you have to wait 10 minutes to be able to play?
I'm surprise it's not mentioned more in here.


Approved user
Feb 18, 2015
Hi Aussie Guy

We have not chatted for a long time. I was around in Beta and remember when you were at the top of the leader boards and Sioux was the most outspoken person on the forums.

I quit a long time ago because of the bugs and cheats. However, I still enjoy reading the forums to see what is going on in the game. The only reason I am posting now is because I think you are making a mistake.

Iron Angel is correct and the increased cost of gems was an Apple issue not a Nexon/BHG issue. My main game is clash of clans and there were lots of ticked off Aussie clashers on the Supercell forum yesterday too.

If you want to quit then do it because you have lost interest in the game. Don't do it for something that was not Nexons fault. It would be a shame to see you go though because you are the last old timer still playing and you are a valuable member of the community.

Nexon has made important improvements to the game. Although it might have been too little too late. Sioux used to be on these forums everyday telling them the cheaters would ruin the game. Unfortunately they banned him and went global way before the game was ready.

Reading your post also made me remember when dbukalski was a Noob and he annoyed the hell out of everyone spamming the forums asking technical questions about Wonders that no one knew the answers too. I can't believe he is now one of the top global players. Congrats dbukalski!

Anyway, I have said what I came to say. I am sure you will see this Aussie Guy. You are too adicted to quit cold turkey. You might want to give the game one more chance before you delete it for good.

Later forumers, good luck on your raids! And, good luck to you Aussie Guy whatever you decide to do!


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
Sorry to see you go Aussie guy. I think we've all been feeling what you're feeling and wonder why we are spinning our wheels in this game waiting for it to meet it's full potential. You've been waiting longer than most of us. And waking up to a price increase (no matter what the source) must have been a real slap in the face. So leaving the game is perfectly understandable. I'm still holding out hope for a little longer that things will turn around and if it does I hope you come back and play with us. 😊


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
The fact that apple/google charge according to conversion rates is a poor excuse Ironangel. Crowns are an ''in-app'' purchase - it is reasonable therefore for people to expect Nexon to control/set the price. The fact that you now tell us you don't is very bad form.
I was willing to limit myself to a minor monthly budget for crowns but this type of buck-passing leaves a bad taste. Luckily for me I'm mid lA already so l certainly won't be spending any more purely on principle.
Sorry to see you go Aussieguy - hope we still hear from you from time to time.

Hunter Killer

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
Sad to see you go Aussie Guy. Who's going to know all the history of the forum now and be the link with the new generation? Like you were the top player when dbuk was just a noob :)

In a way I would have understood you quit because of cheaters, no opponents, broken peace treaties etc... But it's a shame to leave on an increase in crown prices.

I also noticed the increase in Aussie dollar prices because I'm actually Australian as well, living in Sydney :). But it's really a minor thing compared to the rest of the issues. And if you don't buy crowns, it doesn't matter anyway.

Having started with the beta release, I would expect your base to be well advanced and you wouldn't need any crowns to speed up upgrades.

Anyway, it's a decision I respect because I'm thinking about it sometimes too. But I'm nobody, I may be gone as fast as I came. You're different, you're one of the founding fathers of the forum community. So you belong here! Hope you'll still play casually and hang around a while longer.