• Missing Crowns
    We are aware of an issue in the most recent update where Crowns are disappearing. The missing Crowns are temporary, as we have records of Crown totals before they disappeared. We're currently working on a solution and will update you as more information becomes available.

Lista de artefatos


New member
Sep 4, 2023
Poderia ter uma lista dentro do jogo que contivessem todos os artefatos lendarios existentes
Para que nós jogadores pudéssemos focar na busca de algum especifico que queremos ter e nao gastar token com artefatos que nao vao nos ajudar em nada!
Muito dificil saber o atributo de cada artefato, o site dominations wiki é horrivel de manusear

Could be a list in the game that contains all the existing legendary artifacts so that we players could focus on searching for a specific one that we want to have and not spend tokens on artifacts that won't help us at all! It's very difficult to know the attribute of each artifact; the Dominations Wiki site is horrible to navigate.