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Serious WAR BUG - Average Destruction - Affects War Wins


Approved user
Apr 10, 2015
There is a serious bug with the determination of War Winners in case of a tie, specifically the most common tie which is max score vs max score.

Situation: We just completed a 25v25 war. Both sides earned the max - - - 125 stars. According to the game rules:

What happens if we Tie / What if we get the same number of Stars?
In the event that of a tie, the Alliance with the higher Average Destruction will be victorious.

Our ally clearly won on Average Destruction, but the game bugged during the "Please Wait" ending stage and set the Average Destruction for both sides to 100%. Here are the relevant screenshots:

NOTE: The first 2 images were taken less than 5 minutes before war ended. The second two images were taken immediately after war ended.

Image 1 - WAR REPORT tab of the REPORT button - shows we have a 25 player war with both sides earning 125 stars. It also shows our side (Invincible) earned the max score with fewer attacks (13 attacks remaining on our side vs 6 for our opponent)

Image 2 - WAR REPORT tab of the REPORT button scrolled to the bottom. Note the AVERAGE DESTRUCTION we earned clearly shows as 86.2% while our opponent's AVERAGE DESTRUCTION was 82.5%. We knew this was would end in a tie less than 12 hours into war, and were managing our Average Destruction throughout the war.

Image 3 - Upon war ending, this is the screen which was shown. We were all SHOCKED to see a STALEMATE. Upon looking further, we noticed the AVERAGE DESTRUCTION values were altered to show 100% on both sides. WHAT THE HECK???

The entire point of the Average Destruction value is to serve as a tie-breaker. The most common ties will occur when both sides score the max points. By any measurement the AVERAGE DESTRUCTION for each side is not 100%!

a. Look at the values the WAR REPORT offered throughout the entire war! It ended with 86.2% vs 82.5%.

b. Take the total results (100% destruction) and divide by the number of attacks. That is another computational method (although not the one the game uses).

c. Look at the actual data of each attack individually and add them up (as per the game's method)

No matter how you slice it, we have the higher AVERAGE DESTRUCTION. After the war was over, it seems the game substituted AVERAGE DESTRUCTION with some aspect of TOTAL DESTRUCTION.

Image 4 - Now that the war is over, when I view the REPORT >>> WAR REPORT tab it shows "average destruction" as 100%.

THIS IS A SERIOUS BUG AND SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IMMEDIATELY. Our ally earned close to 300 Glory along with war loot, but we have received neither. This issue will repeat for every other ally with a tie score. Please resolve immediately!


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Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
This is not a bug. Your war was correctly counted as a stalemate. The average destruction is based on the BEST attacks for each base. If you get a perfect score, obviously it's 100%. Before the war ends, the stated destruction is based on ALL attacks. When the war ends, it's changed to the BEST attacks.

You can argue the stat should reflect the best attacks at all times, and not just at war end, but that doesn't change the fact that your alliance was not wronged.


Approved user
Jul 14, 2016
This was by far the most intense war we had. I practically didn't sleep in order to control a war that was practically lost almost from start, same goes for Excellion (our Leader). After an incredible team work and mind game we've been able to turn Avg Destruction in our favor. War was won at the time it was ending. And we get a stalemate?!


Approved user
Jul 14, 2016
Hi Quovatis thx for the quick answer... As Excellion shared here => What happens if we Tie / What if we get the same number of Stars?
In the event that of a tie, the Alliance with the higher Average Destruction will be victorious.

What you guys determine to be the tie breaker is Avg Destruction so something is wrong when you say that it has nothing to do with it...


Approved user
Apr 10, 2015
This is not a bug. Your war was correctly counted as a stalemate. The average destruction is based on the BEST attacks for each base. If you get a perfect score, obviously it's 100%. Before the war ends, the stated destruction is based on ALL attacks. When the war ends, it's changed to the BEST attacks.

You can argue the stat should reflect the best attacks at all times, and not just at war end, but that doesn't change the fact that your alliance was not wronged.

Respectfully, that is a terrible explanation and cannot reasonably be correct.

1. There is a clear field called AVERAGE DESTRUCTION in the WAR REPORT. That field name matches the rules description. The entire 24 hours of war, every war, it accurately shows the AVERAGE DESTRUCTION for each side.

2. You suggest after the war ends the figure changes by design? That is illogical on every level. The entire point of the War Report is to allow ally members and leaders to make decisions during the war.

3. As explained above, by any definition of AVERAGE DESTRUCTION, we win. 100% is NOT "averaging" anything. It is TOTAL destruction.

4. It would completely undermine the Glory system. This was our 32nd Glory war, and the hardest fought war we have had. We get nothing for it? Wait...let's set aside our personal pity and choose a different approach.

Dominations is highly based on offense. At the top, there will be many wars where both sides achieve max scores resulting in a tie. The entire point of the tie breaker is to provide a second skill factor to the game. You are suggesting that EVERY WAR where both sides earn max points ends in a tie? Terrible.

