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Main Differences between GA and EA?


Approved user
Jan 2, 2016
I'll try not to make this a 'which nation should I pick' post. :)

I'm currently in GA as the Japanese (I know), though I'm progressing along nicely. Normally, I'd raid with 15 raiders and some arquebusiers serving as distraction, picking off bases with exposed resources. For war, I'd go with the usual load out - 3 cannons, 2 healers, 3 lancers, the rest arquebusiers, mercenaries, donated troops and whatnot.

However, I understand that the jump to EA can be drastic, reasons being:

1) Getting attacked by IA players, especially with aircraft...
2) ...leading to higher frequencies of getting your base and resources wiped out
2) Longer upgrade times

Currently, I'm comfortable with raiding without any training blessing in GA. The consensus on the forums is that faster troop training = awesomeness.

Is it because you can replenish your resources faster?

Are there any other things to look out for when progressing to EA, other than the 3 things I mentioned?

Because I'm currently torn between the French (TB), Germans (better rally and constant 15% dmg boost), Koreans (good archers on top of 2 decent nation bonuses), and the British (amazing archers).

Quang t legend

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
GA has the limits, IA has no limit, generals can come to level 30.... My recommend is push more Skip button when go to Multiplayer! Don't attack bases with defend tanks.


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
Sounds like you have thought this through quite a bit already. The three points you made about EA are very accurate. I think of EA as the awkward phase of Domi... We all have to endure it. My suggestion is to plod though as best as you can. Upgrade your army to be ready for the awesome goodies in IA. Upgrade your towers and strategically place them to take out air units. Resist the urge to age up to IA too fast. It will only prolong the hell you will go through at the beginning of that age before you upgrade anything decent to use against the tougher opponents you'll come across. There's a lot to upgrade in IA so it's best to have a good base to start with (max storage buildings, etc) while you are in EA.

As far as nation is concerned. I changed to French from German as an EA and was happy I did. Of course that was before they nerfed the training for French. But still the faster training times do help get a couple extra raids in per hour. Everyone forgets the other bonus of being French and that the extra ally troops. It makes a difference especially if you're in a great alliance (like mine 😉 ) and get crazy good troops each time without waiting. And the st charmond tanks are a great meat shield to distract mortars. So my recommendation is French nation. Hope this helps. Good luck with the jump up.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2014
About the Air Raid in EA be sure to upgrade your Castle and Towers in full capacity. Proper placement of Castle and Towers will almost render protection on Early to Mid level of Air Raids.

Tip: Castles are most annoying defensive building for Aerial units because they have the Firepower of Air Defense as well as the toughness of a Vault.
More Tip: Place your Castle within the range of Catapults and Cannon Towers to protect them from Air raids.


Approved user
Jan 28, 2016
It's all about base set up and defense. If you have a weak set up it would be easy to destroy with or without air attack. Well placed towers can render create a no fly zone. Unfortunately you wouldn't know until you get attack enough times. I maxed out on both my aircrafts but still get shot down more time than I like. Very few of the attack on my base go back with their aircrafts.

Plus, there are less than 10% attack by aircrafts from my experience so I would not worry about that. It sure is more entertaining on the replay than 30 raiders;)


Approved user
Jan 2, 2016
All of you have been really helpful, great points raised so far! I'll find a way to fit my castle in my walls with my current layout before I move on to EA.

I'm gonna go for the French then - good balance between raiding (faster training times) and offensive capabilities (chevaliers/St Chamond seem like great meat shields as Gail said).


Approved user
Jan 2, 2016
Haha. I'm a long-time lurker so I know you raise good points too, Ravenlord. Your advice would be very much welcome!


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
Woohoo! Someone finally listens to me 😀 Gives Ravenlord a chocolate and a pat on the back. You can't answer them all bud... I'm sure you were busy dominating.


Approved user
Sep 25, 2015
As far as nation is concerned. I changed to French from German as an EA and was happy I did. Of course that was before they nerfed the training for French.
When did this happen? Just recently?


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
No... It was 2 or 3 months ago. On TB French could train entire barracks in less than a minute. It was crazy fast! They nerfed it a couple weeks after I switched.. Was fun while it lasted 😊


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
I think I read somewhere they made the raiders training time longer ..... ? Serves them right - bastards were always stealing my stuff!!

Quang t legend

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
The effect of training blessing changed. Currently France has less than half the training time with training blessing compare to other. That is because how they calculate.


Approved user
Jun 9, 2015
Maybe I will be disagreed by many. I will suggest staying in ea as short as possible, after getting training blessing, major troops upg and essential lib training you should rush to ia and rush for zeppelins. That is my path and it worked very well. Ia provides quite a few good buildings, it is a game rule changer comparing to all the previous ages transition, so try being benefited from it aeap