Open Letter To Nexon about their Support and Customer Service....


Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
Dear Nexon, why do you have a customer service department? Why do you have a support ticket system? Why do you state within these forums to private message forum administrator to get help with support issues? Why do you even have these forums? I and others have come across real issues and problems with in this game. many of us have submitted support tickets, I have submitted 3 support tickets, have sent 2 or 3 private messages to the forum administrator and have emailed your company directly and you for some reason have chosen to ignore every single attempt I have made to contact you about real game issues and people that are cheating within the game. what is it that makes you think its ok to just ignore the people that are playing and paying good money to support this game? Most of us love the game, some of us are ex Clash of Clan players that came to this game because its new and fresh. do you not want to keep us as customers/players of your game? If so then we are right back to my question, why are you choosing to ignore and not respond to my messages, support tickets and those of other players. I challange someone from Nexon, to pull up all my support tickets from this last week, the private messages i sent to forum admin and come into this thread and answer the questions. if Nexon continues to ignore the people that play this game it can only lead us to conclude that Nexon doesnt care about fixing game bugs, doesnt care aboput providing a fair and balanced game free of cheaters, does not care about refunding back a players resources and gems that they lost because another player was using a cheat that caused a loss of said resources and gems. this whole support and customer service system for this game and forums is really sad, pathetic to be honest. can anyone help me understand why a company that asks us to report game bugs, issues, people cheat and or manipulating the game and then when we do the reports fall on deaf ears and nothing is done.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2015
I have over 2 dozen support tickets and not one has been resolved , this company is clearly aware of the problems and with their silence they encourage the cheaters and hackers , i have come to the conclusion that Nexon has lost control of the game and bedn outsmarted by the hackers , what they are doing now is just taking as much money as they can before this game ceases -


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Better message Big Huge Games at facebook they're answering there.. what you gonna do is to copy and paste this concern right there.. I have this as a proof that they're working hard for the better of the game, can't guarantee if they were saying the truth lol


Apr 15, 2015
That interview was pretty useless.

Money talks. The only way to get them to improve is when it affects their bottom line.
Right now people are still piling on to this new game, and probably buying the starter pack, so at US$10 a pop, they can get millions.

Most likely when the complaints start flooding in about the bugs, crashes, hacks, cheats, imbalance, and people leave in droves,
then something will be done. Until then, just keep bringing up the issues but don't expect much change because the money's still pouring in.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
sorry for derail but ive been trying to gather this information for a week now and running out of time for gunpowder age upgrade..............does anyone know what % hp taj mahal gives to defense buildings? also what size AOE does taj mahal use? 2 barracks like angkor wat? 1.5 barracks like acropolis?.............last question. what size AOE does versailles use?........please post responses at this topic......thank you.........


Big Huge Moderator
Staff member
Apr 21, 2015
Thank you all for your honest feedback. We are working to improve our customer responses and transparency. We appreciate the fact that you are all taking the time to let us know your frustrations so that we can fix them. Ex vulgus scientia!