[Minor] Defenders being ignored


Approved user
Jun 3, 2017
Hey Dominations team,

so I've checked the known issues topic and haven't found this being mentioned there, therefore I open this topic. So this does not happen regularly, but it bugs me since I began playing.

Sometimes my army just plainly ignores defenders when those are really low on health, so the only way to kill those off is to send in a plane or rallying directly on that unit.

The scenario is the following:

My troops pillage and plunder an enemy base, the riflemen are shooting at the defenders. I rally my troops on another location and some or a single defender survives due to this with a tiny health bar (I guess below 5% health). Now this lone defender is following my troops around and preferably shoots either my heal carts or the artillery - fully ignored by my riflemen. I also already seen defenders being inside my riflemen squad still shooting my guys without them bothering shooting back.

I assume the is a certain logic that the AI of the units assume that the defender is dead? As really, there is a barely visible health bar left, but the only way to kill this defender off is sending in something like a plane.

Not sure how to reproduce it consistently, but I do have this like every 20 attacks. Does it help if I screenshot the behavior when this happens again or do you need some video evidence?

Wynne D Fanchon

Approved user
Apr 19, 2017
Yup it's happened to me quite often actually. There will be a cavalry wailing away at my supply carts and cannons while my shooters are 2 steps away from him not bothering to shoot him down. I've noticed it happens whenever my troops advance and they enemy defender is like in my backline. I rarely have the problem but it is rather annoying and should be updated with the AI.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
It is worse than a minor problem. When it happens to an enemy general or town center donated troops like an artillery, it can completely destroy your attack. And it isn't all that infrequent - probably at least one unit every fourth or fifth attack. Normally it is just an enemy infantry, and when he hits the nearest unit it fights back and he dies. But if the closest target is a helpless healing cart or artillery, you may lose a lot.