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Leader "Interviews"


Approved user
May 17, 2018
patience...being in the top 100 may bring some satisfaction but it's not the purpose of the game. Having fun is!!


Approved user
Oct 6, 2018
Hi Leaders & Coleaders,
I’m current leader of Phoenix Legion. It is really interesting to read all your stories. (Looong time forum lurker, only recent contributor).
Phoenix Legion is a very international alliance which is my favourite part. This alliance was started by another at game’s beginning, and has absorbed a few players as we merged & merged. I joined our crew a year after game’s inception and watched and learned from those better than I!

Fast forward a few years and I’ve moved into leader for 1.5 years. Now we’re about 40 Members strong of all ages, (variety of base age and real ages!), and looking for more :) Best thing is international camaraderie and quick witted banter, worst thing is hmmm... how to inspire, encourage, and advise without coming across as a brassy know it all. We’ve a few members who could use some honing for war. I may move to test-base challenges soon! (Like how to handle silo, maze bases, open bases, 50% QV vs. TC QV... stuff like that). Any choice words or advice? I’m always listening.

See you around in game. And may your citizens be always ready & stockpiles forever full!


Approved user
May 17, 2018
my advice....use Line or Discord for your communication and WW plans. It will greatly enhance the whole experience


Approved user
Oct 6, 2018
Thanks Wrath, and I’ve read a lot of good posts from you over the years. Yep we use Band and I need to encourage it more. Some find swapping to a 2nd app annoying. We’ll see!


Approved user
May 17, 2018
all you need is patience and a good start with a few people (usually the most active).


Approved user
Apr 16, 2020
Join us at 'BOUT THAT WAR'. We are a lvl 15 alliance. And in need of active and good players we have an exellent leader who helps us in many aspects.


Approved user
Apr 16, 2020
Join us at BOUT THAT WAR. We have an exellent leader who helps us in many aspects. You can join and have fun in our alliance


Approved user
Mar 22, 2018
I like this line of sharing. Thanks for a fun read. Here is my contribution.

What is your alliance name, and what is your player/base name, age and level?
War Allies/Safyr/Space Age and War Allies Clan/Saf/Global Age (yes, I run two)

What other games did/do you play that brought you to Dominations?
I have played two many to list. My first was a MUD that involved learning simple coding and was text based. It was called Federation.

How many alliances were you in before starting your own?
Honestly, I don’t know. I have been in a lot because I was learning and curious what others could teach me.

Why did you start your own alliance?
I had been unfairly treated in my first alliance because I was new and made stupid mistakes that no one took the time to tell me not to do and why. They just booted me...took me a while to figure out on my own. In my 2nd or 3rd....we had a crazy person as leader and he went off his meds and booted well over 2/3 of the alliance for no understandable reason. I created a new alliance with the same name so unfairly booted players could find a new home....a better home. I was not ready to lead at that point and finally got so frustrated with people that I left. After bouncing and ending up in a great alliance who taught people.... I learned what good leadership looks like. Thank you Argos and Plskillme. I eventually started up War Allies to create an alliance to teach, support and create an environment for serious players would help newbies who took learning seriously. I have learned, you can not please everyone and sometimes you have to boot. So boot and spend time helping those who are willing to be a team player. Must be doing something right....we have 2 alliances now and great leadership. I do not run these alone.

​What do your allies do that makes you happy?
They help each other, welcome newbies, teach our ways to those who are willing to learn, they let me lead and they do not pick on each other....even when they get frustrated by someone’s stupidity...even mine. :)

What do your allies do that annoys you?
Well, our regulars don’t do this....and that is because I will boot players who repeatedly do this....not following the posted war plan, putting others down, not following the alliance rules, and not showing up to war, and not communicating in chat (big part of team work)

What three game improvements would make running your alliance easier?
MUCH MUCH MUCH Better war matching. Nexon being more truthful and transparent with the game mechanics, the ability to privately message my alliance members (I hate calling someone out in public and try really hard not to do this...but sometimes it has to happen to get corrections made that help everyone), More lines or spaces for Alliance mail, A system for rejecting poor matches (what a time waster when that happens...frustrates everyone)


Approved user
Feb 25, 2018
What is your alliance name, and what is your player/base name, age and level?
X Army.
Same name as in this forum. CW age, 255

What other games did/do you play that brought you to Dominations?

How many alliances were you in before starting your own?

Why did you start your own alliance?
Wanted to organize World Wars with a dedicated team

​What do your allies do that makes you happy?
They don’t talk bullshit (like global warming, BLM etc.) in the forum)

What do your allies do that annoys you?
Some still haven’t understood when and who to attack in WW

What three game improvements would make running your alliance easier?
1) Statistics on individual players in WW: invited vs attended. Total attacks and stars. Average stars per attack.
2) A better chat window
3) More motivations for the war team: larger war chests - NOT only the conqueror’s one.


