• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Tomorrow's Promise - Week Ahead 5/1


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022

Greetings Leaders,

This week we’re getting prepared for Season 2: Tomorrow’s Promise! Multiple Episodes this week will feature rewards that will kickstart your season with some of the boosted Troop Tactics that are featured. Also, the 8th Anniversary Conqueror’s Chest becomes available for participating in war! There is plenty to look forward to for this week and beyond!

Season 2: Tomorrow’s Promise

Later today the buffs for Season 1: New Horizons will come to a close. You've all been very generous in sharing feedback on how this season played out, and we're looking forward to launching the next season later this week. All stats from New Horizons will be reverted back to the state they were in before any season adjustments.

What were some of your favorite adjustments in New Horizons? Which ones are you sad to see go and would perhaps like to see return? Feel free to let us know in the replies!

The 8th Anniversary still continues going into the month of May. With that, May introduces a new season of strategy and bonuses to take advantage of!

Welcome to Season 2: Tomorrow's Promise! This Season’s highlight, expect APCs to spawn waves faster, but with fewer troops! You’ll also see that Bazookas have an increase in damage, Recon has reduced cooldown, and Helicopters return with an increase in Health and Range.

We didn’t leave defense behind this season either though, with stronger Helicopters and more frequent Recons you’ll want to take advantage of increased Tower Damage, and Increased Air Defense Health. With faster waves coming from APCs we’re giving Garrison and Ambush Trap Defenders MORE health, and plenty more defensive bonuses including that extended Castle Defender Spawn Range that snuck in early! Check out the full season details here and prepare for the start of the new Season!

(Event lasts from 15:00 UTC 05/07 until 15:00 UTC 05/28.)

New Strategies!:
• APC Deployment Speed +125%
• APC Troops Deployed -1
• Battle Duration -15s
• Quick Victory Time +15s
• Castle Defender Spawn Range +13

Offensive Bonuses:
• Joan of Arc Damage +50%
• Sun Tzu Damage +50%
• Bazooka Damage +40%
• Heavy Infantry Damage +35%
• Tactical Helicopter Range +1
• Tactical Helicopter Hitpoints +60%
• Recon Plane Cooldown -20%
• Assault Rally Duration +1s
• Agility Directive Power +50%
• Valor Directive Damage Increase +66%
• Super Heavy Tank Factory Population +5

Defensive Bonuses:
• Garrison Defender Hitpoints +50%
• Tower Damage +40%
• Air Defense hitpoints +40%
• Claymore Damage +60%
• Ambush Trap Defender Hitpoints +50%
• Tower Blessing Power +20%
• Armor Piercing Directive Damage Increase +50%
• Interference Directive Damage Reduction +70%
• Livens Flame Projector Range +1
• Livens Flame Projector Hitpoints +50%

Special Troop Bonuses:
• APC Deployment Speed +125%
• APC Troops Deployed -1
• Leonidas Damage +50%
• Spartans Hitpoints +50%
• Marine Bazooka Damage +40%
• Char 2C Hitpoints +40%
• T28 Super Heavy Tank Damage +40%
• KV2 Damage & Hitpoints +20%
• Recon Mk6 Cooldown -20%

Additional Bonuses:
• Pyramids Food Bost +100%
• Stadium Australia Chest Refresh -50%
• Kremlin Wall Bonus +100%
• Victory Chest Star Requirement -3
• Alliance Speedup Cost -50%
• Daily Law Donation 21+ Crown Cost -25%
• Mysterious Fragments Earned in Battle +50%


Tomorrow’s Promise Pass 5/7-5/28
The Season Pass will equip you with plenty of APCs to take advantage of the boosted waves throughout the season. You’ll even see AT-4 Bazooka and Marine Bazooka Troop Tactics and more all on the free track of this pass!

