Masonic Lodge level 8


Approved user
Apr 25, 2016
We're Masonic Lodge, a level 8 alliance who wars once a week. We are a mixed Town Center alliance with players from Cold War Age (soon to be Space Age) down to Iron Age. We're no fuss and no drama, so if you're looking to improve your game and join with other active players, look us up.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
Oh nice. Masonic Lodge was my first alliance over 3 years ago. I popped over a couple of months ago with my Lord Tywin account to say hi. It was great seeing you all doing well. Shame about Allitode being offline. I suppose that's why you've been promoted to leader.

​​​​​​I noticed you guys still don't use LINE or Discord. As I told you before, gotta have it for better communication and World War strategy.


Approved user
Apr 25, 2016
Oh nice. Masonic Lodge was my first alliance over 3 years ago. I popped over a couple of months ago with my Lord Tywin account to say hi. It was great seeing you all doing well. Shame about Allitode being offline. I suppose that's why you've been promoted to leader.

​​​​​​I noticed you guys still don't use LINE or Discord. As I told you before, gotta have it for better communication and World War strategy.

I saw that on another post you made and chuckled. Then I went back to the game to search if there was another and realized it was the same one. I wondered who you were in-game. I do remember you and I think you popped in again not too too long ago. I took over for Allitode a couple years ago, but he remained active up until about 6 months ago. I've been letting his account run in case he pops on, but it sure doesn't look like he's coming back. I always have mixed feelings about people leaving a game. On the one hand, I'll miss the interaction, but on the other, I'm kind of happy for someone who has moved on. I always have to believe that whatever they're doing has to be more important than a game and I know all too well how much of our time and resources we can pour into our hobbies.

As for third-party chat apps, you definitely don't have to convince me. I've used Groupme for years. I'm also on Discord and I've used others at different times. I brought it up some years ago when I was just coleader, but it didn't seem like many were interested and it wasn't worth pushing. If we ever wanted to compete more seriously, we'd definitely need to do something, but we've managed to keep it casual and make it work, so I haven't bothered pushing everyone over. But that's definitely how I communicate with all my gaming friends.