• Upcoming Hotfixes
    Two fixes are going out soon. One addressing the loss of Crowns and the 2nd Drone Command slot, the other addressing players in Asian territories unable to log into the game. Players will receive compensation for each issue that affected them, and crowns lost will be restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Leader "Interviews"


Approved user
May 17, 2018
yes that would be awesome. Many times it becomes a whore to guide players through the process of getting into our line group

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Alliance name: Drinking Cl*** . We were Drinking Class then one day the profanity filter decided that the letters a-s-s must be filtered regardless if they're part of a larger word.

Account(s): Tbo.com- French 267 Space Age. New Hades- German brand new 175 Atomic. Hugh Mann- British brand new 146 Global. Elephant Sack- Greek 88 Gunpowder. Trouser Snake- Korean 68 Gunpowder. Max Power- Japanese 40 Rechristened former sandbag account 40 Medieval Japanese.

I started playing Dominations because I heard that one of the lead devs worked on Civilization 2 and I'd been searching for a quality 4x game on mobile for years. CivRevolution is too dumbed down to be enjoyable and sadly it appears they will never adapt Civ 6 for Android.

Why did we start our alliance? Our leader just disappeared one day after leaving our medal threshold at an unsustainable 1200. It took weeks of browbeating the group to realize that we were going to slowly asphyxiate without more hands on leadership. Unfortunate that we had to give up 12 perk levels but the acquisition of early AXP makes every war more meaningful, even the lopsided blowouts from either side.

My allies make me happy when they follow a plan and communicate and happiest when they take the initiative of greeting new arrivals and helping to answer questions they may have. The late game has far too much downtime even with multiple accounts so imparting my thimble full of knowledge to players new and old alike has been my favorite way to pass the time for years.

What irks me? Silence, I'm far chattier than most and the rebalance killed a lot of conversation across the board for most groups. It's one thing to banter while waiting a few minutes on a handful of troops but I wouldn't expect people to stay logged in for 20+ minute rebuilds. That said the insane amount of people who refuse to say anything, even when spoken to directly, drives me up a wall. I don't need people's life stories but it's a very long game, the fact that people can't be bothered to type out a few sentences occasionally perplex me.

Far worse though are the ones who obviously don't read. Yeah, the communication tools in this game have always been very sub-par and the limitation of only 99 chat messages , which they apparently have no intention of ever fixing, makes things much worse. I don't like to be a control freak but when I see nonsense like incomplete war bases or peope who have presumably been playing awhile (global+ players) not even having gates around their town centers or being global + and only having something absurd like 12 spaces in their alliance gates it usually leads to a kicking sooner than later.

If there was some way to have an audio captcha before allowing new people into the alliance that would be a dream come true. I love the fact that this is a global game, I have no problem with folks that speak English as a second, third or fifth language. As long as we can get on the same page during wars and they have a nickname they respond to (in the case of Cyrillic, Korean, Arabic, etc names) the more the merrier.

I don't want to henpeck and harrass follks, in a perfect world people would figure things out on their own or at least ask questions when unsure. We've always believed that communication and a willingness to learn are by far the most important thing for an ally to have. Skills and gameplay can be taught, the desire to learn cannot. I don't like to kick folks but I have a responsibility to the people who try hard to not be dragged down by those who don't.

Ways to improve this game? COMMUNICATION! Communication from the powers that be at BHG and the mod(s) of this forum.

Better communication options in game. Lords Mobile and its ilk are terrible games. However the amount of tools available for leaders and even run of the mill newbies to use in that game are staggering. Built-in translators. Permanent sticky notes for alliance rules/expectations, war plans, advice, etc. Private messages. Many classes and categories of promotions decided on by the leadership itself.

What do we have here? 99 messages limited to 140 characters each which also must share space with troop requests and friendly challenges. 99 messages.....for groups of up to 50 people. An inbox system also limited to a meager amount of character and 3 messages. This despite the fact that when the devs send us inbox messages they can run for multiple paragraphs.

Global chat in games such as this tend to be a dumpster fire but there really should be a limited trash talk/parlay system for leadership during wars.

There should also be an easily understood universal emoji system for encouragement/engagement despite language barriers. Of course such features should have an opt out system if people wish.

A genuine effort to streamline myriad user interfaces. The museum of course being the biggest offender. If I click war weapons and go to the swap screen why can't I just sell artifacts directly from the only screen where they're arranged in a logical manner?

When on the war map and I click on the alliance name in the upper right why does it take me to the same screen I can see from the report? Why, in a game with multiple languages/symbols/HTML codes does it not take me directly to their alliance page?