The Premium Pass is available for purchase starting 5/4! Premium Season Pass holders will see up to 5 Season 2 Chests for chances at Mask of Tutankhamun Legendary Artifact. You’ll also see 7 Legendary Tokens on top of the 3 you’ll already receive from the free track plus 7 Premium Recruitments! All this in addition to plenty of Speed Ups and Season Boosted Troop Tactics to look forward to.

Placing within the top 100 on the Global Leaderboard can get you the Art of War Legendary Artifact!


Cinco De Mayo Episode 5/4-5/11
This week we’re celebrating Cinco De Mayo! Get your first Season Buffed Troop Tactics ahead of the official start to Tomorrow’s Promise Season on 5/7. The free track will get you Spartan Army, and APC Army Troop Tactics. Premium Episode Pass holders can obtain the Season 2 Chest with a chance at the Legendary Artifact Mask of Tutankhamun, the Livens Flame Projector, and Super Heavy Tank Factory. You can also get the Leonidas Troop Tactic and the Bazooka Sentry Building!


Renaissance Warfare Episode 5/4-5/11
The Renaissance Warfare Episode will also be available, featuring the Renaissance Army Troop Tactic on the Pass’s free tier. You can also get the APC and KV-2 Dreadnought Tank Troop Tactics in preparation for ‘Tomorrow’s Promise’!

Premium Pass holders can acquire the Flying Machine Legendary Heat Up Chest with a chance at the Da Vinci Flying Machine! Premium includes over 17,000 Crowns, the Season 2 Chest, and a Legendary Recruitment that includes increased odds for Legendary Councilors!



Children’s Day 5/1-5/5
This week is our Children's Day Event!

Children’s Day is a holiday celebrated in many countries. Although the date of observance varies by country, each celebration focuses on honoring children. Japan and South Korea celebrate Children’s Day on May 5. In Japan, koinobori are carp-shaped windsocks traditionally flown when celebrating the holiday. A full set of koinobori includes a carp for each member of the family: the largest black carp representing the father, the next largest red or pink carp representing the mother, and smaller carp of varying colors representing the children. In South Korea, many families will make an extra effort to do something special with their children on Children’s Day. Popular examples include taking children to amusement parks, zoos, museums, and other similar venues to enjoy children-oriented entertainment.

Enjoy these discounts for a limited time!

25% off the following building upgrades:
• Road
• Airstrip
• Tower
• Drone Command

33% off the following troop upgrades:
• Tactical Helicopter

33% off the following General upgrades:
• Sun Tzu

33% off the following War Tactic upgrades:
• Assault Rally


King Tut’s Tomb 5/2-5/9
Leveling Up Museum Artifacts costs 20% less Blueprints and 20% less resources for a limited time!


World War Chest 5/1-6/1
Celebrate DomiNations' 8th Anniversary by going to War! For the entire month of May, all Conqueror's Chest rewards have been significantly boosted, offering the chance to receive 3 Superior Recruitment! Check out all the rewards temporarily available in the Conqueror’s Chest:

Conqueror's Chest (Fight two battles in a winning War to earn)
• Superior Recruitment
• Nighthawk
• Vickers Virginia
• F-15 STOL
• Crowns, Speed Ups and other valuable Troop Tactics!

Legendary Step-Ups and Sales


Hello May 5/1-5/3
Say hello to May and the upcoming ‘Tomorrow’s Promise’ Season with a quick set of Crowns, Char 2C Tank, and a Marine Bazooka Troop Tactic!

Fighter Artifact Chest Step-Up 5/1-5/5
A Step-Up sale that features the Fighter Artifact Chest giving you multiple chances at various Legendary Artifacts including the Antikythera Mechanism, The Red Baron’s Engine, Da Vinci’s Flying Machine, and more!

Li Vessel Guaranteed Step-Up 5/1-5/8
A Step-Up sale that features the Li Vessel Chest! Complete all steps to get a guaranteed Li Vessel Legendary Artifact.

Mars Rover Legendary Chest Step-Up 5/5-5/8
A Step-Up sale with multiple chances at the Sojourner Mars Rover Legendary Artifact through the Mars Rover Legendary Chest!

