• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Season 5 Preview - Week Ahead 9/18


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022

Greetings Leaders,

This week a bit of Surveillance has revealed some of the stats you can expect in the upcoming Season 5! You’ll also find discounts on upgrades for Offensive Coalitions, and stock up on Assassins throughout the Ages! All that and more in the week ahead.


Season 5: Battle Surveillance Preview

Season 5: Battle Surveillance is coming soon! Be ready for powerful General and Heavy Cavalry bonuses, as well as Supply Vehicle bonuses to keep their allies healthy. Steal more defenders with Betrayal, or use this Season’s new strategies for the Recon Planes to encourage your troops to destroy them instead! But attackers be warned, there are of the equally powerful Generals on the defensive side, as well as other powerful buffs to stand against you.

The Season will begin on 09/24 at 15:00 UTC and ends on 12/10 at 15:00 UTC.

New Strategies!
Recon Plane Scan Radius -50%
Recon Plane Hitpoints +30%
Recon Plane Cooldown -30%

Offensive Bonuses:
Terra Cotta Army Heavy Infantry Amount REDACTED
Terra Cotta Army Ranged Infantry Amount REDACTED
Heavy Cavalry Hitpoints +30%
Supply Vehicle Heal Bonus +25%
Bazooka Range REDACTED
Betrayal Troops Stolen +2
Demoralize Directive Power +50%
Valor Directive Attack Speed Power +100%

Defensive Bonuses:
Terra Cotta Hitpoint Bonus +100%
Wall & Gate Hitpoints +30%
Bastion Hitpoints REDACTED
Tower Damage REDACTED
Mortar Tower Range +1
S.A.M. Battery Damage +25%
Ambush Trap Troops Spawned +3
Wall Blessing Power +30%
Interference Directive Power REDACTED
Barbed Wire Directive Power +20%
Bazooka Sentry Damage +30%
Bazooka Sentry Hitpoints +50%

Special Troop Bonuses:
Recon Mk6 Plane Scan Radius -50%
Recon Mk6 Hitpoints +60%
Recon Mk6 Cooldown -40%
All Castle Generals Hitpoints +25%
Cleopatra Damage +50%
Macarthur Damage +50%
Guan Yu Damage +50%
Centaur Tank Hitpoints REDACTED
Supply Convoy Heal Bonus +50%
Ball Tank Movement Speed REDACTED
Ball Tank Hitpoints REDACTED
KA-25 Assault Helicopter Damage +35%
Mil Mi-25 Hitpoints +40%
AH-1 Super Cobra Damage Bonus +25%

Additional Bonuses:
Alliance Law Donation Gold Cost -50%
Temple of Tikal Resource Refund +660%
Space Needle Cooldown -4 days
All Expeditions Troop Tactic Reward Amount +1

Recon Mk6 HP is now +60%

Check back on the forums 9/23 for the full Season 5: Battle Surveillance reveal. We’ll provide the full details on the first part of the Season Pass and reveal the rewards in the upcoming Seasonal Chest!


The Petrov’s Decision Event will continue until 9/17


Hall of Worthies Event 9/12 - 9/19
The Hall of Worthies University Event has begun!

King Sejong of Korea is most famous for inventing the easy-to-learn Hangul alphabet with the aid of his scholarly council, the Hall of Worthies.

Go to your University and enjoy a 40% discount on all of King Sejong's University skills! Researching King Sejong's skills will require 1 less citizen for the duration of the event!


Helicopter Rescue Event 9/17 - 9/24
This weekend is our Helicopter Rescue Event!

The first military helicopter rescue was performed by Lieutenant Carter Harman in April 1944. He was given orders to fly from India to Taro in northern Burma to rescue Pilot Technical Sergeant Ed “Murphy” Hladovcak, whose plane had crashed in Japanese-occupied territory while he was transporting three wounded British soldiers. Though completely surrounded by Japanese troops, Murphy and the injured men managed to stay successfully hidden.

Enjoy these discounts for a limited time!

33% off the following Coalition upgrades:
• Mongols
• Cherokee
• Americans
• Ethiopians

Episodes 9/21 - 9/28


Assassin’s Episode
For the Assassin’s Episode, you’ll find a variety of Assassin-themed Troop Tactics for Free! The Oni Ninja, Lady Death, Shinobi, Master Assassin, and more Troop Tactics are on the Free Tier of this Episode Pass.

Premium Pass holders can acquire Apache, T28 Tank, F-15 STOL Troop Tactics. The final reward is the Assassin Fortress!

If you can place within the Top 100 on the Global Leaderboard you can acquire the Anti Satellite Missile Legendary Artifact.


Drone Age Episode
The Drone Age Episode will stock your Stronghold with various Troop Tactics for Free! You can look forward to the A7V Tank, P-51 Red Tail, FA-18 Hornet, and more.

If you pick up the Premium Pass you’ll get chances at various Legendary Artifacts through multiple different Chests. With Season 5 on the way this is one of the first ways you’ll be able to acquire the Season 5 Chest, you’ll need to come back on 9/23 for the full Season 5 reveal!

Legendary Step-Ups 9/18 - 9/25

Between 9/22 and 9/25 you’ll be able to pick up extra Legendary Tokens in a Summer Special Sale.


