Level of players to far spread


Approved user
Oct 10, 2018
The level of all players is too far spread. With digital age coming it will be more. This will result in even worse war matchmaking. I would suggest to reduce all the upgrade times for the lower ages by at least 80 percent. And for the medium ages(atomic,coldwar) by at least 60 percent. A starting player will be very happy with this to be able to get to a decent level within a short amount of time. At the moment it is just impossible for a starting player to reach space age. It seems unfair to the the people who worked really hard to get to space age but we will all benefit from this cause i think it will make the active player base bigger. And it will make the matchmaking better.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
As a rushed SA player, I can assure you that there is not a single problem if they reduced upgrade times permamently by even 40%. Whoever whines about that should just go play another game.


Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
Agreed. It would annoy me if players could reach space age or digital age in less than one year of they started now. Reaching the final age is not the game to have fun with, the journey getting there is.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
*Too far spread

I want to go to Digital Age.

I want to go to Digital Age too!

The two of us will go to Digital Age before too long.

English: Nearly as convoluted as Dominations' source code.

Your reasoning is sound but methinks the mothership in Korea flatly refuses to allow any sort of meaningful time reduction. Even though it's something that CoC itself has done and something that should have happened years ago.

''We can't see any forest. There are too many trees in the way.'' - Nexon company motto, probably.


Approved user
Jul 11, 2015
I’ve seen many “players” get to Space Age in under a year starting from scratch; so I don’t think age disparity is an issue. Perhaps this is why BHG do nothing about the cheating situation. They (BHG) can ensure there are enough players in the higher ages, and they can still rely on legitimate players forking out cash to compete with the cheaters. Seems immoral and borderline criminal to me.

However I do agree with your reasoning and I also think CoC has more sensible upgrade durations; which coincidentally I’ve gone back to playing, and spending my cash there as it has a level playing field.


Approved user
Oct 10, 2018
it doesn’t matter if this is true or not, thats not my point. The point is that the level of all players is too far spread which makes shitty matchmaking. Bring them all a bit closer and war matches will be better. Make upgrading faster and the game will be more interesting for starting players.


Approved user
Jul 11, 2015
I think someone else made the point about bad war matching in another thread, relating to the DA release. It seems to be a salient point. It’d be nice if BHG refined the game now, rather than adding new features. It’s starting to feel a bit like polishing a turd