National Projects/ Wonder Reworks


Approved user
Apr 11, 2015
One thing I noticed that was a big problem with this game was the wonders. Yeah, they do give some bonuses but they are negligible at most, with the exception of the notre dame, which seems to be the best wonder to get. I feel like the devs should rework the wonders idea into something else. Here's what I think they should do:

Minor Projects:
Instead of a wonders tab, there should be a projects tab that should be available starting at the bronze age. Here, players can choose between three categories, economic, defense, militaristic. In each category there are various projects that can be constructed throughout the ages. For example, lets say a player enters the bronze age and decides to go into the defense category, the first project he can build is a statue, which provides improved health and dps for garrison troops, as well as decreased spawn rate(think a mini-acropolis, except not as huge). Once he chose that project he cannot choose any of the other categories until the next age. Once he advances into the next age, he has the choice of either continuing on the defense tree, or choosing a different category and building off both projects. Projects can be built like wonders, except not as expensive. I believe that this system is better since not only does it broaden the diversity of people, but it further allows people to choice the play style they like. If a player wants to play economically, then he can go down the economic tree and get stuff like aqueducts, canals and fishing boats which improve resource gathering. Whereas someone who likes to play aggressively can go down the military path and get things that'll improve their military capabilities.

Ex. of minor project paths:

Economic: basic irrigation system --> aqueducts --> canals --> merchant exchange (improved resource gathering)
Defensive: Statue --> archer towers on gates --> towers on garrisons --> xxx (improved defense) *don't know what to put later on, but you get the idea*
Military: bigger barracks --> better weapons --> better armor --> xxx (improves attack) *don't know exactly what to put, the idea is clear thou*

One more thing, if a player decides to continue on the same path instead of choosing another one, then the effects of previous projects are improved when the next project is complete. ie. if one decides to go for tier 2 defense, then the statue gains a bonus as well

National Projects:
Once you enter the iron age and choose your nation, you gain access to the national project, which is a building that will probably span multiple ages to complete fully. At first, when you complete stage one, the effects are minimal, but as you continue work on the project the effects become more and more profound. The projects are also nation specific, to prevent exploitation i guess. Finally, if you use revolution to change your nation, you have to start your national project again from scratch, so be careful

Japan: The Shogun's Palace:
Starting from the Iron age, players will be able to build this national project, which replaces the town center with the Shogun's Palace. This project converts the town center into an unstoppable defense. Starting from level one, the Shogun's Palace will have two archer towers shooting, then at level 2, its will have a catapult attached to it. At level 3 it will have a ballista tower. At level 4, the dps of all structures attached to the Shogun's Palace will be increased significantly. At level 5 it will get another catapult, and at level 6 the health of the building will increase. Not only will the Shogun's Palace provide immesine defense via towers and the such, it will also spawn 5 samurai, which will be based on the level samurai the player has right then. Finally, the Shogun's palace allows you to spawn the Shogun during raids, which is an all powerful general that inspires his troops to deal double damage, however if he falls, then the army will be in complete chaos. Some troops will die out of dishonor, while the rest will have their damage reduced to half of its original dps. Shogun's re spawn in 24 hours.

Rome: The Senate:
Starting from the Iron age, players will be able to build this project, which is a separate building. The Senate allows the player to chose whether the city shall focus on economic or militaristic actions, which will either improve resource production or decrease the amount of time it takes to train troops/ improve the damage of troops. These effects will increase as you level up the Senate. It will also spawn 5 legions during defense, depending on the level of the legions. Finally, the Senate gives you the Praetor, A military genius which will spawn with 5 legions with him to act as meat shields for him. When the Praetor is on the field, all troops will arrange themselves into small 2 by 4 squads and continue to stay in formation for the entire battle. While in formation, the squad gains an increase to health and dps. Another thing to note is that every other day, the Senate will "vote" on another Praetor, unless the current Praetor dies in which the next vote happens immediately. Depending on RNG mechanics, players can get different Praetors that either buff defense, health, dps etc, moreover, different Praetors can spawn with different bodyguards, archers legions cav etc.

Greeks: The Statue of Zeus:
As per usual, players can construct this project starting from the Iron age, and will replace the temple. The Statue of Zeus provides various blessings that directly alter the soldiers that you have right now. Each level you upgrade improves each blessing. You have the blessing of zeus that improves the attack of all current soldiers in your barracks, the blessing of Poseidon which improves the speed of current troops and the blessing of Hades, which improves the health of all troops in barracks. The blessing is permanent, just as long as the troops that have the blessing are alive. It also spawns 1 companion based on the level of the companion

Thats my idea, feel free to improve and to include what you guys think should happen for the other nations, since I really can't think of anything for them right now


Approved user
May 25, 2015
Bastille for France? Oxford for England? Some scientific place for Germany? The Great Wall or some old library or a Shaolin Temple for China? Those are my suggestions. I also would like to see more nations! Maybe Russia? Egypt? India? Spanish? Persia?


Approved user
May 15, 2015
What about Brandenburg Gate for Germany, some with some sort of militaristic bonus


Approved user
May 26, 2015
I also wish the Wonders would go along with the nation, for instance, I have Japan as my nation of choice. I also have the Forbidden City as a wonder. If the Forbidden City followed Japan's town center rules, that would be cool. For example, if the Forbidden City shot at enemies as well it would be great.