Optimize French civilization gameplay (Offence, Defence and Economy)


Approved user
May 29, 2017
Before I start, details about me-
French-Medieval Age
League-Silver III

So, as we know French have offensive strategy. But French can be defensive and economic. How?

About French nation-
[h=2]Nation Powers[/h]
Training and Friendship
  • Reduces the time it takes to train an army by 20%.
  • French players can receive +3 Alliance Troops initially. They can receive +3 more in the Gunpowder Age.

[h=2]Benefits and Disadvantages[/h]
  • Troops are trained much more quickly.
  • Cavalry troops have much more damage while minimizing causalities.
  • More Alliance troops can help in attacks.The French are referred to one of the best nations in the game.the chevalier are arguably the very best of all the special units.
  • You have to be active member in an active alliance.

Unique Unit

The Chevalier is the level 1 standard French unique Heavy Cavalry unlocked in the Iron Age.. It can be upgraded to become a Heavy Chevalier. It is researched in a level 3 blacksmith. It replaces the horseman.
  • Due to the French's nation power of troops trained quicker; the chevalier can be trained in 2 minutes and 48 seconds which is 42 seconds earlier than standard heavy cavalry (3 minutes and 30 seconds).
  • The Chevalier is one of the strongest units in the game; as well as the strongest heavy cavalry.
So, Chevalier is strongest barrack troop in Dominations.
At Atomic Age-
Other nationsMain Battle TankHP-
FrenchARL-44 TankHP-

*No boosts
*Centaur Tank's HP-

French can be economic, if you are active player.

As we know French training time is quicker than other nations. So, you can make many attacks in a day. Then you can collect much more resources.
When attacking look for wealthy players and if you are on medal pushing then look for farming bases with great loot. Actually there are many players who keep their Town Center outside the walls and protect their Mills and Markets with walls. But they don't have enough loot in their Mills and Markets. They have loot in their Caravans and Farms which is generated and the player don't collect them because of their inactivity. Even if you are on early ages you can attack later ages players for loot.

  • Deploy your Chevaliers near Town Center and rally them to Town Center (Use Supply Carts and Protect and First Aid tactics. So then they can fight longer). As we know Chevaliers have more health by which they can fight longer and distract enemies. Meanwhile, your raiders will do their work.
You can make many attacks in a row and collect huge resources which will fasten your civilization.
Just retrain troops and wait troops to be trained.and go for your next attack.

I am on Medieval Age and I loot 1 Million resources daily in just 7-8 attacks.
Then I spend my resources and volia no loot left that invaders can stole.


French can be defensive too, if you are in an active alliance.

As we know French have +3 allied force, So it is 9 at level 1 Alliance Gate.
Iron age player can ask ranged siege for alliance troop.(Troop space of ranged siege become 9 with a Library research)
Other nations player need level 2 Alliance Gate for 9 allied force space.
Then donated ranged siege will defend Town Center from every attack until they are not destroyed or not used in attacks.

In Gunpowder Age it become +6 allied force space. If you have lvl 3 Alliance Gate. Then total allied troop space become 18 and you can ask 2 ranged siege. And your defence will become mighty.
Other nations player need lvl 5 Alliance Gate for 18 allied troop space. And French players need only lvl 3 Alliance Gate with Gunpowder Age.

Ranged siege have great damage against troops.
Later ranged siege damages in area.

World War

Troop donated to war base is same as allied troop space means if you have 12 allied troop space then 12 troops can be donated to your war base on planning day.
If you have 18 allied troop space means you can have 2 ranged siege for your defence for every defend in world war.
Strong heavy cavalry, quicker training and more allied troop space will make your attack better.

There is no doubt French is best nation for world wars.

Happy gaming.



Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
The enthusiasm is appreciated, and there is some info here that is correct and will get some new players on the way. But you are only Medieval Age. You have a lot to learn yourself, some things that you wrote here are assumptions that are not exactly correct.

