Something strange happened in my ally last week...


Approved user
Jun 17, 2019
Just wanted to share with you guys what happened last week in our ally. So theres this guy (not going to say his name) comes in lvl 402, he saying that he was the leader of a top 10 ally that closed and now was on his way to Ares (#1 ally in the game). He said he had to wait for the event to end before he could do the move (i dont understand why but wtv) so he stayed a couple days and then said he was going to leave and will do some donations in parliement...fine no problem he was a nice guy. The day after when we see the donations of the day before the guy have made 22000 points of donations !!!!!! Everybody was like wtffff (we barely pass the 150 donations lol)...anyways clearly its some kind of a cheat and sucks that theses things happens in the tops allys...i mean they probably ALL do that and the game devs dont do sh*t ...cant be more obvious than that 😅


Approved user
May 17, 2018
oO that's new!! I havent heard before anything like that