To war or not to war


Approved user
Mar 19, 2019
Here’s an interesting topic for discussion.

I never understood players that dont want to war. Its the most fun aspect of the game. You get to socialize with your fellow alliance members, think of war strategies, coordinate attacks, work as a team, plan your attack, etc, etc.

In MP you just attack an easy base and loot its resources. Not much thrill, isnt it?

The main arguments I have read are:
1) Bad matchmaking
2) Im too weak
3) I dont have time
4) I just wanna chill and play the game, cant be bothered.

So lets discuss:

1) Bad matchmaking
- so even if the matchmaking is bad, you still get chest rewards, which contain SpeedUps, some other stuff and of course rubies. Now rubies may not be that useful these days, but from time to time you can buy something which is actually better than nothing. And those speedups from the chests stack up and can really help you develop. So even if the matchmaking is bad you still get rewards, which you wont get anywhere else.

2) Im too weak
- get stronger then??! Everyone carries sandbags and weak bases in wars to fill numbers these days so there will be something to attack even for the lowest ages. Besides you get stronger by actually playing and learning what works, what not and you focus on that, ignoring unneccesary stuff.

3) I dont have time
- you have 2 attacks, mate thats at most (if both continue to 3 minutes) 6 minutes of a 24h day... and + planning day you just need 6 minutes of your time inna 48h time period. You can even do it while you sit on the toilet dang. If you are worried about collecting NTGs, join a not so demanding alliance and its okay?

4) Just wanna chill
- how is participating in wars not chilling? you still lie in your bed and make attacks? Its not like you are going to dig holes to plant trees?

Final conclusion:

In the end its just a game, enjoy ALL of its aspects and dont make dumb excuses that make no sense. Its because of players like you the 15v15 and 25v25 are removed. If everyone was opting into wars, there would be a larger pool of players overall and more and more alliances will be active, making even the matchmaking better as there would be more alliances to choose from when selecting opponents.

Dont just beat weak players in MP and silently upgrade your base. Thats boring and basicly nothing interesting happens. Extremely robotic. Socialize, participate in wars, be energetic, have fun playing the game.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Some people just don’t want to fail in front of others. This reason seems to have become less of an issue since defenses were made more powerful and not every war attack is a guaranteed 5 star.


Approved user
Jun 15, 2017
I’ll say something in support of #1. If you lose both the attacks, then imagine the time and resources needed to retrain the entire army and tactics. The troop cards donated to Strongholds and used in the attacks are gone forever.

But the biggest psychological disappointment is the actual loss of battles. After rebalance, defence has become so strong that playing by the old ways, which lot of players still do, may cause you to lose the battles. It’s a huge blow for the mind. So to avoid that frustration, people opt out of wars.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
I can not agree more with you Ch0s3nByG0dz ...

In my alliance we had 3 cwa players (currently 250+ level) that never ever played wars with the rest of us, even when we literally begged them to help us.
I tried many times to undertand the reasons and I believe that this is THE MAIN REASON for people not playing WW:

Fear of losing (as Hansi said just above). They don't want to ridicule themselves in front of the whole alliance. And the higher level a person is, the worst it is for him to play and lose.

Unless you lose, you will never learn. Enough said...


Approved user
Aug 26, 2015
march, april is a really busy months in most of the countries for kids and youth its about final exams and for adults its financial year closure. we hardly have holidays in these months. so this is really bad months to discuss this topic. but still i felt a little bit of fun is back due to the last update of space age and elimination of 15,25,35 wars have got some interesting match makings. for started top 5 alliances battled each other than fighting with lower order. i had see matches with equal GP fights. this can be a start to new era of match making. bring on the new match making changes before it is too late. this fun of wars will be back. TinSoldier BHG_Muet


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
I choose not to war because it’s not worth it. Between the cheating and pain in the butt war hall why would I want to. Lose a ton of time and resources just to get frustrated, no thanks.
The cheating is out of control. Not a day goes by that I don’t see an impossibile Chinese base.
The war hall is p2w and dumb. I will not spend money on it and I don’t have the time, energy, or flying ducks to work on it. Plus it’s incredibly stupid to have different stats on my mp troops(the ones I constantly practice with) then the war troops(the ones I hardly ever use).


Approved user
Aug 30, 2015
You're probably better off leaving out CWA players if they dont want to participate, being a later age doesnt make you a decent attacker. If you arent confident enough for war at that point you probably never will be.

resources shouldnt be a problem because you should be autoretraining anyway. If you are building a super stylized army that takes a bunch of oil, just try to recoup your loses on the first MP you take after your battle.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
So against my previous post, I've decided to be out of war for a while.
None because of those reasons Chosen mentioned.
But because the other team mate couldn't cooperate well. Classic reason, I've had this before I formed my own alliance 😔
And even after I've had my own alliance, that problem still occurs 😆


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
If you have to keep warning and keep kicking then it sounds like the alliance isn't worth the effort.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Nah Manifesto, they're good, but they're just too relaxed, more than I expected 😄
If I opted out and let them war alone, what kind of leader I'd be? So I'll just resign, and let them continue working the pieces.


Approved user
Dec 10, 2017
I’ll say something in support of #1. If you lose both the attacks, then imagine the time and resources needed to retrain the entire army and tactics.

I imagined it. It's 30 seconds and 0 resources. That's how long it takes to watch an ad to instant retrain all troops, tactics and generals at no cost.


Approved user
Dec 12, 2018
Here’s an interesting topic for discussion.

The main arguments I have read are:
1) Bad matchmaking
2) Im too weak
3) I dont have time
4) I just wanna chill and play the game, cant be bothered.

This is not an interesting topic, and the choices are far from exhaustive. You clearly have a biased opinion and want to cry about it. I not only gave up on doing wars, but stopped being involved in an alliance (lvl 277 space age, been playing since the game was introduced). #3 and 4 are the same. #2 is you being a jerk. Several other options could be added. How about #5 It costs a high level player so many resources to donate to bases, and the time and effort to coordinate who attacks which base, watch their battles and hold hands of everyone? The time, resources, pressure and BS is not worth it to me as a video game. Since I quit being involved in an alliance, I actually have oil. Am I being selfish? Yes. Do I cheat? Hell no.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
So what's the difference between opting out and resigning?
The alliance still ends up looking after themselves.
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Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Out of curiosity, isn't it a little presumptuous to think you can verbalise, or even extrapolate, the reasons people choose not to war?


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
And if you opt out then they should do without you as well. At least, that's what I'd tell them.
Same difference.