1) French unique cavalry/tanks aren't widely considered the best unique unit. That title for the most part goes to the British unique shooters, mostly for the +1 range. A whole bunch of advantages come with the range, namely the shooters are engaging the enemy faster, avoiding defences in a much more reliable way and going together with the siege units because they both have range 5. The French uniques have more health and a bit more damage. In later ages cavalry/tanks won't win you battles, shooters and siege units will. They are good for donations though, along with Greek and unique shooters of other nations.

2)Chevaliers rally to Town Center in raid attacks? You want to use defensive rallies (bringing your troops together when they split up or avoiding dangerous defences) and focused rallies on some dangerous buildings.

3) French are not the best for world wars. More hp and some more damage for cavalry/tanks and +6 alliance gate space isn't quite great as:

British 5 range shooters
German 15% dps increase on everything they have, more frequent and longer rallies
Korean 40% more damaging shooters and +1 tactic slot

They are a great benefit to an alliance though because the tank is one of the best donations and it is much easier to donate 2 tanks than 20 unique shooters (because of the 6 unit donation limit)
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Wynne D Fanchon

Approved user
Apr 19, 2017
  • You have to be active member in an active alliance.'
Going to have to disagree with this one. I'm a French player and have never played WW. You don't have to. I would of worded it by saying it would be wasting a perk if you don't play WW. I also wouldn't say French are best on World War but they are probably best for raiding loot consecutively without much loses.

In addition to that, I also agree with what Knifer said in his points. I almost always defensive rally because your shooters need to stay close to your tanks in order to kill the defenders off them.

However the rest of the post is pretty good but I still feel that you need to play the game more and progress through the ages to have more of a strong impact, atleast past Industrial because there are many new buildings introduced with the addition of horses changing to tanks.


Approved user
Aug 8, 2016
french are waaaay more defensive and economic than a world war nation. especially now that time is an important factor..french are slooooooow.
also i want to point out that greek tanks are extremely better imho. I wouldn't care of 2k hp more on an already high hp unit. Tanks damage is low, so the more they have the faster they destroy defenses.
it's a defensive nations because of more allied units in tc and command post and armory spawning special tanks is like having a stable more


Approved user
Aug 28, 2016
Went from Greece to France.
The only good thing about Greece is the spécial unit which is good, all the other bonuses are useless specially in later ages.
Talking about these 2 tank units nation France is better. I don't consider France as a defensive nation at all. The combination of the training blessing and the faster training allows you to steal a lot of gold and food really fast.


Approved user
Aug 8, 2016
it is an economical nation firstly for sure, but why not defensive?
2 tanks spwaning from armory 2 from CP and more howies in tc. If french is not defensive what nation is?
japanes with tc shooting arrows to tanks?


Approved user
Aug 28, 2016
Because most of the players in my team use France thanks to the training avantage that allows you to raid a lot and faster. Their special unit is a powerful tank.
That s an offensive nation.
If You guys are afraid of 2 tanks spawning from a building, stop doing wars you re gonna be shocked for life.


Approved user
Aug 8, 2016
man really i don't understand the attidute. scared about tanks? i eat your tanks at breakfast with my rifles..they are just slower to kill than infantry.
French is not an offensive nation.British, romans germans and koreans are. don't want to be rude but that's the reality. for the reason i told you french is more defensive than any other nation. What alliance are you in?


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
What nation is defensive then? Japanese TC that can at best kill a careless players' healers? Shooter nations and shooters coming out of command center? There really aren't a lot defensive attributes present in nations and French is actually one of the better ones, probably the next best after command post shooters.

"If You guys are afraid of 2 tanks spawning from a building, stop doing wars you re gonna be shocked for life."

No need to insult here.


Approved user
May 10, 2017
I started out with the Greeks, but when I reached IA I started to realize that their perks just didn't scale well in the later ages and their unique tank wasn't enough incentive to stick with them. When I switched, I was considering French or Brits and ultimately went with Brits. The 15% looting bonus alone is worth it to me (especially with the scarcity of oil), and their incredible unique units are just icing on the cake. Unless I do something really stupid, I rarely lose more than a handful of them in battle.


