• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

The Iron Curtain Descends - Week Ahead 8/12


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022

Greetings Leaders,

This week we take an early look at what to expect from the next Season in DomiNations. We’re offering two guaranteed Legendary Artifact Step-Ups, and offering SpeedUps to help you get through those discounted upgrades in Summer for the Ages! You’ll find all that and more in the Week Ahead.

Season 9: Ambitious Assault Begins 8/25
Time to start preparing for the next Season in DomiNations!

Prepare your forces for Season 9: Ambitious Assault! During this Season, the Tactical Helicopter will move much faster with more hitpoints, but heals for less. Mortar Infantry will deal more damage and move quicker but will have less range. Recon planes will grant increased bonus damage via recon scans, but will have significantly fewer Hitpoints. For Defending players, Stables will spawn defensive units faster with fewer Hitpoints, while Bunkers will have more Hitpoints but spawn defensive units slower.

This Season will start on 08/25 at 15:00 UTC and will end on 11/10 at 15:00 UTC.

Our next week ahead will give you a preview of the stat changes you can expect!

Episode & Event Passes 8/15 - 8/22

Event: Helicopters Through the Ages
Grab yourself some free APC, Apache, Heavy Attack Helicopter, and more Troop Tactics in the Helicopters Through the Ages Event Pass. Stock up on even more with Super Stallion, Super Cobra, RAH-66 Comanche, and even a Helicopter Hanger when you upgrade to the Premium Pass!

Rank within the Top 100 on the Global Leaderboard for you chance to obtain the Red Baron Engine!

Event: Speed Up Boost Campaign
The SPeed Up Boost Campaign Event Pass returns to help you get through those upgrades during Summer for the Ages. Free 1h SpeedUps and a 6h Generic Speed Up await in the Free Tier, while the Premium Tier gets you 12h SpeedUps and a 5d Generic Speed Up!

Episode 12: Atomic Age
The Atomic Age Episode Pass will feature Big Bertha, APC, Apache Troop Tactics, and more! When you pick up the Premium Pass you can expect to find the Dinosaur Skull Chest giving you chances at the Cryolophosaurus Skull Legendary Artifact. You can also pick up General Eisenhower and Tupolev Tu-160 Troop Tactics!


Iron Curtain Descends Event 8/11 - 8/18
This week is our Iron Curtain Descends Event!

In 1946 Winston Churchill famously declared that an 'iron curtain' had descended across Europe, separating capitalist and communist-aligned nations. Though it was just a figure of speech at the time, the Iron Curtain eventually materialized into physical barriers like the Berlin Wall. This 96 mile-long concrete structure split the capital of Germany in two for twenty-eight years. It was lined with barbed wire, guard towers, bunkers, trenches, dog runs, and minefields.

Enjoy these discounts for a limited time!

33% off the following General upgrades:
• Joan of Arc
• MacArthur
• Churchill
• Petra Herrera

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus 8/12 -8/26
Quickly build and expand your city during the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus event!

By the fourth century BCE, the most distant satraps of the Persian Empire ruled semi-autonomous kingdoms. One such state was Caria in what is now southwestern Turkey. Having moved his capital from the inland town of Mylasa to the venerable coastal city of Halicarnassus, King Mausolus of Caria established control over the surrounding region. He was determined to use the wealth of his prosperous new territories to leave a lasting legacy behind him.

Thus, the king commissioned a magnificent marble tomb. Its foundation was a solid stone block. Above this was a colonnade whose four sides were each adorned with statues created by a famous sculptor. At the top was a pyramidal roof crowned with a four-horse stone chariot, presumably ridden by Mausolos himself.

The Carian king died in 353 BCE with the tomb still unfinished. It was completed by his successor, sister, and wife Artemisia a few years later. Like the Pharos, the Mausoleum was so impressive that its name became the general word for any grand funerary building. The structure survived the Middle Ages but was likely in a state of disrepair when the Knights of St. John plundered it for materials in 1494 and 1522. Fortunately they did save a few statues, some of which are now on display in the British Museum.

