• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.



Approved user
Dec 23, 2014
Government System

I would like to suggest government system. Government is vital to every nation and I will discuss how this system will be impeccable to the Dominations gameplay.

Government types will unlock a series of bonuses with drawbacks to some. Every nation/player can only have 1 government type initially to choose from. Once you hit Enlightenment Age and Level 90 you can have 2 combinations of government system. This government type will also diversify more to those have similar nation such as Chinese Capitalist Communism, French Feudalistic Federation, English Constitutional Monarchy, Japanese Pacifist Dictatorship, players imagination is the only limit. You can access governments in Revolution tabs at Town Centers or Nexon developers could provide a separate building for governing body system. Every change in government will cost 300 to 600 crowns but you can get a free government change by going Anarchy for 7 days.

Government Types Age and Level Requirements

Medieval Age / Level 30

Anarchy - no bonus / you can freely change your government type after 7 days of anarchy without spending a crown.
*Monarchy - gain 25 crowns everyday and increase building speed of wonders by 10% but 1 Citizen will be Oppressed
*Empire - 15% decrease in cost of forest expansion and 5% chance finding diamond in combat but 1 Citizen will be Oppressed
Republic - +1 or 2 citizens
Chiefdom - increase 3% chance in finding cider, metal, furs, and leather and decrease gathering time by 10%.

Gunpowder Age / Level 60

Technocratic - 10% decrease on research cost in library and armory but also decreases blessing effectiveness by -3%
Theocratic- 5% increase in blessing effectiveness but increases the research time in library and armory by 10%
*Colony - 15% chance finding ciders and metals but 2 Citizen will be Oppressed
*Confederacy - 15% chance finding leather and furs but 2 Citizen will be Oppressed
*Aristocracy - 5% chance finding diamonds in gold mines but 2 Citizen will be Oppressed.
*Feudalism - +1 cavalry max population on every stable but -50% on farm food collection and -5% finding ciders 2 Citizens will be Oppressed.
*Communism - +2 defender max population on every garrison but -50% on caravans and road networks gold collection and -5% finding metals 2 Citizens will be Oppressed.

Enlightenment Age / Level 90 (2 Government Types will be Available)

*Dictatorship - On attack and defense generals have +5% health regeneration ticks every 3 seconds but 3 Citizens will be Oppressed.
*Fascism - +1 tactic but -50% on oil production and 2 Citizens will be Oppressed.
Federalism - +3 from troop donation and -50% decrease in time for donation calls.
Capitalism - 10% increase in vault interest rates and 50% increase in both gold and food collection and 25% increase in oil production.

Industrial Age / Level 120

*Oligarchy - 100% increase in oil production but 3 Citizens will be Oppressed.
*Totalitarian - increase +15 troop space but lessen peace duration by 75% or cannot use peace treaties and 3 Citizens will be Oppressed.
Pacifism - decrease 15 troop space but doubles the duration of peace treaties and increase 3% chance in finding cider, metal, furs, and leather and +1 mercenary capacity.
Constitutional - combining this government type with another will cease all the drawbacks and oppression of the other government. E.g. Constitutional Dictatorship will retain bonus of 5% health general regen and no oppression or Constitutional Totalitarian means +15 troop space and you can now use peace treaties and no more oppression. This government type can only be combine marked by the asterisk (*).
Absolute - combining this government type with another will strengthen all government bonuses and drawbacks. E.g Absolute Dictatorship will increase its bonus from 5% health regen to 10% but it also doubles it oppression by 3 Citizens to 6 Citizens or Absolute Totalitarian will increase its bonus from 15 to 25 but is also doubles its oppression from 3 Citizens to 6 Citizens. This government type can only be combine marked by the asterisk (*).

Glossary Notes:

Oppressed - means you're citizens will not available for work. If 2 Citizen are Oppressed with the population of 10 then total available workers will be 8/10.

Oppression and Rebellion

Now that you learned about different government types now I'm going to explain the application of the Oppression and Rebellion system in play with our Government System.

As you have noticed, some of the government do have an oppressive policy where citizen were unable to yield contributions to the nation. Oppressed citizens will try to rebel your government and force it into the Anarchy. The nation or player's job is to quell this rebellion to maintain your desired government.

