• Missing Crowns
    We are aware of an issue in the most recent update where Crowns are disappearing. The missing Crowns are temporary, as we have records of Crown totals before they disappeared. We're currently working on a solution and will update you as more information becomes available.

Templars Reborn lvl17+ with 230+laws! have room for 2-3 CWA+ active players, join us


Approved user
May 19, 2016
We have only 2-3 free spot now so you have to check often or join our discord and reserve your spot.
We are looking for CWA+ players only who do wars.
We welcome travelers, visitors, group of players from other alliances, merge propositions, etc.
Sorry but we want new members similar level to other members and anything below CWA is just too low for us.

Please join our discord for tips and info how to join us: https://discord.gg/Y6MyKcp9W3
Check our laws and features on imgur: https://imgur.com/a/pNwLrm2

We are one of the most active alliances in entire game, almost always full and one of the top alliance with most laws and highest perks – check alliance stats on: http://www.dominations.info/?page=ra...nce&sort=perks
We replace members who are not daily active or just quit game bcs of real life/boredom/etc.
Active players want to join us to contribute to laws and wars and in return they have all our benefits including, but not limited to:
-discord where we share tips and game bugs, talk about game, updates, share war plans
-several bots to make our life easier/happier
-our own secret website where we can scan our enemies, has our history and war plans to make tough wars easier - better than domi.pl ;)
-our 231+ finished laws - all most important for faster/easier progress and wars
-we are on our way to perk 18
-we do non-stop wars 30 and bring our best but we don't overstress about wars like top war alliances
-we are friendly and have very very funny players
-we work as a team - if you are not daily active, not contribute to alliance - this alliance is not for you!
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