The fifth of our Seven Wonders resource boost events that will continue throughout Summer for the Ages! For the duration of the event, Farms, Caravans, and Oil Wells will produce:

• 60% More Food!
• 60% More Gold!
• 60% More Oil!

University Discount Event 8/13 - 8/20
Amelia Earhart was a pilot who blazed new aerial routes and set many firsts for women in aviation. One of her many accomplishments was founding an organization for women aviators called the Ninety Nines. For her remarkable achievements, as well as her mysterious disappearance in the Pacific Ocean in 1937, Earhart remains one of the most famous pilots of all time.

Help your planes take flight by going to the University, where you can enjoy 50% off all of Amelia Earhart's University skills for a limited time!

Legendary Step-Ups 8/12 - 8/19
Two Guaranteed Step-Ups are available this week, one for the Six-Shooter and one for the Plane Gyro Gunsight. Each step of the respective Step-up sale will give you chances at their Legendary Artifact, completing all steps in the sales will get you the Legendary Artifact guaranteed!
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Approved user
May 17, 2018
Prepare your forces for Season 9: Ambitious Assault! During this Season, the Tactical Helicopter will move much faster and heal for more, but will have fewer Hitpoints. Mortar Infantry will deal more damage and move quicker but will have less range. Recon planes will grant increased bonus damage via recon scans, but will have significantly fewer Hitpoints. For Defending players, Stables will spawn defensive units faster with fewer Hitpoints, while Bunkers will have more Hitpoints but spawn defensive units slowe
please , we have forgotten how the real game is. Is there any chance we don't have seasons anymore?


Active member
Nov 27, 2022
@Harlems369th @TheWise if you would make a poll here on the forum, on social media, or even in-game, I’d bet between 99% and 100% of players would rather the seasonal stat changes should stop pronto. Last season you tremendously boosted the barrage tactic. I don’t know anyone that has this tactic over level 2. Now this season you’re nerfing mortars, which will make lots of defensive/offensive players happy/upset. Can we please enjoy this wonderful game the way God intended?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
@Harlems369th @TheWise if you would make a poll here on the forum, on social media, or even in-game, I’d bet between 99% and 100% of players would rather the seasonal stat changes should stop pronto. Last season you tremendously boosted the barrage tactic. I don’t know anyone that has this tactic over level 2. Now this season you’re nerfing mortars, which will make lots of defensive/offensive players happy/upset. Can we please enjoy this wonderful game the way God intended?
As defender I am not thrilled with messing with spawn time period not to mention slowing down Bunker is a big hurt for defenders with mediocre dst.

The nerf on mortars is just as a big deal for mortars users.

The player base is over the buff and nerfs. If your still wanting to encourage other troops being used try a reward method where if your using the season troops then players gets a better war box at the end. Just like in events currently run.
Example use 3 bombers per war hit or 6 fighter and 6 rpg and 2 per battle ya get point players does their war hits and wins plus alliance wins war they get better conquers chest or even just season box in addition.


Active member
Nov 27, 2022
As defender I am not thrilled with messing with spawn time period not to mention slowing down Bunker is a big hurt for defenders with mediocre dst.

The nerf on mortars is just as a big deal for mortars users.

The player base is over the buff and nerfs. If your still wanting to encourage other troops being used try a reward method where if your using the season troops then players gets a better war box at the end. Just like in events currently run.
Example use 3 bombers per war hit or 6 fighter and 6 rpg and 2 per battle ya get point players does their war hits and wins plus alliance wins war they get better conquers chest or even just season box in addition.
Right. Reward us for using seasonal troops, don’t force us.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Right. Reward us for using seasonal troops, don’t force us.
If only they could make an opt in/opt out option for wars using the 'seasonal' troops - the same way you opt in/opt out for wars.
But then you shouldn't get better rewards cos it was your choice. 😄


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
If only they could make an opt in/opt out option for wars using the 'seasonal' troops - the same way you opt in/opt out for wars.
But then you shouldn't get better rewards cos it was your choice. 😄
Well since most alliance care about win or losing why not just make season boost not apply for war. Then they can apply their unwanted buff and nerfs to MP battles.

