Industrialization Warfare - Week Ahead 7/29


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022

Greetings Leaders,

This week begins the 50% Resource discount in Summer for the Ages. Grab some extra SpeedUps with the Speed Up Boost Campaign to take advantage of these reduced costs! Also the Raven Rattle returns in a Step-Up sale, you can find all that and more in the Week Ahead!

Summer for the Ages 2024

50% Resource Discount 7/29 - 8/26
Advance through the ages while Age upgrades to Troops and Buildings are 50% cheaper! The Town Center upgrade will finish instantly!

(Automation Age levels and newly released buildings will not be discounted.)

20% Extra Discount for Museum & Council 7/29 - 8/26
We’re taking an additional 20% off resource costs to upgrade your Council Chamber and Museum! That's a total of 70% off resources on these buildings!

Episode & Event Passes 8/1 - 8/8

Event: Generals
Power through your enemies with a General at the head of your army! Fight alongside Tomoe Gozen, George Washington, and even Genghis Khan for Free in this Event Pass. Upgrading to the Premium Pass you’ll find General Eisenhower, General Omar Bradley, and even Admiral Yi!

The top 100 Global Leaderboard reward features the Stopler Revolver!

Event: Speed Up Boost Campaign
The Summer for the Ages Rush continues, and we’ve got another round of the Speed Up Boost Campaign to get you through it! Find 1h Speed Ups and a 6h Generic Speed Up for Free. The Premium Pass includes 12h Speed Ups and a 5d Generic Speed Up!

Episode 10: Industrialization Warfare
The Industrialization Warfare Episode Pass includes free At-4 Bazooka, A7V Tank, and more Troop Tactics. Premium Pass holders can receive Black Hawk Medic, Recon Plane, and even chances at the ASDIC Type 113x through the available chests!


Mobile Tactics 7/28 - 8/4
This week is our Mobile Tactics Event!

Great military minds from Sun Tzu to Napoleon understood the strategic value of speed and surprise. In modern warfare, APCs and helicopters give commanders the crucial ability to transport troops quickly and safely across dangerous battle zones. These mobile support vehicles are used to deploy infantry at key points or evacuate casualties.

Enjoy these discounts for a limited time!

33% off the following Coalition upgrades:
• Maori
• Indians
• Russians
• Filipinos

Light of Alexandria 7/29 - 8/12
Quickly build and expand your city during the Lighthouse of Alexandria event! The fourth of our Seven Wonders resource boost events that will continue throughout Summer for the Ages!

Alexandria was the intellectual center of the Hellenistic and Roman world. It was organized along a rational planned grid rather than the haphazard jumble of streets common to other ancient cities. Brilliant thinkers gathered from all over to study and work at its Great Library. Lording over it all was the Lighthouse, whose dizzying height represented the potential of human achievement.

The city was only about fifty years old when the Lighthouse was completed circa 280 BCE. It stood well over 300 feet, making it the tallest manmade structure except for the Pyramids. The tower had a circular top, an octagonal middle section, and a square base. Initially it served as a landmark to guide pilots to the city. Later a fire was kept burning at the apex for even greater visibility, making it a true lighthouse.

Sometimes called the Pharos after the small island where it stood, it was such an iconic building that its name became the word for ‘lighthouse’ in many modern languages. Over the centuries it suffered damage from a number of earthquakes, but the prosperous city was able to keep it repaired. Only in the 1300s was it finally brought down for good.

For the duration of the event, Farms, Caravans, and Oil Wells will produce:

• 50% More Food!
• 50% More Gold!
• 50% More Oil!

Legendary Step-Ups 7/29 - 8/5
This week you can have chances at the Raven Rattle Legendary Artifact through a step-up sale. The chest in this sale will give you chances at the War Legendary Artifact. You can also try your luck at the Thinker of Cernavoda through the Guaranteed Step-Up sale. Chests at each step, but completing all steps in the sale will get you the Legendary Artifact Guaranteed!