• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

JOIN US team " B.E.L JOIN US " since 2015

Philip Skiski

Approved user
Aug 1, 2019
JOIN US team " B.E.L JOIN US " since 2015

Join our active team today! " B.E.L JOIN US " I have ran our team since 2015 and have had a very active team. Always active, Always attacking, Always going to WAR!

This is B.E.L. (Behind Enemy Lines) 2nd alliance in about 2 years ago I left the alliance gate to recruit players and forgot to transfer leadership to an active member. So low and behold, we are now almost to level 12 with alliance #2! We have a lot of players and always in need of new low level players and those strong heavy hitters.

Join us!

Reply back if space is full. I will always make room for active players!

Philip Skiski

Approved user
Aug 1, 2019
Join our Alliance!

----> BehindEnemyLine

Since 2015 at the start of the game. Very active alliance. We are level 18, almost level 19 alliance that has done well. I accidentally locked the alliance 6 years back after transferring leadership to an inactive member. Group was locked and no one else could join. 6 years later we a pretty much a level 19 alliance that has caught up and fights level 21s after they had a large lead on growth and we restarted. Me and my co leader are maxed out so that will make you level up faster! JOIN a very active alliance today!

Tony D

New member
Nov 8, 2024
Are you interested in an alliance merge? Lvl 23 (Sith Legends).