Approved user
May 12, 2017
I started out with the Greeks, but when I reached IA I started to realize that their perks just didn't scale well in the later ages and their unique tank wasn't enough incentive to stick with them. When I switched, I was considering French or Brits and ultimately went with Brits. The 15% looting bonus alone is worth it to me (especially with the scarcity of oil), and their incredible unique units are just icing on the cake. Unless I do something really stupid, I rarely lose more than a handful of them in battle.

Ive been considering switching from romans to brits. I just never have the 16 workers needed to make the switch.


Approved user
Aug 8, 2016
did it at the beginning of IA, from romans to brits. never regretted


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
French are at least competitive. Greek and Japanese have nearly zero pros relative to other nations, and they have needed some love for a long time.


Approved user
Aug 28, 2016
Bon appétit with tanks at breakfast but you re gonna
Have an indigestion 😂
If you eat tank at breakfast i don't need to eat your rifles i just have to drive over them with my super powerful fancy saint chamond.

The only nation who has a defensive advantage is Japon with tc shooting but this is scary only during early ages, it s almost irrelevant in later ages.
I agree roman and german are really offensive, more troop number and an offensive bonus for all the troops. Britains are not more offensive than the french, it s the same they have a powerful special unit not a nation bonus like german or roman.

The best defense is the way you organize your layout, if you count on 6 extra troop in tc or having 2 tanks spawning from a building for your défense, it means your defenses are weak.

I keep on eating my french cheese you keep on eating your ugly british pudding 😂
@KNIFER I don't know where you saw insult you were probably dreaming, not a beautiful dream i guess


Approved user
Apr 20, 2016
>but they are probably best for raiding loot consecutively without much loses.

I would say they're the best all-in nation, like, if you know the base you're attacking is a suicide mission for your main army then it doesn't matter if you throw your entire army at that base (as long as you aren't sacrificing the planes too) because you can just rebuild the entire army in sub 10 minutes tops. I raid 5k to 4k oil by throwing away entire armies as French nation, I don't care, I'll get that army back too fast to.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Hi KayDee, thank you for your enthusiastic input! Despite people having a different opinion to you, you make very good points, though your experience is still to be tested in later ages.
I'm not sure if you've played as other nations but it might benefit you to try others as time goes on, so you can balance your opinion with some other perspective. Other nations have great unique troops or bonuses, as other people have already said, but that said the French have a good tank which will come into its own in later ages.
PS: there is some doubt French is best nation for world wars ;) :D
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British Coffee

Approved user
Nov 8, 2016
Here's all you need to know about french till you reach err I don't know it works in every age.
spam raiders to get resources.
Use common sense and wall miners with raiders for oil raiding.
Know the difference between a dormant and active base
There is no reason to do anything else unless you want to have fun.
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Approved user
Aug 8, 2016
nikolo, very sorry you don't get what i say. but hey you have sant chamond, it means you are just a little industrial age player and clearly there is still much you have to learn about the game. Brits are the most powerful nation for war, you can say what you want think what you want, but if 99% of players think this guess who is wrong? if you are british layout means very little unless you have super walls. why else would top korean alliance be composed almost only by british nation?
Oh and btw having 4 howies in tc instead of 3 IS a defensive bonus, probably the only one in the game.
have fun with your tanks
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Approved user
Aug 28, 2016
Me a little industrial age player mmm let me check oh no you re wrong one more time, too bad. I'm global just had saint chamond until yesterday if you want to know. I kept them because i love them so much saint chamond it sounds like the name of a super tasty cheese, so nice.
Where did you get that information 99% of the players think that ? An official survey, a personnal one.
If the korean top teams say so i have to bow down, what the say is gospel speech.
You can pick any nation you want as long as you are a skilled general you re gonna be good in wars.
Of course having howitzer Instead of tank or anything else in tc is better i have net pretented the contrary, but 3 or 6 extra troops are far to guarantee you to have an howitzer everytime. According to a personnal survey i made with the korean top teams troops spawning from tc are not threatening.
Have fun too
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