Thinker of Cernavoda Step-Up
This step-up sale will grant you multiple chances at the Thinker of Cernavoda Legendary Artifact through a special chest!

Plane Gyro Gunsight Guaranteed Step-Up
Multiple chances at the Plane Gyro Gunsight Legendary Artifact through chests. Completing every step in the sale will guarantee you the Legendary Artifact!


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2019
My opinion , 3 months period is pretty long, it was better whan you change every month.
More fun.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
Yes, 3 month events are definitely too long. Please rethink this. Players don’t like it.

Dhruv patel

Approved user
Aug 27, 2017
please make this only a month.( need a cooldown from it all)

the extra army for expidition would be good... if not for the citizen drain (they too valuable).

but the temple of tikal 660% increase is just funny bumping it up from 3% resource refund to 22%... making it from the worse gunpowder wonder to... needs improvement (cause the storehouse capacity is still useless)


Approved user
Sep 15, 2018
@Harlems369th I think defensive and offensive bonuses should not apply to special buildings, like bazooka sentries etc. until the external server has been closed. Having the ability to add unlimited buildings is an injustice to fair playing alliances and players.


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
@Harlems369th I think defensive and offensive bonuses should not apply to special buildings, like bazooka sentries etc. until the external server has been closed. Having the ability to add unlimited buildings is an injustice to fair playing alliances and players.
Totally agree.
We know that the Bazooka Sentry is for sale in the VIP store, that there were chances of obtaining them in the Conqueror's Chest (WW) and that it also appeared just over a month ago in one of the "Episode 2" events, but this does not justify the number of them on different bases of some alliances.
What justifies the huge amount on display of these constructions are illegal means, whether through the server, bugs or hacks to obtain crowns (which makes it possible to purchase them in the VIP store).
Therefore, benefiting from this construction would be to reinforce players who have abused the most diverse types of cheating available.

And unfortunately for those who have constantly encountered cheating situations, nothing else matters in this game until the game is fixed. I have always tried to provide feedback on the events and all the changes, but now I only have eyes for the disaster created due to cheaters and BHG's ineffectiveness.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Special buildings that are already OP and we all know it, shouldn't become the target of extra buff cause this creates a huge imbalance. I thought that BHG wanted to find the sweet spot between O and D

just my 2 cents


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
Hi oddin, I can’t agree with you. Are mortars OP? Were fighters OP during the last event with the boost? Was Recon OP during events which boosted them? How about that recent Attack helicopter boost? My point is many offense weapons are also boosted during these events. Besides, I think saying a bazooka sentry boost will cause an imbalance is an exaggeration.

My primary complaint about these events is the new duration. 3 months is absolutely positivity to long. I suspect maybe BHG is short handed as far as staff and they don’t have the manpower to continue one month events. So 3 month events work on autopilot.The problem is, most players I’ve spoken to hate the 3 month duration.

As for the coming Age upgrades, I sure hope BHG put some work into it this time. The Drone age update was embarrassing, boring and showed BHG worked very little on it, except for the new Drones, but even that was very late. Players want some new wonders, new troop types, new defensive structures and so on. Drone Age update was mostly nothing more then more upgrades. They could have rolled those upgrades in a regular update. I will say, the graphics staff has done a great job all along.
Last edited:


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Drone age is incomplete in so many things... Let's not analyze that here+now

I am a defender and a striker. This means I have a more all around experience from the game and I can understand both worlds... Offence and Defence! So, when I see a base with Zook sentry or tower, I instantly fear to attack it and I know it will be a tough one. Now, imagine how it feels when you know it is boosted...

Yeah the last season fighters were very strong but you had to be a good attacker to kill a good defender with filipinos coalition and some antifighter hp. Not everyone could do it.

But being a defender and having a buffed zook sentry can potentially lead to an untouchable base and thus an imbalance.


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
And so....
Without missing the main point of criticism of the boost of this construction.
The biggest problem is not actually BHG improving it, but rather the fact that several players are obtaining this construction illegally. It's not fair to those who actually need luck to get it for free from chests or events or pay for something that cheaters are getting for free.
It's as if BHG said: "if you play fair and want to be competitive against cheating alliances, buy our towers in our amazing offers so you don't get left behind."

Although BHG's new golden eggs goose is council card sales.

Once again, my appeal as a player and customer who loves this game... Put an end to cheating and punish cheaters. We are sure that you receive many tickets of suspected cheating against the same alliances and accounts. Why are these accounts still active? Not to work on problem solving and eliminating cheaters at the same time? Where is the customer service?

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
@oddin @Horsepower
Fear Not, BHG are great at finding solutions to problems they created. I've no doubt there'll be special offers and specific sales in due course to maximise demand for their inevitable supply. 😁


Approved user
Sep 15, 2018
If we want a fair game I would suggest to exclude special buildings as well as TT’s from getting buffs during events. Not everyone can use 3 special buildings, 3 tups, recons etc. in every war. For years the same players and alliances always had the maximum number of special buildings in every war … some do spend … but not all! Having a balanced game is a bit tricky because the gap is to big on who can afford the best TT’s or special buildings every war.