Opinions, how to improve matchmaking and avoid stacking.


Approved user
Mar 10, 2016
After a 50% of our world wars (we are doing 25-30 players ww), getting opponents with mixed high global-industrial and classical-iron ages players, i would like to offer an idea, how to stop this. Include 'legal' attack criteria, that exists on a every multiplayer battle. I mean +-1 age difference system. E.g. if alliance A has 14 global, 2 IA and 4 classical age players, they can be matched only against alliance with enough 'legal' attacks against them. If alliance B will have 12 GA, 6 IA and 2 EA players, they cannot be matched against alliance A, because there would be zero players, that can attack alliances A 4 classical age bases. The only way to match those two alliances would be, that alliance B would have half +1 available players to attack each different age players alliance A has. This way alliance B must have at least 3 iron, classical or medieval age players to complete full attacks on alliance A. and if they still do, then the only way A and B can match each other, would be if their strongest players would be around the same strength. And if like in our situations, where our top 15 is constantly outmatched by opponents top 15 by an average of minimum 10 lvl and more, then we cannot be matched against them because of the existing 'strength' criteria. Our alliances avg strength would be too low to match us if we also take to war players from all ages. Because now it gets like their 60-70% top players are having easy win and the bottom 'stacked' bases takes from us max 2 stars. Not fun war at all. also we are getting opponents with mixed age bases, but way weaker overall then us, despite not using the same method. 'Legal' attack count method would eliminate this.Any opinions from you would be great.
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Approved user
May 2, 2015
We have guys still in Gunpowder and others in Global and we war with those. Yet again we've been matched in the 15 player war against a clan that has 11 Global, 4 IA all xp 150 or more. Its bl**dy absurdly ludacris! :(