Spain question

King Agus

Approved user
Apr 14, 2015
Always the same in this kind of videogame. I dont understand why Spain is not a selectable nation. Germany as nation itself (Germany as nation itself was created in 1871 then we can call it a moder nation and i dont say Germany is not a very important nation, in fact is one of the most important nations in europe and over the world nowadays and in XX century) Greece (just important in the classical age) and Italy (just because of Romans) are selectable nations and Spain is not. Spanish nation discovered America, had one of the most large empires ever and dominated the world in centuries XVI, XVII and a little part of XVIII. What about the spanish is one of the most languages spoken over the world? To be exact it is the second or third language spoken. Big mistake not to include never Spain in this kind of game (Not just Dominations). By the way I like so much this GAME and I chose Roma.



Approved user
Apr 13, 2015
The Germans in this game contains not only the modern country named "Germany". It includes Germanic people who had war against Romans for centuries and the Holy Rome Empire during the middle age. Counting that, it has a much longer history and more unique culture than Spain.

In terms of Romans and Greeks, they are just too important to not include. They were strong when they existed and even after they were destroyed, their influence is everywhere. Spain is not really a strong competitor against them, especially in the current game content.

There are civilizations that deserve to be included more than Spain as well, such as Indians, Arabs or Russians.

I mean, Spain is a great civilization, but if we can only choose 7 civilizations, I would prefer the current choice.


Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
i'm not sure japan is as par to the current nation selection. India shouldn't really be overlooked, as well as Turkey.