This technology give some probability to museum that we can make 3-star artifacts.
Before we research done,we have
1-star: a% to appear, 2-star: (100-a)% to appear
When we research done, we have
1-star: (a-5)% to appear,2-star: (100-a)% to appear,3-star:5% to appear,the total size is 100,not change
1-star: a/105, 2-star: (100-a)/105, 3-star:5/105, the total size is 105,
Also in crafting events,for example in ww crafting event.
1:a, 3: b, 6:c, a+b+c=100
1:a-4*c, 3:b, 6:5*c
When the probability of a certain term a increases, is the portion of these improvements deducted from another term b (with no change in overall sample size), or is the number of occurrences of a certain term a expanded (with an increase in overall sample size)