Invasion Event doesn't work for B45-Tornado BOMBER!


Approved user
Feb 2, 2016
Invasion Event!

01-16-2019, 07:28 AM
Your populace is itching for a fight and wants to invade your foes! For a limited amount of time, Ranged Infantry, Ranged Missile Mercenaries, General Cleopatra, Guerrillas, and Bomber Planes will do twice as much damage, have twice as much health, and train twice as fast! Buffalo Soldiers and General Ferdinand Fochare twice as strong for the duration of this event! Don't forget that Foch has a powerful aura buffing nearby troops even further. The traveling merchant will also bring Longbowmen and General Lady Death, which are both twice as strong!

The event lasts from 1/17 15:00 UTC to 1/21 15:00 UTC.

Well it doesn't work for B45-Tornado Bomber. I asked for an answer before the event didn't get one. And now CS states this event is not intended for this building.
so why?
secondly nobody told me, didn't answer mine question, what is the use of using this forum and/or CS I wonder? please elaborate.