Here is what would happen. Ally 1 and Ally 2 have an awesome war, ends in a tie, neither earn Glory. Meanwhile ally 3 has an easier war, earns some glory and passes allies 1 and 2 because they "won".

I appreciate your response Quovatis but I strongly disagree with it and wish to hear directly from Nexon on this matter.


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
Well, as a member of a top alliance who has experienced many many stalemates, all I can say is this is how the system works. I agree it could be improved, but that's the way it is. Stalemates suck, but it's very common among top alliances.
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Approved user
Nov 3, 2015
Exactly what Quovatis says. This is old (as in very, VERY old news). It has always been like this. Have had it happen again and again and again.... But at least the destruction bug has been addressed. :)


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
Yep, at least you didn't LOSE the war because someone got 105% in an attack. That's far worse than a stalemate, and at least they fixed that bug. But stalemates definitely need to be addressed. They are too common and wastes everyone's time.


Approved user
Apr 10, 2015
I appreciate the responses from dannemare and Quovatis. At best, the system is very screwed up, is bad for the players and conflicts with the posted policy. Either way, we deserve an official response from Nexon on this topic.


Approved user
Aug 15, 2016
The real frustration lies behind the expectation that the original average destruction doesn't reflect what will actually be used in the final tally. Yes, the final tally takes the destruction from the best attack on every base and averages them - which in a perfect score war means 100%. But couldn't the average destruction statistic use that number the whole time if it is the one that will be used to compute the win at the end?


Approved user
Jul 28, 2016
@Eddie, They did fix it. Our last perfect war had two abnormal attacks in it. The enemy had 101% and we had 102%. By previous experiences, we win. But the result was the correct stalemate. Not sure if the 1% is divided by 30 and neglected. But more likely fixed. :)


Approved user
Apr 10, 2015
Customer Service team responded stating "Our Development Team is already aware of this issue and actively working on a resolution. At the moment, we don't currently have a fix or workaround..." - - - Game Master Fred

My concern is they have offered similar responses to issues reported over a year ago which still have not been fixed.

Receipt of this reply seems like a generic response a ticket processor from a low-paying country churns out by the 100s daily without taking any action to address the issue. Whenever I deal with legitimate teams who work to resolve the issue, they provide a LOT more details such as an ETR (estimated time of resolution), an internal ticket # with the team working the issue, visibility to the bug report and who it is assigned to, along with a priority, etc.

I have invested too much time in the game and am choosing not to leave today, but I am looking to other games and am done with anything produced by Nexon or BHG. The game has the highest number of bugs, and the lowest amount of support of any game I ever played. My fun...the gaming time....is turned to frustration. It is worsened to see this issue affect not only me personally, but my entire ally and most every ally in the top 100. It makes the rankings meaningless, or at the least much less meaningful.
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The Huns

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
I'm sure they want to keep it as average best hit destruction. Otherwise it would encourage people to gang up on the weaker bases after perfect stars is achieved to get their average destruction percentage up. Or telling weaker members not to attack and bring down the average. Now that you know how they calculate that stat you can go forward and hit bases that give best loot rather than trying to get destruction number up at the end.


Approved user
Apr 10, 2015
Respectfully, that makes no sense. The terms "average" and "best" are mutually exclusive and cannot be combined in the manner you suggest. "Best Destruction" or "Highest Destruction" exclude the use of the term average. Nothing is being averaged.

Furthermore, your suggestion about trying to get the destruction number up at the end...I get what you are saying but the game does not work that way. For starters, war is a timed event: 24 hours. Many members face challenges finding the time to attack during war. Some players can only attack during certain periods. Many cannot wait until the end to see if both sides earned a perfect score, then pile up on the last base.

Even if you disagree, it still doesn't work. Let's use a 25v25 war for example. Both sides have 50 attacks. Our ally has earned a perfect score the past 25 consecutive wars. Even so, it is never a perfect sweep of the first 25 attacks being perfect. There are fails involved. Perhaps one side achieved a perfect score in 35 attacks, where the other side used 45 attacks to earn a perfect score. The first side likely (but not necessarily) has the highest average destruction. Either way, the first side has 15 attacks to use on the bottom base trying to improve their Average Destruction, whereas the second side only has 5 attacks. That is a GOOD thing as the first ally achieved the objective with fewer attacks.

Wars are supposed to have at least 1 tie-breaker. Perfect score wars do not the way the game is presently working. It also conflicts with the posted rules, and the War Report which appears in game. The GM acknowledged it as a known issue. We have to hope he is both knowledgeable and honest.


Approved user
Nov 3, 2015
No Title

Oh no, the destruction bug is only semi-fixed still. The correction to 100% only happens if you go over 100%, not under. In a war that just finished we lost a lot of glory, because a total destruction attack resulted in less than 100%. We didn't notice until we saw the defeat screen on what should have been a stalemate. Seriously Nexon! It is beyond me that your developers are this incapable.


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Approved user
Apr 10, 2015
Really sorry this happened to you. The coding of the game is terrible. I kindly suggest you contact Customer Service and make a new thread. No one from Nexon has ever responded in this thread so posting on the forums was not of any real help.