Treasure Passes


This week’s Treasure Passes include the SCUD Pass that gives you the SCUD Missile Encampment Building, MBT Mk2, and Ball Tank Troop Tactics. You’ll then get daily drops of MBT Mk2 and Ball Tanks!

The Premium Councilor Pass gets you daily Premium Recruitments to fill out your Councilor Chambers and round out that collection!

Additional Treasure Passes Include:

  • Museum Pass
    • Daily supply of Museum Blueprints
  • Museum Supply Pass
    • Daily drops of Museum Supplies
  • War Pass
    • Immediately gives Nighthawk Troop Tactic, and then a daily supply of Armored Car Mk3 and a Coalition.
  • Tank Pass
    • Immediately gives the Heavy Tank Mk6 and then daily Heavy Tank related Troop Tactics.


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
What were some of your favorite adjustments in New Horizons? Which ones are you sad to see go and would perhaps like to see return? Feel free to let us know in the replies!
My impressions. My feedback. New strategies.
- Positive point for the reduction of QV and increase in battle time, but I'm happy to be back to normal.
- Change in HT stats did not animate, either for attack or defense.
- Bonuses for generals were felt very little, the next changes may be less timid.
- Changes to the assault vehicle were good, but the lack of bonuses for this unit in the museum and advice does not make it attractive, as well as the absence of the Area Effect.
- The gains in Protection and Demolition war tactics were interesting. In the case of Demolition, it has become usual in some cases.
- About all the "defensive bonuses" I confess that little was noticed.
- The Impi Army was the most fun to use. It was a bold change to benefit 3 stats.
- As for the "Additional bonuses" they were all very welcome, but I didn't like the "replacement" of the war hall artifacts event being replaced by the "50% more war artifacts" event. I really hope that soon we can have a new event with 100% war artifacts with higher chances of lines with 6%.
- About simultaneous events I found it interesting, but I miss the group awards on the Leaderboard. I have also noticed that, on average, pass values are still high, especially in the face of some global economies. And even in these high value passes, the rewards are not always attractive, especially when you put chests or council packs with ridiculous chances of getting the best prize. You place exorbitant prices on items that resemble lotteries where in some cases the possibility of getting the best prize is 1 in 1740. This is absolutely horrible, inappropriate, delusional and cruel. No one opens a chest hoping to get something that isn't the best option. my suggestion is to put sticky items, not lucky items.

Dhruv patel

Approved user
Aug 27, 2017
for the rewards for the weeks long season... double them. you used to offer over 30 legendary tokens to top dog and that kept you going now and for a month of fighting and defending its not worth it.
also if you are temoving the group leaderboard then make the rewards at the end worth it cause 1 NTG,token or council recruit bonus. at least with the group we could get decent rewards.

also the 21 contributions daily to parliament is welcome and i want that to be permanent. also the 1/2 off alliance speedups is worthless in the grand scheme of things and it would be better if the speedups were more so more time slashed over 30min.

for the castle make their damage have that insane spawn radius buff too. 20 range tower and up its damage like the tower as well.

and the heavy infantry damage is nice but i was hoping for... a bit more like the impi with their stats boosted but maybe halved.

well thats my take on it.
Last edited:

