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Instant retrain issue


Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
I probably need to take screen shots and open a ticket, but since the release of drone command I have had a minor issue with instant and video retrains.

I am Roman and have a troop capacity of 187 troops with no special buildings. When I retrain it will always leave one troop untrained as if the game thinks I should only have 186 troops. Sometimes a rifleman, sometimes a heavy tank, sometimes an RPG but always one troop gets left untrained.

The workaround I found is that if I go into battles with only 186 troops and leave one rifleman untrained then retrain works perfectly every time.

This happens on IR blessings, VIP retrain and retrain videos.

I was going to wait until after drone command finishes upgrading as I am hoping it is a glitch with the upgrading drone command. I have about 3 days left until Drone Command is L3 and finished.

No other army buildings are upgrading as they are all maxed level.


Approved user
Dec 6, 2019
Retrain videos are not working for me as well more over a half year. I can click the retrain button but every time no units are retrained and all other videos are blocked. Very annoying a lot of speed ups, crowns and tokens are wasted through this... can you guys have a look on this retrain issue please? Thanks
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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2019
I have the same issues...the retain button does not work and it see thru ...once I tried to hit it it says..."unable to retain because there are not enough troops slot available"....when I clearly have enough space .....I even had a 1hr instant retrain blessing and nothing....


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Approved user
Oct 6, 2015
I have the same issues...the retain button does not work and it see thru ...once I tried to hit it it says..."unable to retain because there are not enough troops slot available"....when I clearly have enough space .....I even had a 1hr instant retrain blessing and nothing....View attachment 10535
I'm experiencing the same error whenever I donate troops and hit the "retrain" button.


Approved user
Nov 19, 2018
Probabilmente dovrei acquisire schermate e aprire un ticket, ma dal rilascio del comando drone ho riscontrato un piccolo problema con le riqualificazioni istantanee e video.

Sono romano e ho una capacità di 187 soldati senza edifici speciali. Quando mi riqualifico, lascerò sempre una truppa non addestrata, come se il gioco pensasse che dovrei avere solo 186 truppe. A volte un fuciliere, a volte un carro armato pesante, a volte un gioco di ruolo, ma sempre una truppa rimane non addestrata.

La soluzione alternativa che ho trovato è che se vado in battaglia con solo 186 soldati e lascio un fuciliere non addestrato, la riqualificazione funziona perfettamente ogni volta.

Ciò accade con le benedizioni IR, i video di riqualificazione VIP e di riqualificazione.

Avrei aspettato fino al termine dell'aggiornamento del comando del drone poiché spero che si tratti di un problema tecnico con l'aggiornamento del comando del drone. Mi restano circa 3 giorni prima che Drone Command raggiunga il livello L3 e finisca.

Nessun altro edificio dell'esercito verrà aggiornato poiché sono tutti al livello massimo.
Succede che addestri oltre la media.Mi succede anche a me a volte. :p'

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Personally I've found that it almost always happens when I have an airstrip troop as part of the retrain combo. If I manually retrain just the air troop (which is annoying!), the instant retrain button appears normally again.