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Greeks reborn and Glory Decay script injustice


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
I sympathize with Greeks Reborn.

Regardless of who happened to lose glory, if the objective was to punish inactivity or something similar, then there was a failure in the applied process.
As far as I know, there is nothing illegal about users switching allegiances, either alone or in a group. There are several situations that this can occur without being considered unethical, but first of all it is not illegal.
Therefore, punishing active alliances in wars because they didn't have a certain amount of players in a single moment seems to me to be inadequate.
I'm a Glory Decay enthusiast, but I've always asked for transparency in the process and parameters. This transparency was denied by the BHG Moderator.
The process needs tweaking and can be improved a lot to make the game better, but mistakes during the process must be fixed.


Approved user
Jun 11, 2018
There was too much to actually read. But I got
The gist of it I think.

Wish BHG gave all the perameters of the glory decay but obviously if they did then the alliances that take advantage of glory sniping and multiple alliances would be able to do the bare minimum to skate past. To be fair I don’t believe there is anything wrong with glory sniping or having multiple
Alliances. This is a strategy game and teams thought outside the box to further their success. Even tho I don’t think there is anything wrong with this strategy I am against doing it. The strategy does not help the game grow our help promote a more competitive leader board. In the end I’m glad they implemented the glory decay as I believe and hope it will promote a better experience for more players in the top 100.

It seems like BHG created an auto script to combat inactive teams along with an attempt to promote single alliance teams. As it is their game and it is their right to do so.

I do agree that Greek reborn should not been hit with this. But we don’t know all the factors in why a team would receive glory decay. Hopefully this was just an over site in the script and BHG can and will resolve this.
It's not an "auto-script."

It requires a manual trigger to run.



Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
I sympathize with Greeks Reborn.

Regardless of who happened to lose glory, if the objective was to punish inactivity or something similar, then there was a failure in the applied process.
As far as I know, there is nothing illegal about users switching allegiances, either alone or in a group. There are several situations that this can occur without being considered unethical, but first of all it is not illegal.
Therefore, punishing active alliances in wars because they didn't have a certain amount of players in a single moment seems to me to be inadequate.
I'm a Glory Decay enthusiast, but I've always asked for transparency in the process and parameters. This transparency was denied by the BHG Moderator.
The process needs tweaking and can be improved a lot to make the game better, but mistakes during the process must be fixed.
Other alliances were also unduly penalized (in my understanding) and among them the alliance I belong to. The AVANTE BR.
We are an alliance that since the beginning does not tolerate cheating, including this in the description of our alliance since its foundation. We always consult the former dominations.pl and the current domistats.com. We are very zealous for the alliance and are enthusiasts of fair play and no undue exploitation.
It is very sad to have lost glory as we are active in war and always try to play within the legality.


Approved user
Sep 24, 2015
that is my point too. Either refund all alliances or none.
it is unfair to ask for refund only one alliance
You still don’t get it…perhaps there are a few other teams wrongfully punished, I don’t know, in which case Glory should be reinstated, not everyone though.
Now, with Greeks reborn, we are talking about a perfectly active Alliance, I can assure you that, we have matched twice in the last couple weeks and our last war ended Sunday afternoon CST, by no means they should have been considered as an inactive Alliance. Hope you understand the difference now.
At the same time there’s one other issue, how on earth those teams that had been inactive for months received a soft GD (-2K) just like Greeks when they should have been hit with at least twice that number, similar to what happened on June last year?
@Harlems369th can you please explain?

NoMem Wilson

Approved user
Jul 15, 2015
The reason glory sniping started happening is because ARES got so far ahead they were risking huge amounts of glory every war. Which would be fine, but 95% of the teams out there would just lay down and not even try. So,. We thought, let's make them risk glory and maybe they will fight. Then we discovered it was actually really fun. The more that teams complained about it the more joy we got. War is a such a vicious violent act isn't it? Lets have glory penalty for not actually fighting. You could use criteria like if a team doesn't use max capacity troop tactics you lose double glory than what's posted. This would make everyone happy. We would stop sniping glory and you guys would have to fight and bhg would make money from troop tactics and no more of these weak empty stronghold wars. Fill them all. Fight or you don't belong on leaderboard. Let the best alliances climb and stay at the top. Games are meant to be gamed

NoMem Wilson

Approved user
Jul 15, 2015
Also you won't get glory returned. If you did they would have to restore some of the ARES alliances and that's the whole point of the decay and would really upset the community. Welcome to unjust desserts. Tasty isn't it.

King DHoogster

DomiNations Veteran
Oct 11, 2018
No, you don't get the point.
IF you think the script was wrongful THEN ask for undo all glory decay AND THEN redo with an improved script.
DO NOT mess with glory of a single alliance because this is a special treatment and will cause injustice.
I agree. Rewrite the script. If there was an issue it should be across all teams


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2019
i agree too. See my posts above. The parameter of the script should be public and they should change something.
but either BHG should refund all glory taken by the "wrong" script or they should refund nothing. Not "depending on your face" refund some glory.
So you agree that the script code is wrong and need to be changed ok that's good for me.


