Link between revenge and attack


Active member
Dec 5, 2023
I often attack in PvP, naturally, sometimes the answer is “revenge” - the enemy’s attack appears in the “Defense” list. And sometimes I wonder in response to which of my attack the enemy took revenge on me. But it is sometimes difficult to search among the many attacked by me in the “Attack” list. Moreover, I noticed that the “Attack” list contains quite few positions, so I don’t see some of my past attacks at all.

When the enemy took revenge on me, then in the “Defense” list in the position of his attack on me there is no “revenge” button, which is quite natural.

I propose that in place instead “revenge” button, there should be a “view my attack” button - a kind of link between his revenge and my attack, in order to see in response to which of my attack (with the ability to view the battle process) the enemy took revenge - this will greatly simplify the process find to view and, it seems to me, this will be a useful feature.

And visa versa, if I took revenge on someone’s attack, then do not remove the “revenge” button in the position in the “Defense” list, but replace it with the “view my revenge” button, also with the ability to view the battle process.
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