Translation errors (German translation)


Approved user
Aug 31, 2015
Translation errors I found in the German translation so far (will be updated when I find more):

1. Library
Translated as "Bücherei". This is not correct. A "Bücherei" in German is a book-seller, not a library to study books at.
Correct German translation for a place where wise people study is "Bibliothek".

2. Library research level 6, Savings (Ersparnisse):
"Die Schatzkammer ruft 5 % Interesse nach 24 Stunden hervor".
"Interesse" --> wrongly translated from the English word "interest" which means your money generates money.
A very poor translation that never should happen when you're a translator. It is a beginner's error.
You learn those "false friends" words at lowest level already in any English course.
"Interesse" in German means having interest in something, not connected to money.
Correct German translation for "interest" as for bank affairs is "Zinsen".

3. "Mauersappeurveteran" (soldier that break walls) - Hyphenation error
Hyphenation shows up as:

Instead it should be:
(with capitalized V for better readability and as it is allowed to capitalize the second nound of compound words)

4. Battle tactics research (level 3, chapter 3) in the library:
"Kapitel 3: Erhöht die Kapazität für Kriegstaktiken um 1 %".
Delete the percentage. It increases the number of available battle tactics, not the percentage.
Better use a plus: "Kapitel 3: Erhöht die Kapazität für Kriegstaktiken um +1".

Perhaps same error goes for "Stehendes Heer", but I have not come to research this yet.