There are numerous other ideas about speedups, daily playtime incentives, overflowing resources, more depth to alliances, etcetera of course but those have been articulated many, many,many times over the years with little acknowledgement and this post is already a novella.

Anyway, this is an interesting post that I wish wasn't buried in the seldom viewed side sections. Despite some disagreements on the forums over the years I feel a bond with my fellow longtimers here as forum use and the overall player base continues to shrink.

Hopefully this nudge gets more people to chime in to this intersting topic. Thanks, Tsamu!


Approved user
Mar 24, 2018
What is your alliance name, and what is your player/base name, age and level?
Cerebral Force (Top 20 Alliance). Davina, Global, 199.

What other games did/do you play that brought you to Dominations?

How many alliances were you in before starting your own?

Why did you start your own alliance?
A few friends and I decided we wanted a more skill and strategy based alliance, focused on winning wars.

​What do your allies do that makes you happy?
Being polite, friendly, funny. Experimenting, clever thinking and winning wars.

What do your allies do that annoys you?
Nothing because annoying people don't get to stay at CF.

What three game improvements would make running your alliance easier?
1. Making in game messages far more visible (some kind of alert popup to say a new message needs reading).
2. Ability to see who is opted in and out of war at any time.
3. Roll back glory and perk to the start for alliances that ignore a cheating warning. Punishing individuals isn't enough.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Perhaps “ ...dedicated alliance leaders who make this game more enjoyable for so many players“ is a disqualifier ;)

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
I'm much of a traveler right now. Still leader in Stilettos though, but trying to do both things together so I wouldn't be too bored. I was always bored and tired at some points lately. A lot!

If any of you wouldn't mind me visiting maybe could leave the door opened, maybe we can share leadership experiences a bit 😉


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
My story goes like this: I started out in a small friendly alliance that quickly merged and merged and merged into a very large alliance that was at the top of the leaderboard. I appreciated their no-tolerance policy against cheating and cheaters and learned much about attacking and defense from them. But egos clashed and they burned it to the ground and revealed themselves to literally be the biggest bunch of hackers and cheats ever. So I quit for about six months just after WW came out until a couple of us who know each other in RL got together and merged our mains and alts into a one alliance (and occasionally two) that is still going today. We wish that there were fewer bugs and less cheating, but we don’t get in a twist about what many here and in Line and Discord endlessly bleat about.


Approved user
Sep 7, 2017
Hi , i am underdog cwa LVL 253 and hanibal atomic LVL 221, i am part of Quebec RampRats,

we have started the alliance with a brunch of coworkers and added many people

before that i played civilization over and over and a bit of coc

what i like is To play as a team To win as much possible and having fun doing so

i dislike players who dont say nothing and ask troups while entering the group, those are out automatically

butter chatting system, something To exchange ntg with team and more stats


Approved user
Dec 12, 2015
Hi, duckfromhell, former leader of AtheistPhanteon, lvl 259. I have had the luck to be a leader of this group for about 2 years. I did not start the group, but the founder left it to me when he left dominations.
last year i needed a dominations brake, so i again gave someone else the leaderrole and she is doing great! (HobbyHobbit).

i didnt play other games before dominations and i didnt found the alliance.

our alliance is laid back in a way that we take care of eachother without telling ppl what to do. We have only 1 real rule: if you participate in wars, then do 2 attacks.
we train ppl that want to be trained, we like to see ppl grow and have a great interaction which really makes me proud of the group. They are dedicated and have their own specialities.
Because we dont judge ppl when they do a bad attack, but try to train them to become better, it fills me with proud if someone that has a good base, but is terrible in attacking, makes a great attack cause he/her really tries to use the advice given to him/her. Then you see ppl grow and thats awesome!
what irritates me are ppl who judge ppl or push ppl in a negative way.

what would really help would be:
1: be able to send private messeges. Thats really a big, big wish and a large lack in the game. I dont want private messeges for everyone cause i dont want to have everyone just talking to 1 or 2 other persons and not be in chat, but co leaders and leaders should be able to adress ppl personally
2: send larger messages
3: saved war replays per person and available for all the alliance, so we can really look into multiple historical attacks of a person. That way ppl can find red flags in their attacks and improve more cause mostly now its advice given on that last visible attack whilst thats a momentum and may not be representative for his/hers gameplay.
4: having war donations count as given lifetime donations, cause some ppl that fill the warmaps are not visible and not appreciated enough cause of that invicibility
Last edited:


Approved user
Oct 27, 2019
What is your alliance name, and what is your player/base name, age and level?
Hi I am Fufutus and my alliance is Elite Donators. I am Global Age because I will never go up an age unless the game eliminates cheaters

What other games did/do you play that brought you to Dominations?
Usually chess and the game of back gammons

How many alliances were you in before starting your own?
I have never started an alliance

Why did you start your own alliance?
This has not taken place

​What do your allies do that makes you happy?
They donate like crazy

What do your allies do that annoys you?
Nothing really, they’re a good bunch

What three game improvements would make running your alliance easier?
I am not running my alliance


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
Xabar apparently you're a leader of Argentina YAE. We've had a War against you recently. It was a good War.