Oppression Bar and Base Percentage

Let say for example your a Greek nation under a Dictatorship system with a population of 10. Dictatorship system involves 2 Oppressed Citizens means you got only 8 spare citizens to do national jobs. We will introduce the Oppression bar. This bar will determine the chances of your citizen to incite a rebellion via percentage from 0% to 100%. Oppression Bar default or base percentage in our example is 20%, it's determined by the ratio of total population vs numbers of oppressed citizen. So if you're running in a Republic your base will be 0%.

How the Oppression Bar increases and decreases?

Oppression Bar can increases when there are more busy/used citizens than free citizens. For example, again the Greek Dictatorship have been upgrading its Town Center which cost 4 Citizens. As you have noticed there now more busy citizens over free citizen by 6 vs 4 at total of 10 [4 for Town Center, 2 Oppressed and 4 Free]. Now for each succeeding hour the oppression bar will increase by 0.5%, so in 1 day it would increase by 12%. So if we add up the base oppression of Dictatorship 20%+12% then in 1 day it would increase to 32%. This would also mean that being a government without oppressive traits doesn't save you from rebellion.

The only way to decrease Oppression Bar is to let half of your citizen loose. So for example, again our Greek Dictatorship cancel the upgrade progress of its Town Center in this case 2 vs 8 in total of 10 [2 Oppressed and 8 Free], oppression bar will decrease by 1% per hour until it reaches the base percentage of desired government which in our example would be 20%. It's also much faster to decrease oppression than to increase it.

As you have noticed it's really hard to maintain for example a Totalitarian Dictatorship with 6 Oppressed Citizen vs 4 Free in a population of 10 because oppression bar will always increase no matter what. Players may have a choice to increase its population by purchasing additional Houses so bear this in mind. This is the trade-offs the nations/players must engage with.

Developers can monetize this system by introducing Rebels Truce Scrolls for 24 hours or Rebel Bribery Scroll to lower base oppression to 0% in the forms of crowns. Developers can further monetize the system by selling additional Houses to quell population problems.

Revolt Chance

Every 24 hours there will be a chance that rebellion occurs via the percentage of current oppression bar from 0% to 100%. The more oppressive and relentless the government to its citizen to more chance it would try to incite a rebellion.

The Rebellion

If chance doesn't favor you there will a battle in which your base will be attacked by this rebels. AI troops that are similar to your upgrades will swamp randomly in the form of typical raid. The rebels don't have any access to rally points, tactics, blessing or generals. The only catch is there are numerous! The population of rebel army will determine also by your population.1 citizen = 20 troops space so in our example 10 citizen mean there will be a 200 troops! I will leave the troop composition for the developers to decide.

Revolt Conclusion

Rebel army can only succeed revolting on your government by winning 3 stars and above. If the rebel army were successful your government will automatically on Anarchy. You can choose to wait it out for 7 days or purchase crowns to speed things up. If however your base withstand this rebellion the oppression bar will automatically reduce to its base percentage.

Why suggest this? Why is this a good thing for both players and developers?
  • Citizen will be more useful adding demands on purchases for Houses both for new and veteran players.
  • Players will engage on pros and cons on building their nation thus adding more depth and variation.
  • Developers can easily monetize this concept using the F2P system.
  • Developers will notice that players would often want to engage in different types of government system to fit their needs. Such as government types for War, Economy, Raids or Defense.
  • Players in higher levels can use their idle citizenry in more subtle government system

Since this is just a suggestion I don't really expect this would be in game. I just hope the creative team would have hand-pick this and take ideas as a grain of salt.
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Approved user
Feb 24, 2015
Oh and I would like to agree with one of the previous posts. I do think alliances should be able to have a preferred government. My suggestion would be if the preferred governments was a republic as long as your government type includes republic you would not have a increase to rebels. Also I think a alliance should be able to set a disliked government type.

For instance a alliance that wars alot probably wouldn't like a pacifist government.

