Rally cancel


Approved user
Sep 16, 2015
How about, after using rally, we could have a timer on rally button, let's say 10 seconds, to cancel that rally?
Usage examples:
We use rally to reposition our healers, but don't want to move whole army all the way
We notice some HC or archers are bagging walls (disregard AI problems) or took waaay wrong path to the rally point - so we want to cancel that movement.
We noticed that some building that will ruin our army if our troops keep going to their rally point
We miss clicked either at the rally target or while moving village around.

Possible cancel methods:
Tapping 'cancel' icon on troop bar
tapping troops from troop bar to determine which troops we want to cancel movement
yelling at your device 'cancel cancel cancel' with possibility of pre recording our own commands.

Profits for CEO:
first 5 seconds of rally cancel could cost crowns, from 5 till 10 seconds would be free
cancel individual troop could cost crowns (want to save your HC from those nasty 3 cannons? gimme 5 crowns)

edit: Sorry, didn't see JustInCase post before, my bad for duplicate topic. Not deleting topic, as I written a bit more to that idea, hope you don't mind.
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