Mark of the Assassin!



The power of the ninja dates back to 1562 when Tokugawa Ieyasu employed a band of ninjas to take Kaminogou castle.
You too can gain this power during the special Mark of the Assassin event! Build your Ninja Dojo and earn the loyalty of the ninja to help you during battle. This event will last from 4pm UTC 1/20 until 4pm UTC 1/27. You will be able to claim your rewards through 4pm UTC on 1/29.

Event FAQ
What age do I need to be in to participate in this event?
You will need to be in Classical Age and above.

What are the recommended gear for participating?
You will want units that target defenses. It depends on your Age:
Highest level

Barracks - Train Cavalry units for attacking defenses
  • Classical Age: Cataphract
  • Medieval - Knight
  • Gunpowder - Lancer
  • Enlightenment - Cuirassier
  • Industrial - Tank
War Academy - These tactics will be quite helpful
  • Sabotage
  • Protect
Mercenary Camp
  • Elephants
  • Knights
Is it mandatory to have the recommended gear?
What do I have to do to get the Ninja Dojo and Ninja Army?
You will need to complete event specific objectives to destroy defensive buildings in PvP.
How many Ninja armies can I get?
There will be 2 separate sets of Ninja armies you can acquire.

Ninjas can also be trained in the Ninja Dojo once you’ve earned it. The max capacity of Ninjas in the Ninja Dojo scales with age, so the higher your age the more Ninjas you can get!
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Approved user
Dec 23, 2014
So the Dojo isn't permanent? It's said 7 days duration, please confirm.


Approved user
Jan 13, 2016
Hi, this is cool.. has inspired me to make my first post :)

So I have a couple of questions for you....

Having completed the first stage of the event, when I claim my first 3 ninjas - is this a one time deployment or can I retrain 3 more and do they take up space in my army?

Secondly... It says that tower defences don't see them and they can sneak past gates so can you direct them in battle or do they just go where they want and get themselves killed by defending troops?

Lastly... Can we use them in the World War attacks?

Thanks very much :)
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- Correct, this is a one time deployment of ninjas. Use them wisely!
- They will run to the nearest defensive building, you cannot direct them.
- You can use them in World War attacks, however you cannot donate them to other Alliance members.


Approved user
Jan 13, 2016
Thanks for the speedy reply, sounds good..
World War starts in 6 hours so gonna try them out then... Lots of time to get the Dojo.

You didn't say if they take up space in the army but found in game that they take 5 troop spaces.
I guess thats 5 space per ninja so 15 spaces total

If they are the only units I deploy at the start of a battle, will they trigger enemy defenders to spawn from garrisons etc ?

Thanks again really enjoying the game!!


Approved user
Dec 23, 2014
Let the Great Shinobi World War BEGINS!


USA Elite Will

Approved user
Aug 10, 2015

Can you guys let us save the dojo building please? The ninjas can move out after the event, but let us keep the building as a suvenir of this event.