• Upcoming Hotfixes
    Two fixes are going out soon. One addressing the loss of Crowns and the 2nd Drone Command slot, the other addressing players in Asian territories unable to log into the game. Players will receive compensation for each issue that affected them, and crowns lost will be restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.

How about some love for Auto age players during 9th annual event ya know one been here since start


Active member
Aug 23, 2022
Yea I see great instant upgrades being tossed all month that most Automation age players will not get anything from.

How about something for them that is worthy of 9 years of loyalty?
Mythical Pack
9,000 crown
900 hundred tokens
9 Nighthawk Hangers
9 Extra Strongholds
9 Legendary packs

Something decent since all you ever cater too are new players what about us for change show us some gratitude for all money time and supporting this game since start.

You know something that says you appreciate us your most loyal customers


Active member
Aug 23, 2022
Official response would be appreciated. Since automation age players got shaft again. This ant cool


Approved user
Feb 28, 2018
若い選手が景品を要求することに人々が不満を言うのはよくあることだ。 そして今は古いプレイヤーのみに無料のグッズがあるはずです? 私もその恩恵を受けられると思いますが、そのような期待は誇張されており、非現実的だと思います。

私たち自動化時代のプレイヤーはあらゆる恩恵を受けます。 選手が個人的な理由で辞めるにつれて、私たちのフィールドはますます薄くなってきています。 このような即時アップグレード イベントを通じて若い才能を促進することで、十分な競争を確保します。 そうしないと、ゲームはすぐに退屈になってしまいます。

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
It's common for people to complain about young players demanding freebies. And now there should be free goodies only for older players? I think I could benefit from that too, but I think such expectations are exaggerated and unrealistic.

We players in the automation era will benefit from everything. Our field is getting thinner and thinner as players quit for personal reasons. Promoting young talent through instant upgrade events like this ensures sufficient competition. Otherwise, the game will quickly become boring.
True but then how about something specifically for us? Like the current 2nd round of Auto Age new buildings or troops (merc camp, etc) are 25% the usual upgrade times?


Approved user
Feb 28, 2018
それは間違いだと思います。 Auto-Age プレイヤーは開発が(ほぼ)終了しています。 これらのプレーヤーは追加の時間短縮を受けるべきではありません。 そうしないと、終わりはさらに早く来るでしょう。 すると選手たちは、労働者には何もすることがないと再び叫び始めます。

自動エイジには長い待ち時間が必要で、若いアカウントには素早いビルド時間が必要です。 これが徐々に差を縮める唯一の方法です。

ビデオでは 4 つのトークンを取得します。 これまで以上に。 ギフトが降り注ぐ、並行した (単純な) イベントが多数あります。 もう必要ありません。


Active member
Aug 23, 2022
True but then how about something specifically for us? Like the current 2nd round of Auto Age new buildings or troops (merc camp, etc) are 25% the usual upgrade times?
As much insta upgrade they have given out lower level if your auto something along line of

2 mythical pack
9 purple pack
9 legendary packs
9 superior pack
Would be more appropriate between this and QOL they should give us something real beside allot of us already finished the merc upgrade and command within minutes of it being released


Approved user
Feb 28, 2018
あなたの基本的な態度は完全に間違っています。 何年もこのゲームに参加してきた人には、特別なことは何もありません。 何年もゲームに参加している人は、広告、イベント、ギフトから報酬を長い間集めてきました。 とにかく在庫がいっぱいです。


たとえば、5 年前には特定の建物が 50 パーセント割引されるというオファーがありました。 それでも、建物がすでに最大化されていたため、この割引を利用できなかったプレイヤーもいました。 それはただ運が悪いだけです。 また、この割引を利用できなかった人に対する補償もありませんでした。
今後数週間は特別割引が適用されます。 時間が短縮されます。 使える人は幸運です。 年齢のせいで使えなくなったら、それはもう運が悪いです。 これにより、追加特典を利用する権利は得られません。

道路や本が最大化された宇宙時代も存在する可能性があることを覚えておくことも重要です。 また、現在の時間割引の恩恵も受けられません。 それはただ運が悪いだけです。

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Your basic attitude is completely wrong. For those who have been in this game for years, there is nothing special about it. Those who have been in the game for years have long collected rewards from advertisements, events and gifts. Anyway, we are fully stocked.

If there is a gift, it should be for everyone.

For example, five years ago there were offers of 50 percent off certain buildings. Still, some players were unable to take advantage of this discount because their buildings were already maxed out. That's just bad luck. There was also no compensation for those who could not take advantage of this discount.
Special discounts available for the next few weeks. It saves time. Those who can use it are lucky. If you can't use it anymore because of your age, you're out of luck. This does not entitle you to any additional benefits.

