• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Some objective thoughts on the rebalancing.


Approved user
Jun 4, 2015
For me MP has become more tedious. If it was a game of chess, we all want to have a decent battle. But with DomiNations, if you don't kill all the opposition pieces (defensive buildings), you lose all your own attacking pieces (troops) which means a 2 1/2 wait for fighters to retrain before finding another player to play against.

This means that rather than searching out for the interesting games against players your own strength, most of us are medal-dropping to find weaker opponents, who won't be too much of a challenge but at least we can get in a few games each hour of playing.


Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
yes this is an annoying part of the game design; 'dropping medals' is a clumsy part of playing.
but i haven't brainstormed anything better than the medals system, so i'm not hypercritical about it.
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Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
High AA & CW bases are supposed to be hard. You're supposed to be lucky to get 3-5 stars even if you use troop cards and tactics.
That's what us lvl250 bases expect from our defenses and investments.
I don't like this ''rebalance'' the same as everyone but don't complain if a top tier base is unbeatable. It's supposed to be.
If you don't like the fact then play your own level or an age lower, you have that option.


Approved user
Dec 12, 2017
The basic thing about multiplayer game - it should be multiplayer. You may be angry with people ‘always wanting easy ways’, but if they leave Dominations for candy crush, then candy crush wins.


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
Maybe Nexon wants to close this project, and rebalancing is method only )) Why? I don’t know..


Approved user
Jun 4, 2015
TinSoldier et al. in their Twitch.tv presentations have said they want players to harness all the content. Maybe this rebalancing is their way to get us to upgrade everything currently available. It keeps us busy while giving them time to work out the glitches in Space Age.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Quagmire , if they want us to upgrade something or use something why not JUST increase the stats of those units? Why increase stats of defenders substantially more?
If you believe the ''rebalancing'' is simply their way to keep us busy then please send me your bank details and I'll send you all my crowns I'm not currently using.
I promise. :D

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
I would leave Dominations for Candy Crush if Candy Crush could give me money 😍


Approved user
Jun 4, 2015
I know. Mortar troops & MRL are shunned for a reason. We tried them, they were useless even within their 'niche', so we continued with our existing army set-ups.
It's not like we didn't provide enough feedback at the time. Same with the wandering Gatlings & Commandos, which can bypass gates but not the traps put behind them coz Gates are weaker than Walls of the same level. It was hardly rocket science.


Approved user
Jun 4, 2015
"I am extremely interested in what exactly makes these bases so impossible to attack now." - @LitanyOfFire
Should not the burden of proof be on the Devs to show how the troops buffs will help us in the future? How did they intend the improved Machine Gun with its' ability to shoot over walls benefit us? (Since towers, ATG, Fort etc shoot it way before it gets close to walls) When new troops have been introduced in the past, there have been videos posted showing them off. This huge Rebalance, lasting over a month & nothing heard from TinSoldier or any other Representative of BHG/Nexon promoting it. I am extremely interested in how these new troop combos were intended to work together. British nation has been a popular choice up until now. So surely Heavy Attack Helicopters (range of 7), Heavy Artillery (range of 5) & British Rifles should be a winning combination? Especially when the newly buffed Transporter is added to the mix? Not in my experience. We're all scrambling to upgrade our neglected Mk2 HTs. Coz suddenly all the Museum buffs to our Brit troops have become redundant. And Brits were one of the stronger Nations!

The downside of using all your troops in a MP attack is if you don't destroy all the defensive buildings, you have to wait 2 1/2 hours for your Fighters to retrain, & 23 hours for the General. What was the intended upside of buffing Defences (in a game where we play the role of the attacker, remember) that justifies that?
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