New member
Oct 29, 2019
Alliance Name (5 alliances): Alliance 1 AOE; Alliance 2 AOE; Alliance 3 AOE; Alliance 4 AOE Alliance 5 AOE. I am co-leader of Alliance 1 AOE not founder but started at same time as founder. I have just gone cold war 218, british, game name derbees.

Played AOE all the different releases as it was just a great PC based game, then started "game of war" until it got way too expensive, Forge of Empires (still playing) and then started playing AOE "castle age". This was a great mobile based game as you had control of your attacking armies, but unfortunately they closed the game. We looked around for a new game with a great fighting dynamic, and found Domination and have loved it since. Many of the old members from our AOE castle age alliance swapped over when that game closed, but we have had lots of new members join as well. We like getting new members and training them to play, but you have to be ready to move on time wasters too. Our leader has way too much time on his hands and eats sleeps and breathes domination which makes it all work. This is my first and only alliance.

Likes is we have a great group of players who "mostly" all contribute and participate in chat and help each other out. a number of co-leaders to ease the burden of managing the alliance. Donations happen really quick both to the parliament and troop donations, which makes it really easy. Our members help out with advice trips and tricks and we run a web site on Fandom to help members, which several members contribute to.

Dislikes are the members you never hear from, and who never donate, don't get in their attacks, or attack bases way lower than them, or don't learn from their mistakes. Beginners are good but you have to be prepared to learn. We move time wasters on pretty quick though.

1. as has been said before, chat, chat, chat. the current system is the worst I have seen in any game. When playing on the phone the chat screen is so small you almost can't read it at all, terrible communication. While other mediums help, many members just don't want to bother going to look elsewhere, so if it is not in game it can be useless for most. need to be able to keep posts, rules, tips in game lol. The game of wars chat mechanism is brilliant. chat groups across allilances. look at game of wars that does it really well
2 war matching mechanism. it seems every game we play is an easy win or an easy loss, very rare to get a good evenly matched game. In particular most of us are atomic age or below with some just going cold war, and we get matched against teams with one or two space age/digital players and half their players good, the rest really low levels. what teams do is throw in one or two really high age players, as their city is just too strong for a lower age player to beat, so they effectively block us from getting at least 10 points. they then fill that in with some real players and the bottom is really low players. the matching mechanism should not allow alliances to match two alliances with the top players more than two levels different.
3. cheaters. Hate it when you see a city with 20 buildings all under construction. When I try to report them, they make it so hard to report that you give up in the end, does not feel like they really want to stop the cheaters.
4 ha ha just one more. in game stats, the stats information on our alliance and comparison to other alliances is just useless to work out what players are doing well and how we are doing to others. medals tell you nothing.

don't know why we suggest improvements, as the problem with chat and others has been around for years and complained about for years, and they do nothing about it!


New member
Feb 22, 2023
Hi, Hello

I am new here, after 6 years playing dominations i just found out this forum coz of Update 11.6 Log-in Error in my game. Since then i read a lot of posts in this forum and this one particularly really fun to read, i hope its continue. Some are not, especially about museum cheat and than Mongols glitch that i never know for the first place.

I have two bases, Avisena 269 SA and Zee 211 CWA, my alliance is Go Time. Its new alliance, i just got coleader promotion there. Before that ive been in 28 alliances but domistat record ive been in 26 alliances. The reasons i was hoping from alliances to alliances because:
1. Leader to passive
2. Active leader but not backing up with skills
3. No war plan. Just war and do whatever
4. Merging alliance but without consulting to its member eventho im just an ally

Honestly im not a gamer and im a slow learner (about game mechanic) too, so i dont play other game. But I played rise of nation before, is anyone ever played that game? i really have a blast play that game years ago. In 2017, i have some mental health struggle, in that time, i want to reminiscence my happy years so i search rise of nation, instead i found dominations. I dont know if thats because this game or medication or something else, i can get out from that hell hole and never comeback.

I dont make my own alliance because i realize im not a leader material, but i want to grow my alliance from the start or near the start. So i search the new alliance in domistat and join them. I really like this one, so i hope i can stay and make it home.
My Pet peeves about current and past alliances is giving the donation troop for war without reading the request or ignoring the request troop. I use mostly commando+zook during war, so i request 2 HT without anything else. In my experience, that request is so hard to follow, sometimes even experience player dont understand why CnZ user only wants 2 HT eventho has more troop space in alliances gate

That is my story, sorry for my bad english, i really hope this thread will continue, cheers