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    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Review of the current 10-days event. ->18% cheaters!!!!

Don Mario

Approved user
Nov 24, 2019
Dear all,

i am writing this review because I am a bit angry about what is going on with this game. It was the first and the Last time for me spending money On this game. And I will tell you why.

the event pass was available for 32,99€ which is about 35,67$. So far so good. There were 2 legendary artefacts available and not the baddest one. So I decided to go for it. I also were very thrifty with my speed ups, which means, I stored about 46 days of speed ups which also means getting 5520 extra points for this event. This was my starting position.

the event itself was very hard. You have to stay low on glory to fight against low rated bases like the old level 100 industrial bases to get 5 stars without loosing troops. (I am level 195 global age) all over the 10 days I was doing about 1120 fights ! Well... on the last two days it was like doing nothing than being on the phone and have the ambition of being listed in the top 100. Calculating how far I can go with all my speed ups was also part of the game.

in the end I got 97th place at the leaderboard and I was very very happy about it! It was so close to get listed in the top 100. Only 100 points away from being not listed anymore. Wow... that was so hard! 100points were 4 fights or 50 hours of speeding up.
And now there is the other side of the story....

BHG is checking every gamer within the top 100 if there is everything correct with them and I really appreciate it! However, I was climbing in the leaderboard to now position 79 until I was getting my reward. The new level 97 player has 2000 points less than me! Which means 80 fights less or 400 hours of spending Speed ups. 400 hours means Nearly 16 days!!!! With my effort and ambition on multiplayer fights, there was no need to give away all my speed ups which were saved over the last year. And I was spending them on upgrades which were not needed, only because I needed to use speed ups to get listed.

TheWise BHG_Muet why aren’t you checking the gamers while the event is running??? 18% of the top 100 gamers were cheaters! Wow.... I will never ever spend money again after this experience... check them constantly! And after the event is ending, check them again to be sure. The 2nd check should be faster than the initial one. It is a big big mess if you do it like you do it now. Do not get me wrong... I appreciate it that you are checking them. I am angry because you are only checking it afterwards. Not during the event. That makes me angry to have given away all my speed ups which were not necessarily needed.


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
Don Mario, thank you for describing your experience, but didn't you know what you were getting into? 18% are only those who have been identified. this game has long been a Mecca for cheaters, who are much more than honest players (at the top levels, of course).. and there are fewer and fewer people who are waiting for change..

Don Mario

Approved user
Nov 24, 2019
I want them to check the top 100 gamers every day to sort them out! Not only when the event is over. And than ban them permanently if the cheating is completely obvious!


Approved user
Aug 15, 2018
I completely understand your point Don Mario and also would urge more timely removal of the cheaters. For me the story did not end as well. After grinding away like crazy for most of the event, I gave up,placed roughly 115 th. with 2 days to go.
If removal of cheaters was done more quickly I would have been more aware of my actual position and realise that I would still be in with a fair chance of making top 100 and not give up.
I realise that this may not be possible. Therefore it is obvious that with this percentage of the player base actively cheating in every event punishments need to be harsher, bans much longer, including removal entirely from the game until their numbers are reduced to a level that the developers are able to deal with them
in real time.

Don Mario

Approved user
Nov 24, 2019
I was having a chat with TheWise. And yes, the joy of hitting the top 100 turns in frustration by seeing that huge amount of cheaters. In your case it is a a different frustration. You had the chance of hitting the top 100 and you gave up because the effort was too high. Now you see that you had easily the chance of getting into the top 100. That’s really a big mess... sorry to see this... I am feeling with you!

TheWise this story i meant.