Why don't you tell us your story.


Approved user
Dec 9, 2017
Xabar apparently you're a leader of Argentina YAE. We've had a War against you recently. It was a good War.

Why don't you tell us your story.

thanks. Good war too. We are many Xabars in the real life, 2-3 users and several accounts. This strange consortium allow us mix play, work and the real life. I am who write here just because write better in English.
We start our current alliance mainly because the previous one was full of extremly pasive players imcluding the Leader.
The idea of the alliance is:
-No sand bags, all active players
-War with the maximun of players allowed, actualy 30vs 30.
-Max accounts in each Age.


Approved user
Dec 9, 2015
What is your alliance name, and what is your player/base name, age and level?
AbomiNation, Sco, Space Age level 282

What other games did/do you play that brought you to Dominations?
Civilization 1-5, Alpha Centuri, Masters of Orion

How many alliances were you in before starting your own?
1 alliance and then started 1 because I was running wars with hands tied. Got that alliance up and going and passed off to a friend. Toured several alliances seeing leadership styles, war styles, and so forth. Landed in AbomiNation and ran wars and got them on a winning track, so leader passed reigns to me.

Why did you start your own alliance?
Answered above question

​What do your allies do that makes you happy?
They listen to advice, they try even in the face of extreme adversity, they promoted me to leader😆

What do your allies do that annoys you?
nothing really, BHG does that enough

What three game improvements would make running your alliance easier?
1) better war matchmaking. Wouldn't have to handicap our players attacks if they weren't being matched 50 levels and 1-2 ages lower than opponent.
2) time zone tag. Each player in alliance had time zone tag by stats. Would allow for easier management of messaging, attack distribution, and pairing donations to a close ally by time zone. We have Australian, Philippines, Greece, and many others. It is hard to keep straight. Especially Australian and Philippines being essentially a day ahead of me.
3) player war stats. Similar to player stats in alliance page, but for war. No attack/attack ratio, defensive stats, offensive stats, coalition use, to name a few.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
​What do your allies do that makes you happy?
They listen to advice, they try even in the face of extreme adversity, they promoted me to leader😆

What do your allies do that annoys you?
nothing really, BHG does that enough


2) time zone tag. Each player in alliance had time zone tag by stats. Would allow for easier management of messaging, attack distribution, and pairing donations to a close ally by time zone. We have Australian, Philippines, Greece, and many others. It is hard to keep straight. Especially Australian and Philippines being essentially a day ahead of me.
3) player war stats. Similar to player stats in alliance page, but for war. No attack/attack ratio, defensive stats, offensive stats, coalition use, to name a few.

great ideas both!! We have been asking for more stats for years!


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
What do your allies do that annoys you?
nothing really, BHG does that enough



Approved user
Apr 7, 2019
Do coleaders count? If so then hello, i am cakeden, coleader of conqueror quest (alliance name). This may shock you, but i am quite underleveled, industrial age, lvl164.

Well, one reason i play dominations today is that my dad plays it too. He is a lvl264 cold war age player, recently he has been complaining that dominations is getting more of like a play to win game but he does not quit the game just like that. He is the third and current leader of our clan conqueror quest.

I tried to start my own alliance, but turns out it was a big flaw as people rarely join it and it was a disaster. So i joined my dad's clan and got to coleader position after 10000 donations.

Neither me or my dad started the clan :(

Some of my allies chat in the alliance chat about things in common, and they are always active and donate frequently. They share replays and challenge often which improves my attacking and defensive strategies frequently.

However, not all of them are good. There were some who clog up war space(being in a war but not using attacks) and swear in the alliance chat. First it was Madzthegreat, afterwards it was Rickorzen. They were truly pissing me and some others off that i really have no choic but to kick them out of the clan.

My dad may have lots of things in mind, but for me, it would be stop making this game more like a pay to win game. Our clan made it to no.49 once, but now, with more pay to win features such as event passes and vip levels, we no longer get to see our clan in the leaderboards ever again.
Im cakeden, coleader of conqueror quest and im happy to share this with you