Dhruv patel

Approved user
Aug 27, 2017
My impressions. My feedback. New strategies.
- Positive point for the reduction of QV and increase in battle time, but I'm happy to be back to normal.
- Change in HT stats did not animate, either for attack or defense.
- Bonuses for generals were felt very little, the next changes may be less timid.
- Changes to the assault vehicle were good, but the lack of bonuses for this unit in the museum and advice does not make it attractive, as well as the absence of the Area Effect.
- The gains in Protection and Demolition war tactics were interesting. In the case of Demolition, it has become usual in some cases.
- About all the "defensive bonuses" I confess that little was noticed.
- The Impi Army was the most fun to use. It was a bold change to benefit 3 stats.
- As for the "Additional bonuses" they were all very welcome, but I didn't like the "replacement" of the war hall artifacts event being replaced by the "50% more war artifacts" event. I really hope that soon we can have a new event with 100% war artifacts with higher chances of lines with 6%.
- About simultaneous events I found it interesting, but I miss the group awards on the Leaderboard. I have also noticed that, on average, pass values are still high, especially in the face of some global economies. And even in these high value passes, the rewards are not always attractive, especially when you put chests or council packs with ridiculous chances of getting the best prize. You place exorbitant prices on items that resemble lotteries where in some cases the possibility of getting the best prize is 1 in 1740. This is absolutely horrible, inappropriate, delusional and cruel. No one opens a chest hoping to get something that isn't the best option. my suggestion is to put sticky items, not lucky items.
i agree with how absurd the sales and odds are for these chests.

i have a theory that there are so many chests and troop tactics and sales they clog up the game and cause bugs to arise😀.

perhaps they should cleanup the "unwanted" chests, troop tactics and simplify sales to 50-100$ for legendary artifact over tiered sales of chests and sfter spending thousands you get it for free.


New member
Jul 14, 2022
Personally I hated the reduction in qv time, as did my entire team. Actually caused a lot of people to stop playing the game as frequently or all together until it was ended. I was hesitant to spend anymore money on some of the season sales thinking it may continue. If it comes back, I will stop playing, really took the fun out of it.

I did like the impi enhancement. That was fun especially for a troop tactic that is underutilized and typically pretty weak. Good thinking on that one!


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2019
I hate you remove reduction on quick victory. That was the best change you ever made it.
It was giving more fun in wars, attackers need to think how to attack and real attackers like it a lot. Defendrs also like it, but now game will be again boring with perfect scores every match.

Big T

Approved user
Sep 18, 2015
i agree with how absurd the sales and odds are for these chests.

i have a theory that there are so many chests and troop tactics and sales they clog up the game and cause bugs to arise😀.

perhaps they should cleanup the "unwanted" chests, troop tactics and simplify sales to 50-100$ for legendary artifact over tiered sales of chests and sfter spending thousands you get it for free.
I agree they should just sell the legendaries outright! Either sell coins then exchange for coins or straight up sell for cash. This system isn’t working.


New member
Jan 29, 2023
The world war artifact creation museum event has been around for a long time. The museum event above has happened 3 times, what a ridiculous thing. Why is it taking so long to arrive?

Dhruv patel

Approved user
Aug 27, 2017
I agree they should just sell the legendaries outright! Either sell coins then exchange for coins or straight up sell for cash. This system isn’t working.
i also think they should get rid of the treasure dock. just confine the sales to the sales window, marco polo, VIP. and the event passes.

i also think they must get rid of donated world war troop tactics cause one high level troop tactic can make the worst base (there are lots of them in wars) into alcatraz cause of it. get rid of them and make people actually think defence through.


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
Top 100 reward?
As we covered in our 11.8 update notes here, there will no longer be Top 100 rewards or leaderboards for Episode Events. You will still have the leaderboard in the Season Pass, and the Triumph Leaderboards both individual and Alliance.
Apr 10, 2023
the loot fragments bonus isn't working, and foot troops seem less effective, I imagine there's a few things not working.


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
the loot fragments bonus isn't working, and foot troops seem less effective, I imagine there's a few things not working.
You should notice the preview of the new season is officially in-game today and you can purchase the Premium Season Pass prior to the beginning of the Season. Tomorrow's Promise will begin 5/7 11am EST and the bonuses will take effect then.


Feb 28, 2023
As we covered in our 11.8 update notes here, there will no longer be Top 100 rewards or leaderboards for Episode Events. You will still have the leaderboard in the Season Pass, and the Triumph Leaderboards both individual and Alliance.
Will it always be like this? No more 5 day events?