It's also important to remember that there could also be a space age where roads and books were maximized. You also won't benefit from current time discounts. That's just bad luck.
Sounds like someone's jealous of us Auto age players 😄


Approved user
Feb 28, 2018
私は何も嫉妬していません。 私は2015年4月からプレイしています。私自身もオートエイジでプレイしています。

しかし、あなたの二重基準は私を悩ませます。 一方で、あなたは自分のためだけの追加物を要求します。 一方で、若い年齢層は自分のために追加のものを求めるべきではありません。

誰かがゲームの成り行きを受け入れなければならないと言ったなら、あなたはそれが気に入らないようです。 しかし、それはそのようなものです。 幸運な場合もあれば、不運な場合もあります。


New member
Nov 30, 2023
Sounds like someone's jealous of us Auto age players 😄
You also seems to jealous from young players nd he is absolutely right. Why the hell you should be awarded for wasting time on game when you could have done something good. You should ask for more library techs, troops etc but here you are about to cry for younger age people lol, it's a way of creating demand of game, getting people hooked to it, if they did this for auto age then no demand will be there , people will actually left it.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
But your double standards bother me. On the other hand, you ask for extras just for yourself. On the other hand, younger age groups should not ask for extra things for themselves.
Firstly, if you've seen previous posts of mine I'm usually the one arguing with younger players against older grumps. 😄

Secondly, the young players didn't ask for any of these things - these are being given to them. (My alts love it).
At no time do I recall saying the young players shouldn't get what they're being given - we're simply saying hey, don't forget us.
Perhaps you guys should take a moment and actually think about what it is you're arguing for/against/with/whatever - try to make some sense in your comments.:rolleyes:

But whatever makes you feel empowered.... Taylor was right. 🤣
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Active member
Aug 23, 2022
Well auto age players that have been here the full 9’years hell yea deserved better in this 9th anniversary month.

We are one been here since start, never gotten insta upgrades nor the 50% off what is take to reach drone age cause of QOL and now this even geared to speed up drone and below even more. So where is our big reward or hey thank you for supporting us for 9 years. What we get is new players getting discounts time off and even insta upgrade. While we supposed to be happy seeing people put in half the effort, time and money compared what we put in. We get nothing worth while yet we put in most.

So lets be real yea it great for new players but really disappointing and disrespectful never to reward your most loyal players auto age. Come on now that ant right. Not saying take stuff away from new players your giving out but balance it with stuff for the older account holders.

Not just give two buildings to upgrade at time and act like your doing a big addition.

Think of something to balance this out that is fair to all players not just new ones.
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King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Well auto age players that have been here the full 9’years hell yea deserved better in this 9th anniversary month.

We are one been here since start, never gotten insta upgrades nor the 50% off what is take to reach drone age cause of QOL and now this even geared to speed up drone and below even more. So where is our big reward or hey thank you for supporting us for 9 years. What we get is new players getting discounts time off and even insta upgrade. While we supposed to be happy seeing people put in half the effort, time and money compared what we put in. We get nothing worth while yet we put in most.

So lets be real yea it great for new players but really disappointing and disrespectful never to reward your most loyal players auto age. Come on now that ant right. Not saying take stuff away from new players your giving out but balance it with stuff for the older account holders.

Not just give two buildings to upgrade at time and act like your doing a big addition.

Think of something to balance this out that is fair to all players not just new ones.
I think we can let it go now. We've had our say and, let's face it, some people will just never see the big picture.
In that case there's no point trying to continue the conversation - to closed minds we just end up sounding like a couple of grumps. 🤣


Active member
Aug 23, 2022
Oh I am grumpy cause reasons i stated repeatedly. BHG you forgot Auto age players that have been here since start.

How about you fix that. Till then shame on BH

Now remember New Players that didn’t want to see anything really rewarded to Old Players one day they will forget you too lol


Approved user
Feb 28, 2018
誰も忘れられませんでした。 イベントはすべての人に適用されます。 インスタント アップグレードの恩恵を受けられない場合でも、マルコ ポーロから 4 つのトークンを入手できます。 周年イベントでは王冠、宝箱、評議員パックを入手できます。
私たちは毎日チェストとサプライドロップを受け取り、ディーラーから待望の伝説のアーティファクトを入手するチャンスが再びあります。 これらはすべて、BHG が私たちに与えてくれる素晴らしい贈り物です。 怒る理由はありません。

追伸: 長年にわたり、週末に 25、33、または 50% 割引が適用されるイベントを開催してきました。 何年もの間、夏と冬には50%が数週間適用される時代がありました。 50% をまったく取得しなかったということはほぼ不可能です。


Active member
Aug 23, 2022
Translator please use English please.

Again I am not saying take anything from New Players or Mid level Players. I am saying don’t forget about Auto age like myself that don’t benefit from stuff offered. This is not taking anything from anyone just making it right for auto age players. Just as New Player/ Mid Level Player would be upset if 90% of stuff being handed out they got no use from. Picture it being other way arround Auto player only got any of benefits while drone down got told toget bent and stop crying if they pointed out the issue. Y’all would be flipping out lol

Y’all are tripping for auto age player asking for them to be thought about in the stuff being given out . Y’all would be doing same

Automation Players Are People/Customers Too
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