The current alliance search algorithm and the Forging Allegiance event


Approved user
Oct 3, 2015
This event probably has many players looking for a large, active alliance to join. A small alliance, no matter how active, is going to have trouble generating a sufficient volume of requests so that its members can get all the event rewards; similarly for a largely inactive one no matter what its size. It used to be that the alliance search was weighted to direct people to the kind of large, active alliances that are crucial for this event but desirable in any case. But with the 3.7 update the search algorithm was changed. As a result, many formerly-vibrant alliances are slowly withering away from a lack of new blood. Meanwhile, I imagine people searching for a good alliance are unnecessarily frustrated, especially now. This is a perfect opportunity to abandon the failed experiment and revert the search algorithm to what it was before.

(If you're looking for an alliance and have EA - or better! - troops to contribute, you'd be welcome in my alliance, the Elite Donators. We are all requesting like crazy this week.)

Sound of Silence

Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
Honestly, the problem is the majority of the time a player searches for an alliance randomly, all that are available are "dead" alliances. I left one before the update, and had no problem finding a very active alliance. In fact, there was a long list. I recently left that one a few times to invite folks from the old, (as the leader and co were no longer active) and took the time to investigate this issue further. Every once in awhile, one with 45+ would pop up, (about 1/7), but 95% of the time they were filled with members that hadn't been online in weeks or months. After the one with 45+, however, the only available options were 1-3 member alliances. I did this for about a week. The point is, active alliances are not being displayed.