Was looking for a better way to recruit newer people. Having a search for people option in the game would help with this. Also having a list of alliances in game who were recruiting or had open invites. Could help new people could find alliances.
You need to hereWas looking for a better way to recruit newer people. Having a search for people option in the game would help with this. Also having a list of alliances in game who were recruiting or had open invites. Could help new people could find alliances.
If allow people to write directly or in a general chat in the game, I'm afraid there will be a lot of dirt and insults, as usually happens when people hide behind the screen of the Internet and feel “invisible” and unpunished.If their was a way to put up a people search besides just an alliance search it would be great. a way of talking to people in like a message setting would also be nice
Try to convey all your requests to the BHG. It will be a miracle if you are heard immediately, or at least within a reasonable acceptable time!My whole point is we have a search function for alliances why not for people’s names. My other point is what if I want to communicate with one of my guys in my alliance and don’t want everyone to see it. I could send him a message. That or if there is a newer player that I’m interested in I can send a message to try and recruit them. If you look around there are so many single player alliances cause there really isn’t a great way for people to connect with each other. If I’m able to send massages and invites to people I can recruit better than having just puting up a post and seeing who I get to sign up for my alliance. If you make it easier for people to communicate with one another it’s easier to get bigger alliances. Rather than people just making their own alliance and hoping they may get some player who eventually join them. I’ve played many games we’re people can communicate and it helps with game play. I’ve had many conversations with leaders when I was playing those games. Just ideas of things I saw and things that I had found out from talking to others. Will you have some problems with people doing stupid things and saying stupid things yes. That’s with any thing though. that’s just the nature of people. Post a set of rules for the messaging portion and if the rules are violated then they can get a warning and if it continues they get a punishment or they get banned. Most people aren’t going to give to much trouble but you will always have those people who do no matter what. Put in an option we’re if people are having problems with some one they can block their communication with them.
This is all obvious, but nevertheless it is so. Yes, it seems that BHG does not particularly value its main resource - players. Technical support in the game itself is generally disgusting - you can say that it is not there at all. And here players communicate on the forum, but I hope that BHG is at least aware of what is happening here, at least once they answered me that they were monitoring the forum, Twitter, Facebook, etc.I kind got that when I asked for some help with finding someone who I accidentally kicked out trying to get rid of an inactive person. That is why all this kind of started. Their reply was basically we can’t un do it which I understand. My problem was I couldn’t even try and find him again while playing on my iPhone which is why this all started. Their reply was basically be more careful next time. Which I should have payed better attention but that isn’t the greatest customer service. Which I kind of get from reading these forms a lot of people are having problems with that. When people start having problems and can’t get help it tends to make them not want to play the game. Which in turn loses them money.
For the fact that you create a separate thread for each of your individual thoughts, it is quite possible that you will be banned.Well we will see if they monitor these forms started 2 new messages. Asking people’s opinion on looking people up and being able to message people. We will see what people say and see if I get banned I guess.
By and large, I don’t care about you at all... I only spoke about your ideaSometimes you have to bring things up for people to be able to voice their opinions. Seems like you are a pessimist and just like to down people but what ever do your thing. I’ve dealt with a-lot worse People in my life and that’s up close and personal not a key board warrior like you have hinted to in posts before. Keep working for the man.
I kind got that when I asked for some help with finding someone who I accidentally kicked out trying to get rid of an inactive person. That is why all this kind of started. Their reply was basically we can’t un do it which I understand. My problem was I couldn’t even try and find him again while playing on my iPhone which is why this all started. Their reply was basically be more careful next time. Which I should have payed better attention but that isn’t the greatest customer service. Which I kind of get from reading these forms a lot of people are having problems with that. When people start having problems and can’t get help it tends to make them not want to play the game. Which in turn loses them money.
You say you understand that your request can't be done but you say it isn't the greatest customer service.Trust me I don’t see it as personal at all. I don’t take things personal it’s not in my nature at all. Sometimes you have to bring things up front and center for things to be seen and get done.