But if the preferred government is republic it would be fine to be combined with any other government type. (republic empire, capitalist republic, constitutional republic, etc)

Also if there is no preferred the majority would be used instead. So no alliance is left unaffected


Approved user
Dec 23, 2014

1. Combinations of government types aren't feel compatible to some areas, yes but
you noticed some real world government do same true? For example the Democratic
Republic government from all over the world they proclaimed them as a government of
people representative yet most of them used a form of dictatorship government.
Sometimes we can imagine it as a transiting government. In Ancient times,
Roman Republic born of out as an Empire or not in the distant past how Hitler made
a Republican government system into a Totalitarian government with it's own people applause and approval.
When you think about, Germany during World War 2 Era uses a Totalitarian Republic system.

2. I played also ALOT of political-strategy games namely Civ 4 and 5, Galactic Civilizations, Rise of Nations,
Democracy 3, Rome Total War, XCOM, etc.

3. Oppression system is where we monetized our system to help our developers. Let's take time to consider that
Nexon is run by a company and not a charity. Yeah even for me 7 days is way darn long wait time but we have to
mitigate and consider the possibility of player to use some crowns. Also bare in mind that government aren't
permanent bonuses this is why I introduced the oppression system. It's mean to be maintained.

4. Also to FroggyKilla government alliance or Federalism is one of the few good ideas so far. I will be working on the next Version
3.0 suggestion and I'm working on the math how should it be implemented. Also with this suggestion it will increase the
level of complexity of the system and with so much complexity our developers might abandon the suggestion at all.


Yeah I also do hope they implement this. In reality, nations without a government is sure to crumble. And yes, more variation is welcoming
especially to a more unpopular nation such as Chinese, Greeks and Japanese.

I thought that it should just be more on the personal level, why? Because I like to have the players to be free from other ideas. With this on mind players can freely address problems using different types of government on personal levels of concern. Example Alliance member 1 is getting shortages of furs and leathers while Alliance member 2 would like to beef up his military for a non-stop gameplay. Players can choose their government to one own liking without interfering others personal level of interest. Players should engage how they would like to govern territory to their own liking without consulting other nation (like U.N.). I believe it's better to have a fluidity among alliance member for experimentation of different types of government for what is good and bad for different scenarios.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2014
Morality Well I thought about that but it's complicated to add ​social security, justice, unemployment insurance, living conditions, animal rights, pensions, health care, social housing, family policy, social care, child protection, social exclusion, education policy, crime and criminal justice, urban development, etc.

Overall it's not feasible. Maybe you can try to elaborate how it would be added to the game?


Approved user
Dec 29, 2015
Do you play that mod for Civ 5 called Saga of Man? It has this feature with Magistrates that are expended to help Enact Decisions such as Tax Reforms and Spawning Great People. I was thinking of that as something to think about. But in this game, Magistrates would be generated if you consume Citizens (which respawn) to do some Elections or the like.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
So, even though it's unlikely BHG will develop any of these ideas RushSkies, it still sounds like the makings of a great story - a mammoth book titled ''The History Of the World Part 1''. Oh wait - that's been done. Maybe ''Part 2'' ??

Brilliant concept though - 10/10.


Approved user
Apr 10, 2015
I was thinking about it today, and I figured out a better system for the whole "alliance gov't" idea. Instead of increasing the bonus given, there are two other directions that this could take. The first is when the alliance gov't is picked, everyone automatically has that government. Once there are a certain number of members in an alliance, or the members have a high average level, then they get to pick one of the two modifiers, either constitutional or absolute if it has an asterisk, but if it doesn't, they can pick any of the other governments. Those in EA or IA who already get the 2nd government/modifiers can pick a 3rd. This is balanced as the alliance needs to pick a government they feel that they as a whole will enjoy, while also knowing that there are side effects to the government until one of the two thresholds are reached. This way, there is more communication and consensus throughout, and the strongest alliances in (actual) history usually were ones with nations of similar ideals/governments, and it makes since. An alliance gov't is optional, but if one is picked, than the alliance as a whole can get rewarded. It is then up to the individual alliances if they want to different, but individually strong, or together and stronger as a whole.