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2021
An absolute shocker, I’ve never seen -2000+ glory in a war. Hope you guys get it returned as this is a joke


New member
Jan 28, 2023
I do not know where to start cause this has affected me and my alliance very much and I do not know if we can regroup after that but I will try my best to explain a few things...

First of all I wanna say that for years we play to the best of our ability without engaging in illegal or immoral in-game activities. Nobody in my alliance ever did any TT cloning or run any museum bot or used the external server. We fought and achieved high positions in the leaderboard through our dedication and effort.

While being a top alliance, we never liked seeing other alliances parked up there at the top and doing glory sniping or just abandoning the WWs altogether. We always felt that the leaderboard must be clean from inactive alliances and I have personally sent messages to @Harlems369th in order to run the glory decay script more often.

Having said that, we have a sister alliance called GREEK STEEL. We have never done a war together with the boys there so on the 23rd of January we visited them and as we are not many players, Greeks Reborn was left with just a few members, and matched a team in a single 30vs30. War day was on the 24th and the war ended very late on the 25th of January. So, we decided to just sleep and the next day we would go back to Greeks reborn and resume our wars there.

Meanwhile, the announcement about glory decay went live at the forums but nobody saw it. Not that it would change much as our war was still in progress in its last hours and bed time was near. Anyway, we slept and we woke up only to find upon our return to Greeks Reborn that we have 2013 glory less!!!

I can understand coding something and doing some harm cause a script cannot think of every possible situation and exception. But here, it is crystal clear that we have an exception to the rule.
-From when is it legit to punish 20 people for just visiting a sister alliance for 2 days?
-How is it possible to cancel the 8-9 month effort of 20 players to reach the top of the leaderboard like this?
I do not understand any of it.... We are all grown ups and I believe we can accept a mistake when it is being done and correct it! That is what is expected from adults!

As the leader of Greeks reborn I am making this post on behalf of all my alliance members and therefore I request BHG employees @TheWise @Harlems369th to reconsider and award us back the glory we lost.

Odysseas aka oddin
This is not fair and should be addressed properly an established alliance treated like isn't good at all


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2020
There was too much to actually read. But I got
The gist of it I think.

Wish BHG gave all the perameters of the glory decay but obviously if they did then the alliances that take advantage of glory sniping and multiple alliances would be able to do the bare minimum to skate past. To be fair I don’t believe there is anything wrong with glory sniping or having multiple
Alliances. This is a strategy game and teams thought outside the box to further their success. Even tho I don’t think there is anything wrong with this strategy I am against doing it. The strategy does not help the game grow our help promote a more competitive leader board. In the end I’m glad they implemented the glory decay as I believe and hope it will promote a better experience for more players in the top 100.

It seems like BHG created an auto script to combat inactive teams along with an attempt to promote single alliance teams. As it is their game and it is their right to do so.

I do agree that Greek reborn should not been hit with this. But we don’t know all the factors in why a team would receive glory decay. Hopefully this was just an over site in the script and BHG can and will resolve this.
Ive said this in the past.

This is a strategy game, a strategy was used because other teams wouldn’t fight when facing Ares, they still don’t. If one aspect of this problem requires a solution (Glory Decay) then shouldn’t the other side also be penalized in a similar fashion?

Let’s be realistic here, EVERYONE has dealt with an opposing team that just didn’t try. How long has the community been requesting a “surrender war option” because of this exact reason? Those wars are boring and a waste of time.

Now imagine that happening to you almost every war? Doesn’t seem so fair anymore does it?

Regardless… these new parameters are useless and still easily avoidable wether kept a secret or not by using common sense on how the game functions. This won’t solve anything except hurt the Alliances that unfortunately find themselves in a similar situation as Greeks Reborn.

You want to solve the problem of Glory Sniping then solve the problem that created it in the first place. Add a forfeit war option, penalize alliances that don’t even try by having them lose extra Glory if they don’t get 75% of all possible stars (I think this would be the best solution), or give bonus Glory to the alliance that wins a blowout war. There are so many better solutions.
Last edited:


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Was the script not to reduce glory if no war was fought the last 15 days? Twice per year we have a break of 2 weeks, so I always feared that our glory would be reset just when we are on holiday. But we don’t care about that glory anymore. We just have fun and that’s it.


Active member
Oct 17, 2022
Its been 4 days.. I do not understand why an official response hasn't been issued! Its outrageous..

Let's face it, about 90% of the people in this thread are in the favour of Greeks' GD was unfair and should be refunded.. so it's not even a close call that they are waiting on more opinions or players..

The script was flawed and so, the GD should be refunded, where is the delay at??


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2020
Its been 4 days.. I do not understand why an official response hasn't been issued! Its outrageous..

Let's face it, about 90% of the people in this thread are in the favour of Greeks' GD was unfair and should be refunded.. so it's not even a close call that they are waiting on more opinions or players..

The script was flawed and so, the GD should be refunded, where is the delay at??
It’s the weekend