Leaders of the Alliances


Approved user
Jun 17, 2015
HI i am the leader of luckoftheIrish and would like to use this post to share ideas with the fellow leaders would like to see the bast ways to run the Alliance I feel it's running well but advice is alway helps I have watched members progress up from starting the game to hitting the gold league I run the Alliance with a vote system with the council members to even the load seems to be working we also run by 3 rules all players to donate to talk and to be active we also try giving hints and tips to each other to help out we also use a 24 hour warning system for members not following the rules would like to know how other leaders deal with there Alliances


Approved user
May 18, 2015
I am the leader of Sparta or Death. Happy to talk. If you would like to start a dialog feel free to pm me or you can find me on LINE Under the same name. Good luck to your alliance. MzTaz


Approved user
Jun 17, 2015
Would like to know how you get the most out off your players to start with get alot off players come join but never talk dont get me wrong they give and take troops ok but feel the only to things u can do is talk and give and take troops so what would other leaders do and any one else use a vote system


Approved user
Apr 12, 2015
Hey m8! I am WackyG.. Leader of Raiders.. I have the same situation with my Alliance.. People mostly just say thanks for the troops and your welcome :) We have a group on Kik for all the councils. Thats where we decide who to kick or promote and stuff.. If you are on Kik hit me up.. its WackyG6 on kik


Approved user
May 18, 2015
From the beginning we were lucky in that regard. One thing we do do is encourage your core group to say hi ask a question like how's the war going?, put up debate questions...do you find type A wonder is better than B? Or ask someone doing well if they are raiding or mixed, their troop ratio or deployment strategy....it can help to drag them into chat. As leaders us your council to set it up get one to post a question every so often. And make sure some of it happens when people enter...ask where there from, what field of work. Lastly we also ask if anyone needs base advice or is struggling...asks for input about your own base.


Approved user
Mar 31, 2015
HI there,

I'm council within dutch warlords, basically we do the same as mentioned by the others.

Using line as out-game chat, for all members and another group for the councils to discuss the kicks.
Currently we have over 160 active members divided over 4 alliances, so every leader of each alliance keeps track of lvl/medal progress, donations etc.

Because we got a solid base of active chatters, we do not care if somebody is not such a big chatter, some just like to play. Although we like a good chat (ours is almost never older then 30 minutes)

But we do kick if people become inactive, meaning there is no progress in lvl or medals, and no reaction on the chat if repeatedly asked for and no request or donations

In this way we keep the alliance nice and clean.

We do not have a ratio on request/donation because we don't need to. Our donation stats go straight through the roof...

So not too many rules... request as much as you can, so others can donate, be active, or report why you cannot be active for a while, be a good cheer and have a lot of fun, are the basic rules.

And because we are dutch, we only recruit belgian or dutch speaking members. (our base rule)

What also works... kick everybody who enters and requests without proper introduction or a simple hi how are you doing. and we kick everybody who enters and doesnt say a word within 15 min.


Approved user
May 18, 2015
That is interesting. I find that many joining us say hi....but there are those that move in at the end of their battle day so we don't hear from them until the next day....do many people start without saying hi?


Approved user
Mar 31, 2015
yes actually...

I think 30-40% say something.

We try to ask, how they find us, are they dutch spoken, which alliance did they came from, and what their game goal is.(start a conversation) normally that works ok.

If they are English spoken we politely ask them to go to another alliance which has an English chat and are very friendly

20-30% Make a request on entry, for us that's an instant kick, no matter what.

the rest, 50-30 % just don't reply, even if called upon, we usually welcome everybody, so anybody who enters gets a warm welcom, so not replying is considered rude, and gets a 10-15 min. cooldown then a kick.

And sorry to say, but if the name is unreadable (asian/russian), we also kick it, cause of the fast amount of cheaters from that area and the fact they probably do not speak dutch and if they do, nobody can type or read their name anyway.

we got a word for that in dutch "kansloos" meaning No chance
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