Still think doing them like events would be the easiest to put into effect since they already do them that way in events.


New member
Sep 9, 2023
Os mortos precisam ter o dano reduzido com urgência. Existem várias tropas no jogo, mas apenas os morteiros parecem funcionar. Sem equilíbrio o jogo perde completamente a dinâmica estratégica, todas as tropas deveriam ter o poder de destruir bases defensivas. Hoje as tropas de morteiro são as únicas tropas que gemem contra bases defensivas, isso precisa mudar


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
The seasons don't have to disappear completely, but a "season" without modifications would be great. After that, there can be the next normal season with the next modifications.
There are certainly talks about the length of time in and out of seasons. We really like how this can change up how you approach battles, but a big pain point regularly expressed is the difficulty of updating museums to really take advantage of seasons.

Granted you can't possibly cover every possibility with a museum effectively, you certainly can build for a specific scenario, but there shouldn't ever be a perfect catch all solution.

That being said, if there were extended downtime between seasons, or even an earlier preview of what to expect (not full stat reveal but highlighted units) what amount of time do you feel would be reasonable to adjust? A month, two weeks?

What changes to the Museum experience would you like to see that will speed up a pivot process to the new season, or make altering your play style easier? (Thinking like Museum Loadouts, and the highly requested improvements to Artifact sorting/organization tools)


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Seasons lasted many weeks when they were first introduced. If the season was balanced, it was somewhat boring but ok. If the season favored a certain unit then it was boring cause wars were greatly affected by this imbalance. There was some time to adjust but still not enough to fully adapt.

Then, you decided to make the seasons last less. This at that time was the correct decision. The issue is that the game is changing too often and we dont have constants. Adapting museum is very hard in this case unless players have rdy made artifacts. I understand that you did this to bring more variety and stir things up a bit but this is not the way to do it. Balancing the barracks vs factory units and creating new viable choices is the way to achieve the goal. Then players will freely choose any combo that does the job and not the only one that works.

Now that manufactory made defence matter so much, having offensive choices is more important than ever. Currently we use mortars cause they are the only ones that can deal with the huge mass of protected defenders.

But to answer your question, even 3 months is not enough to make a proper museum since you need to craft new artifacts and it is very difficult to find the ones needed.


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
Regarding Harlem's question and Oddim's response about adjusting museums between seasons, I agree with Oddim that there isn’t enough time to build a museum. It’s also something I don't see as feasible right now unless a lot of money is spent to buy crowns, which in turn buy museum resources like blueprints, supplies, researchers, and benefactors. In this scenario of creating new museums within a few months, a large number of blueprints would be needed, and even players with full inventories would quickly run out. What’s even worse is the resources needed to unlock new lines for artifacts, which many players can't easily obtain depending on the level of their docks.

Moreover, building new museums every 3 months is extremely tedious, time-consuming, and arduous. After all that effort and some years of lost vision capacity, those artifacts would soon become obsolete. This would kill the enjoyment of the game for casual players who have little time available but are still competitive.

Furthermore, a change in how artifacts are searched for would be necessary. Allowing players to choose whether they want to receive artifacts from the Main Hall or the War Hall, without having to wait for events, would be ideal. Events would still be appealing for providing higher-quality percentage artifacts, but on a day-to-day basis, giving players the option to create specific artifacts for each hall would be beneficial.

