Operation Oligarchy-A better future for our community


Approved user
Dec 22, 2015


The concept here is that we have a group of alliances as a group under one name. The loose name in use is the sisterhood; however that’s up for debate and more than open to suggestion as the names Ambria and I came up with were 18+... but funny. The purpose of this document is to outline the advantages to being in this ‘group’. The requirements for membership. And some of the definitive things we will not tolerate before or after membership has been established.


Dominations Prime/The Oligarchy

Was initially started through the DNationbattles, Clint (PT), Ambria (ED), MacMarla (Outlaws!!), and Christopher(Outlaws!!) initially met by volunteering for DNation Battles to help ensure the continuation of the Tournaments. This quickly dissolved when the owner of DNation decided to quit doing the Tournaments despite recruiting us to assist. We were still hungry for more so started trying to do the H2Hs and break off on our own to do "cool @#$t". Mister Lax was introduced to this group through his live streams on Kamcord and has always been a great source of knowledge, inspiration and like us just wanted to do some "cool @#$t". Slowly we have grown this circle of people including other members of PT [ProdigalThieves], ED [Eminent Domain], OL [Outlaws!!] and our newest addition alliance Tree Fort. We have always been dedicated to fun and fair play within the community.

Dominations Prime recently blew up as a result of stacking in the community, as h2hs are one solution to the stacking problem. We are working as a group to come up with solutions to the problem so that the game will remain fun for our members and fair play alliances until Nexon fixes this problem permanently. While we will never deny access to anyone in the community, access to certain parts of Dominations Prime are not available to members of stacking alliances. Those who choose to exploit others; have allegedly tried to find out start times of fair play teams to get easier matchups to maximize their glory. While we appreciate some alliances feel justified in their actions and are much less abrasive, trolly, and have some really nice people in their alliance we feel that stacking is stacking and as with most problems in life their are multiples of solutions to problems. Stacking is never a good solution sometimes it is lonely at the top perhaps if you don't like your weight class you could shed a few pounds by including a larger diversity of players into your alliances or simply make more smaller alliances so that you have more alliances at that weight to war with.

Clint from Prodigal Thieves and Ambria will be reviving the tournaments and will have the full support of the members of The Oligarchy


  • Custom channels within discord, not that this isn’t offered already, but it’s an advantage having 45+ Alliances on a managed community server as a pooled resource.
  • Feeder alliance(s) in order to send individuals down for training, as well to draw from and promote to.
    • This is well noted as it assists in avoiding sandbagging
**for more on this please feel free to discuss with Christopher **
  • Exposure - Ability to promote and be active within the community, grow within the community
  • Movement - The potential to allow users to move parallel within alliances for the purpose of improving gameplay, strengthening alliances, or ultimately to ensure the most fun possible, users could be offered the ability to ‘transfer’ between alliances
  • Meeting of the minds - the ability to share information on base layouts, attack strategies, troop configurations, and other topics popularized in the forums
  • Mentors- The feeder alliance would supposedly be a wonderful resource for alliances that are busy to be able to rely upon and send people for assistance and training. This would of course be based on availability of senior members.



Ability to get prefered server based on activity, I’ve reached out to Discord who said we need more people on our server to be considered a partner, but the opportunity is there and open for us.
  1. Connecting - It is anticipated that you have some transparency and availability to other members of the project for availability, and who wouldn’t want a managed channel of their own!, to eliminate people from having to utilize multiples of applications Discord has been chosen, and as such is a requirement.
  2. Enabling the community - The form(server) for discord in place is a success(45+ alliances) and thus the availability of resources is unparallelled!
  3. Non-Stacking
    I think this point goes without saying… but just in case we’ll say it anyways.
  4. Recruiting - If you would like to participate and draw from the feeder alliance a secondary account or representation from your alliance is required.

  1. Community - It's recommended you at least know the community exists, though participation in discussions (not flaming) is recommended
  2. Training - We all have a variety of skills, and this is a community driven initiative, ‘trainers’ simply jump into the feeder alliance for the purpose of helping folks with attacks, strategies, troop comps, and other aspects of the game.
  1. Download Discord
  2. [FONT=tahoma, geneva, sans-serif]Add either myself or Christopher at Ambria-EminentDomain#7803 or Christopher-Outlaws!!#0216. We will sort you to the right place.[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=tahoma, geneva, sans-serif]The other option is to comment here or send me a private message.[/FONT]
The possibilities are limitless. There is no ceiling. Message us. Join the discussions. You will see there is a brighter future for all parties involved with a basis formed around doing cool stuff and having fun again.

We want stars, we take them!

Ambria of Eminent Domain


Approved user
Jul 7, 2016
I copied and pasted this article to our outside app. It ran for 3 or 4 days, got views however not hardly a comment so I figure VZ isn't interested so I deleted it.


Approved user
Dec 22, 2015
You should come on over to the Discord server DomiNations Prime. You don't need to be in Operation Oligarchy for that. Our goal there is seeking good, fair war matchups and having fun.

There are over 60 alliances on there and we schedule head to head wars nearly every day.

Download Discord and add me Ambria-EminentDomain#7803 (case sensitive). I will bring you over and give you the tour. It is basically a better version of here because you don't have all the reverse trolling of the people dishing out volatility or condescension as a response to goood, logical requests for answers/results.

Ambria of Eminent Domain