• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Rethinking the Council’s Dynamics and the Time Wasted with Cards


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
I’m sure the Council building has added a good innovation to the game and revenue for BHG. It’s hard to ignore the importance it has gained over time, and it’s still nice to have the opportunity to meet or reunite with great leaders from our history with each new councilor released.

However, I must admit that I’ve been fed up and out of patience with the game for a long time, and part of the problem is the time wasted with the dynamic of collecting councilors. It’s astonishing how much time is lost if we calculate how many councilor cards have been opened and the time wasted with this. No one gets excited about opening cards anymore. We all know we’ll get repeated cards of common or uncommon categories. Not even obtaining rare category cards excites players of any kind.

The Council doesn’t have a “treasure hunt” dynamic. It’s not something that makes the player feel important or necessary, because the cards are just there, and it takes thousands of clicks to get the same things with no chance to improve what you already have. In this regard, it’s very different from the treasure hunting that’s done in the museum, where the player is part of the process.

In my opinion, BHG urgently needs to eliminate the number of unnecessary clicks to obtain councilors and reduce the need for unnecessary, repetitive, and slow animations so that players don’t have to waste more of their day for absolutely nothing, not even a brief hope of improving their councilors. I believe that most players already understand that they either have to settle for extremely slow progress or spend money to try, with a lot of luck, to speed up some uncertain progress, which can also be very frustrating.

The Council building and its mechanics definitely need to be rethought for the QoL of players.

By the way, reducing the number of unnecessary clicks is important for so many other types of reward collections in the game. I understand this has been requested many times, but I’m here to reinforce how important this is for retaining players.


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
Another approach would be to make collecting councilors more challenging but with higher chances of getting higher-level councilors.

It’s frustrating to be able to collect 10 councilors a day with a 0.01% chance of getting a better quality councilor, which in the end might be a duplicate, and then spend more resources just to get another duplicate when you roll the dice.

There’s a lot that can be rethought to improve the player experience.

Sometimes, less is more.
I prefer 1 x 1 = 1 over 10 x 0 = 0.

Anyway… Once again, I’m here dedicating my time to bringing something that could be useful for the company and the community.

Deciding whether to do something, what to do, and how to do it is up to you.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Every single point you ve made is spot on!! Congrats Rafar!

After I opened the Mythic Chests, for months now, I see zero progression. I am stuck with the same councillors. Hell, my offensive account still has blue councillors in my line up if you can believe it!

The most annoying part is saving 400-600 cards to fuse them in one go and you fuse like 30 blue councillors and get 0 purple cards. I mean, come on!! Even worse, when you have a ton of green cards and you only get 4-5 blue ones.... I have stopped hoping for anything....


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
I completely understand. I'm still using Leônidas Raro (blue), which is a counselor that was released along with the Council Building. I'm an active player who collects all available resources and has already invested money and crowns in various counselor packs.

However, I'm not really upset about that, despite choosing not to spend more resources on it. What irritates me is that, over the past two years since the council was launched, I've clicked more than 10,000 times to collect the same cards repeatedly. Performing thousands of repetitive and unnecessary operations, without excitement, diminishes gameplay time and reduces the longevity of my wrists. Arthritis, tendinitis, and other conditions are real and increasingly common for our generation, as are vision problems and others. Companies need to be aware of this, just as customers should be aware of their health conditions and know when to say goodbye to a hobby when it becomes more harmful than enjoyable.

Reduce unnecessary interactions. Unnecessary animations. Unnecessary clicks.

Make it easier to obtain resources and rewards with fewer clicks.

Perhaps it’s time to start thinking about a sense of scarcity, where obtaining a reward might be more challenging, but it will be more meaningful. As a result, this kind of change reduces unnecessary clicks and time that only impoverishes the player's experience.

Reconsider the council, whether in acquiring counselors, the chances of finding higher quality counselors, fusion rates, reducing clicks, reducing animations, adding loadouts, making it visible for war espionage, bringing a greater sense of importance to the player for advancing the council, continuing to add new counselors, adding new committees so that we have more and more options to make accounts increasingly unique and different from each other while still being effective...

Anyway, there is much that can be done, but some things should be prioritized with the players' QoL in mind as time goes by and the game progresses.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2021
I totally agree with it all. It could also be considered if fusion of several cards of the same councilor would garantee a card of the same councilor at the next level.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Too much reading.

If you increase drop of yellow or blue you have also increased purple and gold. The more fuse of blue cards will create etc ya get the point.

I agree more milestone rewards are needed and slight overall increase drop rate of yellow and above. Also stop with 1 card crap give out 5 card or 11 card packs instead stop being cheap and annoying us with clicks the single card crap has everyone annoyed

See short to point