Still having chat issues


Approved user
Jun 20, 2018
I still can't donate or request troops or even talk in chat is anyone else still having these issues??????


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
You're not. Troop requests are not showing up, troops go missing in mid 'donate', constantly getting a ''chat is not available'' message.
It's been like this for about a week.


Approved user
Jun 20, 2018
I wish that it's only been a week but truth is I haven't been able to donate or request or even as much as talk to my clan since I downloaded this game around 6 months ago and it was fine at first but now I am afraid to war or even attack without donated troops I'm so close to just uninstalling the game

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
It happens sometimes (not always) to me. I have my own way to determine whether it's ok to donate or request. I'll wait until the server is fully stable, by clicking town center. If it shows the Request button, it means alliance chat is fine. We can talk, request, and donate. If it only shows Alliance button, means it's having error. Have to reboot.


Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
Still going strong with how poor it is. The chat is constantly disappearing and you have to check to make sure the chat is still there before you make your troop request. If you request while the chat is gone, your request goes no where.


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
Chat was really bad. Then worked right. Now it's just kinda sketchy. On my ipad6 it just goes blank now and again. Quick log out log in fixes it. It's far better then it was when it first broke. I have a feeling your device has a lot to do with it. I upgraded from an old but powerful Android to the new apple and my bug/error issues virtually disappeared. Only the blank chat now and again persists.


Approved user
Sep 14, 2015
It kind of got fixed and seemed better... but is getting progressively worse for me too...

-Posted challenge doesnt appear

-Challenge Results and replays very rarely working, you can attack the same challenge til the cows come home sometimes

-Game wipes chat as you a writing it, start typing again

-Chat unavailable

-Please wait too donate troops, then when it does work sometimes the destination is full, you try again and it donates??

-Blank chat (which can sometimes appear after looking at all the ridiculous armies and crown offers on the bulletin board-very convenient) or restart...

-Chat not fully updating... you read a random comment, restart game and all of a sudden 3 other people had been chatting too but were not coming up before, all interspersed with the bits you could see..

Quite frankly, the number of bugs, generally pathetic war matchup algorithyms, making 5* war wins virtually impossible for lower age players and getting that way high end players and exploits-cheats this game has is a shambles.

Its saddening that such a great game (with such a dedicated and I must say VERY forgiving following - god only knows why a lot of us are still playing) has just turned into a pathetic cash cow milking parlour!

British Lions!
British Lions!!

Pete is here

Approved user
Aug 20, 2018
For many days now I've been having nearly completely blank chat - and nothing is bringing it back - waiting, going to things like mentioned above, restarting game, clearing cache, re-installing, etc - all don't work :(

If I am online/actively using app I can sometimes see a troop donation request from an ally, and if I post a request of my own I can see it, but only while I'm still online in same session - disappears as soon as I go away, and I'm guessing my alliance cannot see it for long either as I've only had one donation request fulfilled since this issue started. Not seen a single normal chat message in all this time. I'm surprised at how lonely makes me feel in game not seeing what my alliance is getting up to, and it's reducing my ability to attack not being able to get alliance troops - usually I both donate and receive loads.

So please, please, fix this really soon!!! In game support can't seem to help, can a developer?


Approved user
Jun 20, 2018
Yea pete mine is the same way been like this since day 1 so it's all I know we need devs to look into these issues and make it a priority but I don't think it's that big a deal to them like they say it is

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
It takes a little longer to get all the game elements together lately.
Blank chat occurs more often and longer.
I could cope with it before since it only took like 1 minute to settle, but lately I have to wait around 5 minutes until chat and requests are stable.
Can you guys fix this TinSoldier NxM_Suleiman ? Asap
