Multiplayer still not working


Approved user
Feb 18, 2015
First i could not even find/search opponent due the famous OOS bug. After latest update now i can search/find opponent but my troops stayed stationery, they dont move at all. When i ended the battle my troops is gone and after returning from the battle screen, my map looks like as if a meteor has drop on it: holes in walls, farmers are dead, camels not moving. In the meanwhile ppl keep attacking me and depleting my resources 100k after 100k each day... It is no fun to play this game anymore, bulk of frustrations at your fingertips. I report this issue and the reply "use your WiFi" haha Well... Dear customer support, by now after all these bugs and to be able to play this game, it is mandatory that you use Wifi! *facepalm* IOS 8.1.3 iPhone 5s


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