Finally, I would hate the introduction of temporary artifacts, as BHG once intended. If that’s ever implemented, it should be done very carefully to avoid making the game even more 'pay to win'.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
Yes, please stop these stupid seasons. And, did you really think Mortar troops needed a damage boost? cutting their range a little bit means nothing. You already gave attackers a new directive which turns bastions and some traps into paper. Plus that directive is mobile. it can be moved throughout the attack clearing a pathway. The new defense directive is only 10 secs. Why isn’t it also 15 secs? Plus it’s stationary and cannot move.

i realize you, BHG favors attacking, but if you continue this kind of stuff you will drive more defenders out of the game. Must you continually sabotagin your own game.
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King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
but there shouldn't ever be a perfect catch all solution.
Absolutely true. I think this idea has been lost the longer the seasons have been going.

It's good to change things up but it's the added pressure of trying to match a corresponding museum loadout that's compounding the issue - and personally I think there's too much emphasis on having a corresponding museum loadout (or council) for a temporary season.

Let's face it, going through the motions of coming up with a viable loadout for a temporary (maybe never to be used again) combo is a waste. (unless you're the type of person who likes crafting and selling on a regular basis). When the seasons were one month long it was fine, a quick change and then back to normal. 3 month seasons start to feel more permanent - then once you get used to them they're over again.

I feel if we went back to month on, month off seasons we could play around with new troops/strategies without the added pressure of trying to come up with a suitable temporary museum strategy each time.

The original idea - I think - of the 1 month season was to give us a taste of what it would be like to use different combos - and then hopefully the player would decide whether or not to use them moving forward. Clearly no-one likes things forced on us for extended periods.


New member
Aug 14, 2024
The effects of bunker and stable should be reversed. Also unless the cap on subsequent wave isn't removed then it makes no difference and deploy weaker troops.


Active member
Nov 27, 2022
Basically @Harlems369th no one likes the seasons the way they are. Your entire player base kindly requests for you to put the word in the devs to stop these constant stat changes in seasons. Thank you.


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
Basically @Harlems369th no one likes the seasons the way they are. Your entire player base kindly requests for you to put the word in the devs to stop these constant stat changes in seasons. Thank you.

I disagree with this.

I think the idea of seasons is really cool, but it needs time to make the necessary adjustments to make it interesting for everyone.

However, BHG needs to communicate better with its player base. If not with everyone, at least with those who express themselves about the game on some platform.

Perhaps the focus of the changes has taken the wrong direction. We shouldn't be talking about the museum the way seasons are handled today.
In 1, 2, or 3 months, it’s impossible for most players to work on getting a proper museum, because building an adequate museum, on top of everything else mentioned in this thread, takes time for players to understand the functionality and strategy of new compositions. So focusing on the museum is a mistake and doesn't solve the problem.

How about we try to reverse this idea? The troops altered each season should be so good that the museum isn’t necessary for them to be used.
I've asked for this before... BHG needs to be bolder. The changes need to be relevant and strong enough to make obsolete or underutilized troops REALLY interesting to use without needing museum boosts.
Why increase damage and decrease hit points?
Increase the damage, hit points, range, suppression, area of effect, movement speed, attack speed, reduce the unit’s troop space, quadruple healing power... Damn! There are so many resources that can be worked on and the changes are always the same timid crap of increasing damage and decreasing health, and vice versa. Just increase, don’t decrease anything.
After all, it’s a season. It won’t be permanent.

And yes, give a break between one season and the next, with the original resources, so that we can all enjoy the museums we've built with so much dedication.

Finally, I’m not asking that the troops receiving changes during the seasons be overpowered. I’m just asking that they become genuinely interesting options to build our army. And preferably these changes should happen to units that are rarely used.

This is a great opportunity for BHG to closely observe temporary changes and possibly consider making some of these changes permanent, making the game more interesting.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Simple do away with nerfs and boost. Do it like events score points for only using seasonal event troops, boost the prize to make it worth trying to have museums for those troops.

Reward system allows player not ready for event to still use their troops and work on muse for ones they don’t . Plus it rewards only the players that uses seasonal event troops. This makes it more sense to me.

Also this would be easier to implement and would allow the seasonal event to happen as often as BHG decides