League Rewards - Make them useful


Approved user
Jul 24, 2017
A quick note: I am currently a lvl 211 atomic player in empire 1 and climbing towards dynasty quite rapidly in hopes of obtaining the 2k crown bonus.

I normally keep my medals in the 1000-2200 range as bases are particularly easy to loot. In an hour I am able to hit base after base that has 400k gold, 400k food and 2500 oil and barely lose anything. With training blessing and a few crowns I can easily obtain a ton of resources.

As I have climbed higher and the bases are much stronger I am getting only slightly more resources per attack after the league bonus, using tons of trade goods on blessings and not getting many national trade goods. In addition, these bases are strong enough that I need tactics, need planes, need alliance troops and sometimes mercs as well. If I lose planes or too many tactics I only get to attack once or twice in a training blessing.

As a result, climbing leagues feels foolish. It should be a great reward, something that everyone wishes to obtain to be in empire and dynasty league. It certainly should be advantageous over being in gold or silver. In its current state, league rewards aren't anywhere close to large enough to be worth it. After hitting dynasty league I intend to drop back down to the previous medal range.

My recommendations for fixing this problem:
Make league rewards MUCH higher in loot, in trade goods and in national trade goods. I honestly think that it will take double to triple the rewards in all of these categories to make it even close to worth it to be in the upper leagues.

I think the player base would agree as it is so common to drop medals to stay in lower leagues. This shouldn't be a goal and could be easily remedied.


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Our designers have had their eye on improving League Rewards (as well as Victory Chests) for a little while now. I think they'd be happy to make improvements here!


Approved user
Apr 12, 2017
I think the reward needs to be per star, both for the league as well as the economic bonus.


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
Double the food/gold, but quadruple the oil reward. Pretty much all oil rewards in the game are laughable. 100 oil for 2 diamonds? Come on.


Approved user
Aug 3, 2017
This is a real problem. Another way would be to match per cityscore or experience and not by medals. Actually right now im rewarded with easier fights and LOTS of ressources by DECREASING (aka loosing fighs) my Medal Count. This doesnt seem right. Another way would be to not count claimed ressources when the fight is lost. (It seems od to me that you loose the fight but get 300k gold and food for it.)

Though increasing bonus leaque rewards so it makes sense to get more medals and cope for harder fights is a good way for me too.