National trade goods broke storehouse graphic reflecting number of goods stored


Approved user
Oct 3, 2015
It used to be that the graphic for the storehouse would change depending on the number of trade goods you had. This seemed to correlate with the number of goods that could be stolen from it if it was destroyed in an attack. So, for example, when only two boxes of goods were shown in front of the storehouse (I believe this meant that you had no more than 50% capacity of any given kind of good), attackers would only steal two trade goods when destroying the storehouse. If the number of trade goods changed, there would sometimes be some lag in the storehouse graphic updating, but I could usually make it update by visiting another base and returning to mine.

Since the Embassy update added national trade goods, this has been broken. Before I build my Embassy, my storehouse always displayed two boxes no matter how many goods I had. Now that I have built an Embassy, not matter how many goods I do or don't have my storehouse consistently displays four boxes, the graphic one step below the full to overflowing indicator. I have no idea if the same is true if attackers view my base, but I miss having some kind of indicator of how many of my goods are at risk.

Even though national trade goods cannot be stolen, I suspect they are counting in the calculation of how full the storehouse is. Could they be taken out of the equation so that the storehouse graphic would work properly and be useful again?