RememberTheName - Mature War Alliance


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Hello everyone,

RememberTheName is a war-focused alliance looking for new members to help us grow, and continue our long history of winning World Wars. My wife and I formed the alliance more than a year ago and haven't looked back ever since. We have a solid core of long-standing members with a proven track record of teamwork, consistent troop donations, and war victories. We need you to help take our alliance to the next level!

Unfortunately one of our council members went rogue and kicked half the alliance before rage-quitting his own account. Thankfully our dedicated core is still keeping the alliance going strong, and given how long we have been around, it is only a matter of time before we rise from the ashes stronger than before.

We try to go to war as often as possible, and we tend to win 75-80% of our wars. We expect each member who participates to get at least one attack per war, preferably two. If you cannot participate in war(s), you are expect to opt out so that we do not accidentally include you. We also expect members to log in at least once every 10 days, unless you give prior notice. If you just enjoy our company and do not wish to participate in wars, that is totally cool - just remain opted out. You do not *have* to participate in wars unless you want to - but they're fun and give great loot! Finally, we expect players who are Enlightenment Age or higher to donate consistently. Lower age players can donate to other lower age players but having the strongest troops attacking and defending in wars is vital!

We are happy to give newer players help with base layout ideas, attack strategies, powerful troops and general tips. Plus, winning wars is the best way to grow quickly! Oh and did I mention that we are almost one of the top 100 alliances in the game based on war glory?

If you are a mature, active, laid-back player that wants to be part of a long-running, successful war alliance please join us at RememberTheName in game. We like to foster a familial atmosphere and above all else demand that all members respect each other.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Hope to see you in game! :)
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Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Players of all skill levels and experience are more than welcome - we are the RememberTheName alliance with the Dragon flag icon thingy :)