High Prophets: Need Quality War Members Preferably 150+


Approved user
May 4, 2017
We are currently on our 14 or 15 winning World War Streak (i have lost count): Basically we are undefeated besides our first two wars when we were just getting started.

Glory: 16,195
Min. Medal Requirement: 1000 (really looking for 1600+ but will do with 1000, for those raiders like me out there)
top players: Atomic levels: 213, 196, 191, 159; Global: 201 and 182.

Quality players would be at least Industrial age, and we need at least 2 to be able to do 15 mans, but can always welcome more for larger or more competitive wars.

We are looking for two solid members who like to war, as we are consistently warring. We are a social alliance and our goal is to crush our competition during every war or giving them the fight of their lives! Team work is not an option, but being social is :D

Fungus Face

Approved user
Apr 23, 2018
(Replying just to bump this message above my other where I mistakenly put "players of any level")