The Fire Nation


Approved user
May 8, 2015
Are you a Firebender? Are you the next Avatar needing to learn fire-bending? If so, join the Fire Nation. Like any other nation, we start out small. But our desire for respect and honor among the big ranks is a fire that cannot be quenched.

Are you an Avatar:TLA fan or just think that being able to fire-bend would be freaking wicked or just think joining an alliance called The Fire Nation sounds cool? Then this is the alliance for you. Of course, you don't really fire-bend, but like Spongebob said "Imaaaginaaatioon".

We practically accept anyone, we don't care. Even if you're a water bender.
Few rules:
- Be online regularly.
- Be willing to donate troops. You donate, we donate.
- Be apart of the chat!
- CLEAN chat, no curse words.
- You must grow. You must upgrade. You must strive and succeed. That's what keeps an alliance going and a nation stronger. Are you strong?

Looking for people who can prove themselves worthy to be apart of the council. Like I said before, we start out small but we grow. I KNOW this alliance can have what it takes to be big, and to gain respect and honor. Do you have the fire? Join now!
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