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RisenfromAshes throwing up the bat signal for you


Approved user
Nov 20, 2017

Hello there we would like to extend an invite to you to come and visit us at RisenfromAshes.

What you can expect from us:

1. Respectful and friendly people.
2. We don't just talk about the game all the time and yes we use discord but that's not mandatory for anyone. However, if you use discord that's a plus.
3. No pressure to donate troops. Completely depends on your game time and the way you wish to donate troops.
4. No pressure to 5 star your opponents in war but yes we expect 100% participation and effort. You can always choose to opt out of wars by letting us know in advance.
Try and fail but never fail to try.

What we expect from you:

1. To make your attacks as per the war plan.
2. To communicate, be it via the game chat or discord but communication is key.
3. Being respectful and friendly towards your fellow members

Your age, level, experience etc will be wonderful but honestly it's your communication and the ability to be a team player that matters to us the most.

Please feel free to visit us anytime irrespective of your age, level, nation etc we are always happy to host you and welcome you. We absolutely love to have visitors and love it more when they choose to make our place as their home :)

Gunpowder Age to Cold War Age we have it all and we welcome all.

RisenfromAshes - currently at level 8 and moving forward together.

We have a special bat signal for wars haha come check that out :)

Reach our leader Nicole on discord: **Nicole**#2666
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Approved user
Oct 22, 2016
Thank you Xander so much for writing this. Not only are these kind words but these are also very true things. Of course he may have left out how much he, himself, does for the team, which is a lot. Shhh. Don't tell Xander but if ever I don't know the answer...he does ;):p. We really do need all ages especially for balance for war purposes but we welcome everyone! I just wanted to mention you can always write us here...on the post..or privately with any questions you have if that helps or pop in! Currently medals are on 600 but always willing to lower them. That's never an issue. And, most importantly while I'd like for this to be your home I understand people all want different things so if it's not for you, that's okay too. :):cool:


Approved user
Oct 22, 2016
Officially sending up a bat signal for all players!! Yes, the rebalance affected many and I still feel iffy but we keep rolling on. You all know Nexon war matches are usually unbalanced but due to various reasons we really need some active players, please, because I don't believe in bagging or stacking. I do believe in balancing ages for war and right now we're lacking some. I'm intentionally not disclosing ages that we need because we need all ages and as long as you chat and play even if you don't want to war that's okay!! So please let me know if you need a home or have an interest. After running 3 alliances I'm lax on certain rules which are shown above. This is a game and I'd like it to be fun for all!! I've always accepted irons and above as long as you're willing to be a team player and just be kind to others!! Thanks for your time in reading this, as always! P.S. One thing we don't have at all is troop donation ratios. I never want people to worry about that. 😊😊


Approved user
Oct 22, 2016
Calling all active players!! Whether you like to chat or war we need you!! We play it clean so balance in war is crucial!! Really need CWA, AA, IA, EA. GPA and others of course you are welcome and need some of all of you!! We use discord. I also have WhatsApp for international players as I'm currently in the U.S. I won't lie due to game changes, rebalance and real life we could use some help!! I and others are very loyal players so I would really like those that are looking for a home to join!! Ideally. But, I also understand if you want to give it a test run and that's okay. And, if it doesn't feel like the home for you, that's always okay. I respect all people's choices in this lifetime and I care about you all as players but more importantly as people!! So if you need a home give us a shot! Everyone is equal to me. Titles are always offered but there is *no* difference between leader and ally. All voices and suggestions are heard and listened to and I do my personal best to adhere to any changes you'd like to see, if you'd like to see any. Lots of helpful and friendly people there. My one request is to communicate. We're a team and that's important. So please say a hello before joining and requesting troops and I'll gladly fill!! This is a game first and foremost and I want you all to enjoy it!! I also try to be available to the best of my ability to meet all time zones, thus we do use discord so you can reach me anytime day or night. I highly recommend it but it's not forced. I will use alliance email or whatever works for you. :) If you have discord always feel free to add me if you have any questions or email me here. You must use my stars or the add won't go through. **Nicole**#2666 for discord. ;) We are here and we are waiting :)
P.S. medals are at 800 atm but have no problem lowering if you need me to. Hope to hear from you or better yet meet you!


Approved user
Oct 22, 2016
Oh. We're perks 9 now but more than ever we need *you* all domi players!!


Approved user
Dec 24, 2018
Great leadership, nice group of people, a lot to learn, server with lots of info and war all the time! Come check us out


Approved user
Oct 22, 2016
Really need all players from CWA-GPA or any active participants. Always welcome visitors but really hoping for players that want a permanent home. I promise I do my best to take care of all. You're not just a player. You're a person. You're family to me. Medals are on 500 atm but will adjust for anyone. Please feel free to message me privately in here with any questions and I promise to write an updated post as soon as I can. Many top players have quit due to game changes or real life and it saddens me but I'm trying to keep domi going for all. And I won't lie. I have no CWA or AA atm. All ages are important for balance in wars. Please help!! Everyone is an equal to me. All I ask is for a chance and if you're not happy, you're free to go elsewhere. Free will always. I always respect people's choices in this lifetime. 😊😉
P.S. My one request is please say hello when joining before requesting troops please!!

Sir Tossalot

Approved user
Oct 2, 2018
I was wandering through the void and found my home here. Warm, friendly, excellent war strategists on the team. This alliance's bite is bigger than it's bark 💪🏻


Approved user
Oct 22, 2016
What bark? I love dogs but I am a cat person lol. And let's be real I don't bark at all....except maybe whine about Marco but you know....🙄😉


Approved user
Dec 24, 2018
Looking for a place to stay, have fun and some war. Come join us, we got discord server too for better communication and more!