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Greetings Leaders,
This week we take an early look at what to expect from the next Season in DomiNations. We’re offering two guaranteed Legendary Artifact Step-Ups, and offering SpeedUps to help you get through those discounted upgrades in Summer for the Ages! You’ll find all that and more in the Week Ahead.
Season 9: Ambitious Assault Begins 8/25
Time to start preparing for the next Season in DomiNations!
Prepare your forces for Season 9: Ambitious Assault! During this Season, the Tactical Helicopter will move much faster with more hitpoints, but heals for less. Mortar Infantry will deal more damage and move quicker but will have less range. Recon planes will grant increased bonus damage via recon scans, but will have significantly fewer Hitpoints. For Defending players, Stables will spawn defensive units faster with fewer Hitpoints, while Bunkers will have more Hitpoints but spawn defensive units slower.
This Season will start on 08/25 at 15:00 UTC and will end on 11/10 at 15:00 UTC.
Our next week ahead will give you a preview of the stat changes you can expect!
Episode & Event Passes 8/15 - 8/22
Event: Helicopters Through the Ages
Grab yourself some free APC, Apache, Heavy Attack Helicopter, and more Troop Tactics in the Helicopters Through the Ages Event Pass. Stock up on even more with Super Stallion, Super Cobra, RAH-66 Comanche, and even a Helicopter Hanger when you upgrade to the Premium Pass!
Rank within the Top 100 on the Global Leaderboard for you chance to obtain the Red Baron Engine!
Event: Speed Up Boost Campaign
The SPeed Up Boost Campaign Event Pass returns to help you get through those upgrades during Summer for the Ages. Free 1h SpeedUps and a 6h Generic Speed Up await in the Free Tier, while the Premium Tier gets you 12h SpeedUps and a 5d Generic Speed Up!
Episode 12: Atomic Age
The Atomic Age Episode Pass will feature Big Bertha, APC, Apache Troop Tactics, and more! When you pick up the Premium Pass you can expect to find the Dinosaur Skull Chest giving you chances at the Cryolophosaurus Skull Legendary Artifact. You can also pick up General Eisenhower and Tupolev Tu-160 Troop Tactics!
Iron Curtain Descends Event 8/11 - 8/18
This week is our Iron Curtain Descends Event!
In 1946 Winston Churchill famously declared that an 'iron curtain' had descended across Europe, separating capitalist and communist-aligned nations. Though it was just a figure of speech at the time, the Iron Curtain eventually materialized into physical barriers like the Berlin Wall. This 96 mile-long concrete structure split the capital of Germany in two for twenty-eight years. It was lined with barbed wire, guard towers, bunkers, trenches, dog runs, and minefields.
Enjoy these discounts for a limited time!
33% off the following General upgrades:
• Joan of Arc
• MacArthur
• Churchill
• Petra Herrera
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus 8/12 -8/26
Quickly build and expand your city during the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus event!
By the fourth century BCE, the most distant satraps of the Persian Empire ruled semi-autonomous kingdoms. One such state was Caria in what is now southwestern Turkey. Having moved his capital from the inland town of Mylasa to the venerable coastal city of Halicarnassus, King Mausolus of Caria established control over the surrounding region. He was determined to use the wealth of his prosperous new territories to leave a lasting legacy behind him.
Thus, the king commissioned a magnificent marble tomb. Its foundation was a solid stone block. Above this was a colonnade whose four sides were each adorned with statues created by a famous sculptor. At the top was a pyramidal roof crowned with a four-horse stone chariot, presumably ridden by Mausolos himself.
The Carian king died in 353 BCE with the tomb still unfinished. It was completed by his successor, sister, and wife Artemisia a few years later. Like the Pharos, the Mausoleum was so impressive that its name became the general word for any grand funerary building. The structure survived the Middle Ages but was likely in a state of disrepair when the Knights of St. John plundered it for materials in 1494 and 1522. Fortunately they did save a few statues, some of which are now on display in the British Museum.
The fifth of our Seven Wonders resource boost events that will continue throughout Summer for the Ages! For the duration of the event, Farms, Caravans, and Oil Wells will produce:
• 60% More Food!
• 60% More Gold!
• 60% More Oil!
University Discount Event 8/13 - 8/20
Amelia Earhart was a pilot who blazed new aerial routes and set many firsts for women in aviation. One of her many accomplishments was founding an organization for women aviators called the Ninety Nines. For her remarkable achievements, as well as her mysterious disappearance in the Pacific Ocean in 1937, Earhart remains one of the most famous pilots of all time.
Help your planes take flight by going to the University, where you can enjoy 50% off all of Amelia Earhart's University skills for a limited time!
Legendary Step-Ups 8/12 - 8/19
Two Guaranteed Step-Ups are available this week, one for the Six-Shooter and one for the Plane Gyro Gunsight. Each step of the respective Step-up sale will give you chances at their Legendary Artifact, completing all steps in the sales will get you the Legendary Artifact guaranteed!
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