Approved user
Feb 24, 2015
Yeah I understand were you are coming from with you wanting people to pick freely and in reality you don't need to have a preferred and if a alliance does not like a type of government they can just say it in the description.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2014

I haven't played the mod. I'll try to play that mod if the luxury of
time gives me a chance :)


Yeah, I do also think it's unlikely but as long as there are streams of players
would like this concept a reality maybe there is slight chance that
developers may hear our plea. And Thanks :)


It's a great concept and as do I, you put a lot of thoughts about it but as I've mentioned it could subject to further complication. We will leave
it for the developers to decide if it plausible. If it is then Win-Win :)


Approved user
Feb 24, 2015
The ideas for this are great and I really hope government is added to the game. Being different is what makes this game great unlike clash were everyone is the same. So adding more depth to the game can only make the player more engaged. So BHG you should really consider this awesome idea


Approved user
Jan 7, 2016
I really like the idea, but you sort of lost me at the revolt part. I'm ok with the oppression of citizens as a trade off to the benefits. I think the revolt system would turn a lot of folks off. Although I have spent RL cash on this game, in the form of the starter pack of crowns and an extra house, I'm not going to pay to win. I really enjoy this game and play it daily. I quit playing Clash of Clans because I got bored with it, but like this game for the variety. As a lvl 129 new Industrial Age player, I've hit the Oil bottleneck. I can't muster enough oil to build the airstrip or upgrade factory or fort. So, my pick would be Absolute Oligarchy. I'd take the 6 out of 14 citizen hit, but not if it was going to cripple my ability to use my other 8 workers.

BTW, I read every post in the month old topic and didn't see anything from the Devs. Do they even read these threads?

Leader of Dark Elite
24/7 war alliance


Approved user
Dec 23, 2014

Yeah, I do hope this will implemented or atleast part of it. I was also a Clash of Clan
veteran myself then quits when immediately saw this on playstore. I still remember on those
days downloads were atleast 1000+ and Facebook page on its 100+ likes. I also like that they really
commit on what they advertise on providing multi-layer of complixety in forms of different
nations and wonders. I was also captivated by it's meticulous graphic detail on its building. Every
flower, pot and grass, that may minor to some is priceless.


What part do you lost on revolt topic? I will lead you on track if you like :)

Revolt system is actually the turn-off and monetization of our system. Actually in my theory
as long as you have formidable defense you can quell those rebellions easily (as long as you don't
rush attack related upgrades only). And I have to tweak this rebel system completely
because it's still a theory.

Well about devs, I never heard once from them but I do hope they will take notice to my messly ideas.


Approved user
Feb 24, 2015
I think a more active player should have a less chance of rebellion compared to someone that goes days without playing. Especially in the more oppressive governments. Because a strong leader (active leader) historically would have a less chance of a rebellion. It wouldn't make it impossible but less likely.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2014

Oppression and Rebellion shoudn't be used interchangebly. Sure in some countries like for example North Korea have a oppresive policy among its citizens yet no rebellion took place but you can't deny the fact that there being controlled and handled. That is why no major rebellion took in play because they maintain it through various means but oppression is always there as NK political refugees told us on news.

The system is a counter-balance to all benefits they we could get. I only aim for small realism but on huge praticality. Just think about getting all the good stuff will always be means to be nerf. And just centering consequences on inactive players means nothing at all.


Approved user
Feb 24, 2015
Yeah I'm not saying that to be the only consequence just that be a small portion of it. Because no one likes a leader that does nothing. It will be a complex system to add oppression but things like how active you are, Percentage of advancement, having less usable workers compared to ones that are oppressed. (North Korea and that of Nazi Germany both have strong leaders as viewed by the people. They may be bad people but that's different then being a strong leade) same with Vladimir Putin. That's why I'm saying a more active player would be a stronger one mixed with other systems it would be great.


Approved user
Nov 25, 2015
They're not going to be direct when it comes to any response to idea threads.


Approved user
Feb 24, 2015
Oh and I was just thinking they could add a senate building like in rise of nations. Were your pick your government types. It would probably be half the size of a wonder.


Approved user
Feb 24, 2015
Nothing its just how it was implemented in there previous games. Also there is already a ton of buttons when u click on your town center. 4 normally and more when your upgraded be easier to just have another building were misclicks would be less likely.
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