How to Reset the Victory Chest Timer


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
The victory chest gives great rewards when you have high medals. But the timer doesn’t always end when I’m able to play, so I investigated what drives the timer and how to set when it will refresh.

The default refresh time is 24 hours. This can be reduced by 2 or 4 hours with library research Spoils of War research. So refresh cycle time is either 20, 22, or 24 hours.

To reset the time that the refresh happens, first you must let the timer run for two full refresh cycles without initializing a new timer by earning the last star. Then when you earn the last star, the timer will start at that moment, although you won’t see it until you have finished the new chest that immediately appears after you claim the first chest (it was buffered while the two cycles were running). Then if your refresh cycle timer is 24 hours, the chest will refresh at the same time every day as long as you keep up with claiming it and not neglect it for two cycles.

So now my victory chest is ready as soon as I wake up every day, and I have all day to decide when to claim it (usually at the end of a treaty).
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