Travel Diary (or Notes from a Disciple of the Monkey God)

Brand Marrow

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
So, I've been lurching around visiting a few great alliances this past couple of weeks and thought I'd share my experiences on forum...

As a zombie sell-sword, I am very easy to host, just provide me with a place to sleep (probably best if its far from wherever you congregate) and feed me with the offal from the kitchens and maybe a few fresh carcasses from the infirmary :)

Since I have pretty much maxed out my offense, I am good to put up against any WW opponent base, just point me in the right direction and sit back to watch the bloodbath ;)

I do require large amounts of swill, grog or other cheap fermented make sure you are well supplied, you really don't want an angry, sober zombie rampaging around your alliance...

So, for today's installment I'll tell you a bit about my recent visit to my home alliance - DomiNations U

Before I became a zombie, I was contentedly residing at the University of Destruction known as Dominations U. This is flat out an incredibly good alliance to be in...and I was super happy to find that the same great group of players had stayed together and kept the alliance thriving. The leader is fantastic, supports everyone, making sure they are having fun and taking an active role in chat and wars. There is a core group of 25 or 30 long time players many of whom are co-leaders or councilors, so leadership is spread out nicely, everyone trusts and respects each other and there is a great, active, supportive and funny chat running 24/7. No one cares about medals or one-upmanship, just want to have fun and win wars together....Since there are so many dedicated players, they are able to run and win large wars, generally with 35 allies, and its a blast to war with them. Leadership is very casual, players know to go for bases close to their level and shoot for max stars. Lots of cheering, shared advice, and support as players take their attacks. Not surprisingly, they have a terrific war record and start up new wars constantly.

Got in on a nice WW victory with my old friends but then it was time to move on and join up with my frenemies at the UK Super Greens.....


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
Is this going to be a regular installment-based thread - like your recent Saber-whoknows-fantasy epic??! If so, we're gonna need popcorn ..... and beer!


Approved user
May 11, 2015
I don't mind visiting other alliances to make friends if they don't mind putting up with my smell. But honestly.... I'm too lazy to move around lol


Approved user
Oct 25, 2015
BV123 ur more than welcome to come visit the green green grassland at the super greens.
Please let us restock our moonshine supply as Brand Marrow was showering himself in it! You walking dead can sure drink alot ;)
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Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
Good luck trying to attract him. Old Farmer Bob's pasture full of cows have been keeping him very busy ;)

Brand Marrow

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
It was with some trepidation that I began my visit to the UK Super Greens. After taunting their leader Carly (aka: Fussy but also referred to as Barbie within the alliance) for a week regarding how I would level her base during our planned H2H match-up... I wasn't sure what kind of reception I would get....

So, I was very happy to be welcomed by their co-leaders Kelvin, Sir Loin and Steve and even more grateful when Carly let me war with them. Super Greens is an all out WAR alliance! They love to destroy their enemies and have a strong, hard-core set of 5-star war veterans. It was a total blast to fight with them, allies are given complete freedom to choose their targets, just asked to hit near your level, announce on Chat and go for the stars. So its a great alliance for independent players. They also really know how to live it up, chat is super fun, with a lot of clever teasing and banter, and they have splendid cheers for war wins and great support and respect no matter how players perform. Also no focus on medals or donation ratios, just expect players to be active in war and chat and help keep the 24 hour party going strong.

They use LINE to communicate and I didnt end up getting into their LINE chat as I was only there for one war, but got the sense that there was even more banter to be had for long-term allies.

As far as facilities for visiting zombies.... Super Greens was also top notch! They dug me a nice comfy hole to rest my tired bones in and provided me with a constant supply of high quality swill, roasted pork and they even had nice showers! Kinda problematic for zombies to shower though, nearly drowned in there, and the water was HOT but felt fantastic afterward, almost like being alive again! Although I was somewhat concerned that the years of accumulated dirt, along with plenty of encrusted enemy blood and gore, was all that was holding me together, I am happy to report that none of my parts fell off......I just had to walk with a cane for a bit until I packed some mud into my knee joint....

So thoroughly enjoyed my visit with the UK Super Greens (A+ ;) ) and would have stayed for longer had I not made a reservation to move on for the next leg of my journey, visiting Flash and Empire in Dominion Stars...


Approved user
Oct 25, 2015
LOL Brand Marrow great post. My worker's are all busy so ur corpse hole will remain if ever u fancy joining the land of the living for a fly by visit again :) p.s bring your own booze next time


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
There should be a ''Big Brother'' house featuring zombies. Each week we get to vote a piece of them off the show .....


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
It's hard to stop Zombies from wandering off ... Yellowmar the monkey god inspires wanderlust in his disciples


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
You better not be installing cameras in our little hobbit hole Sir Ravenlord!


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
Never - but for the record I've always liked my shoes really polished, with a nice mirror finish!!

Brand Marrow

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
BV, b careful, if you'd check some posts way back you'll discovery that Rlord has a strong affinity for barnyard animals....